Ep 03. How to use Intuition in your Business
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Your intuition is your secret weapon in business! By tuning into your inner voice, you can allow your creativity to flow, magnetise soul mate clients, and grow your business in a way that works for you and your family.
In this episode I share:
What is intuition and how to hear your intuitive voice loud and clear
The difference between the voice of your head and your heart
How to tell if you’re being guided by intuition or fear
Practical intuitive techniques you can use to receive guidance right now
How I use my intuition in my business
How to use intuition in your business to attract clients, increase revenue and work in a way that feels great to you
To kick start your intuitive business journey, download my Ideal Client Connection Meditation here.
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I’d love to continue this conversation on Instagram - you’ll find me at @amelia.anderson.coach, if you come and follow jump into my DMs to say hi!
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Episode Transcript
Hello beautiful Welcome back to abundant mamas, I'm so thrilled to have you here. I’m so looking forward to sharing a bit about how you can use intuition in your business. I think this is one of the most important things that we can use in business, especially when we're creating these soul lead businesses, we need our intuition at the table, we need that guiding our business. So intuition is this key part in creating alignment in our business. It is what kind of translates that inner knowing that voice from our heart from our soul that knows what you're going to feel in alignment that knows what we're here to do, that knows what's going to feel right to us. It translates that into something that we can understand so we can create that reality.We need to know how to listen to our intuition so that we can create alignment in our business and from there, create ease and flow and abundance in our business. I'm going to talk through your intuition and how to tell the difference between your mind and mental chatter and fear and your intuitive voice. I'm also going to talk you through a couple of little tricks that you can use. If you're grappling with something right now, like, is this intuition? Or are these fear tricks to kind of cut through that so that you can tell? Okay, this is what my intuition is saying. And this is what fear is saying.
Then I'm going to talk you through how you can use intuition in your business and what that looks like in my business, and how you can start to create more more intuitive connections in your life so that you can hear your intuition and use that to guide you in business.
So for me, intuition, I think of as almost being like the driving force behind my business, it is so important as to creating this aligned business. It's the whole reason I started my business in the first place. I'd finished up my honors degree in psychology. This was about eight years ago, when I first started my business. And I was sort of weighing up, like, what are my options now? I looked into continuing studies in Psych, doing my master's, and I sat the entrance exam for medicine, that was one option I was looking at. And coaching just kept coming back up. And I felt really drawn to that. I was reading blogs, I was following lots of coaches on social media. And I was really intrigued and really drawn to that. Even though on paper, the other two made more logical sense in terms of the logic that society tells us is right. But you know, it makes sense. I go, I could go and do my Masters to become a clinical psychologist, yep, that's a good job. Or I could go and do medicine and become a doctor. And that's a good job as well, or I could be coached. And I don't really know what that looks like. But I feel really drawn to that.
It's often how intuition works that it's not the most rational option. Sometimes it is. And it's not like intuition would never lead you towards becoming a doctor or a clinical psychologist, for some people, those are the things that are going to feel most right to them. For me, I just felt really drawn to coaching. And I don't really know why. And I don't really know what that career is going to look like. As much as I could imagine what a career as in the other two options would look like. But I trusted that and I just went, I'm just gonna get my coaching qualification. And I'm going to start a blog and start putting it out there and see if anybody wants to work with me. And that's really how my business started to grow. Because I let my intuition lead me there.
Something that to be aware of is that our intuition often leads us to these bigger things in life, like our you know, I just had to travel to this place, or I really wanted to study this, or I really felt drawn to live in this place. And we've got our intuition that can lead us to these bigger things. So it might lead you towards even where you're at in your life. Now you might go. Yeah, I came, I got to this point, because I knew that it felt good. But then what can happen is that our intuition, we sort of shut it off, and we go into our mental brain and we start going well, how does it have to look? And how can I make it happen? And what are the logical steps to get there, instead of continuing to flow without intuition? So for example, this might mean like, Oh, I'd love to do coaching. And so I'm going to start a coaching business. And then you start it, you follow that intuitive nudge, but then instead of continuing to follow your intuition, you then start going, Okay, now I have to learn how to run a business, how is that person doing it, I better do that I better, I better, you know, go through all the steps, I have to tick all these boxes. And we've stopped listening to our intuition. And we've started listening to our mind.
Then you might start wondering, like, I know that this is the right thing that I'm doing. And this could even be you like, I know that I'm doing the right work. I know that this is what I should be doing in my life, but it just doesn't feel good at the moment. And that's because you've listened to your intuition on that larger scale, but you haven't listened to your intuition regularly and you haven't continued to tune into your intuition to tell you like we'll do it this way or mentor with this person or create this type of thing. But instead you've gone up into your head and you’re going, Okay I have to follow the steps now and get to where I'm going. But suddenly, this doesn't feel good anymore. So, a really good way to tell if your intuition is guiding you is if things are feeling good. If it feels like the right thing, then it's probably because your intuition has guided you there.
Of course, sometimes we are guided towards challenges as well.And that is part of following our intuition. But they're never challenges that feel horrible. They're challenges that are sort of like, okay, I can see this happening, I'm going to figure this out, and you'll be able to look back on it and go, This feels like something that had to happen. And now I can see all of the growth that came through that. But it's knowing that, you know, it feels like I'm in the right place. That's how you know that your intuition has guided you there. If you're sort of going, I just feel stuck, I feel stagnant, I don't feel like myself, I feel like I'm having to try too hard. I feel like this is hard work, and it’s probably your mind that has gotten you to that place.
If you're wanting to tell the difference between your intuition and fear, a really good way to do that is to check how you're feeling in your body, when you start to feel some kind of guidance come through whether it's mental chatter or intuition. When it's intuitive, your body will feel very present, you will feel calm, it will feel expansive, is so gentle, our intuition, it feels more like a want or like a desire or just being inexplicably drawn to something then even like a conscious thought. So it's like, oh, I just don't really feel like doing that today. Or I really would love to learn how to do this. I can't really explain it. And that's often the part that can tell us Oh, this is our intuition now, because it's like, I don't really know why. But I feel like this. That's your intuition, you probably won't know why your intuition knows why your intuition knows the kind of bigger picture that you're working for at the moment. But you might not be able to consciously see that with your mind yet. So it's knowing that okay, when I can't explain something, but I'm drawn to it, that's my intuition. And that's worth following.
On the other side of things. Fear feels very contracted, it feels tense in your body, it'll feel like that grip of anxiety that you get, or that I get, sometimes you might not get that I know I get that sometimes. It feels like a lot of chatter, it feels like future tripping. If I do this, then this and this. And it feels even like going back into the past. Because I've done this in the past, I can't do this. There's a lot of chatter around it. And I think this is why we are also good at listening to our minds over our intuition, because the mind is like there with a megaphone screaming in your ear, telling us over and over again in a million different ways, what we should be doing, keeping us stuck in this kind of fear, or in this old patterns that aren't going to create the reality that we want to create.
Whereas our intuition is this very subtle, gentle voice. That's like, you know, it's not, it's almost, it's not even whispering in our ear, it's like a hand on our shoulder that's just going just like this way, you know, come this way, try this. And that's why it's a skill that we need to hone because otherwise, we just end up hearing our mind all the time. And we don't get those beautiful, intuitive nudges. And we don't feel connected to our intuition, because our mind is like screaming in our ear.
With practice, you become more in tune with like, ah, there's the knowledge, I feel that and more in tune with this is just fear, I can let this go, I don't need to spiral this, I don't need to entertain it, I can come back to my intuition and come back to what I know is real. When you're in that fear state, you'll notice that you're probably feeling tense through your shoulders, through your face, you might feel tense around your eyes, teeth, jaw, mouth, or feel quite tense. That energy if you can connect with that is like up swirling around your head and your shoulders. It feels busy and it feels quite intense. And it doesn't mean you're in a totally frantic stressed out state. Even when you're sort of relaxed, you'll notice I'm actually not really in my body right now. Like I'm up in my head, my energy is more up than is down in my kind of belly in my lower body. I don't I'm not connected to the earth. I'm not connected to my body right now. I'm all up in my head.
You’ll hear your intuition when you're in that beautiful state in your body where it's like I'm feeling calm, and that's sometimes why we get these hits of inspiration, which is actually our intuition. Like when you're in the shower, for example, or in a yoga class or in a meditation of course, because you've gotten yourself into that relaxed state, you're in your body. You're not spiraling with your mind so much that you can't hear intuition, you've sort of quiet and that comes into a space where it's like, Oh, I love that idea. You know, those shower ideas that you get like, Yes, that's what I'm gonna do, I often get it when I'm breastfeeding, that's when my intuition comes through often about my business, especially with my second baby Teddy, which I find really interesting that he's almost like a little portal in some way for me learning about the things that I can share with the world because I'll be sitting there breastfeeding him. And I try to be really present when I'm doing that, because a lot of the day is just busy, you know, juggling baby and toddler. So I'm sitting there, and I'm taking some deep breaths, and I'm allowing myself to be present, and then boom, in drops like this, here's the solution to the problem, the entire idea for my Abundance Embodied programme came through while I was breastfeeding him.
I was sitting on the end of our bed, it was the middle of night, and I was breastfeeding him and like, it was just like, boom, it came into my mind. That program is going to re launch in April. And I'll tell you more about it. But that was really mind blowing. And I had to like quickly, like scribble down like, this is what it has to look like.
When we create that calm and that space, and that quietness, in our mind, our intuition is able to come through really strongly. So you can probably think of now okay, yeah, that this feels like a time when my intuition guided me this is when it didn't, and a good example, because often when we get that fear of like, oh, no, it's something bad gonna happen. We go, Is this my intuition telling me like, don't do that, because something really bad's gonna happen. I don't know if you get this. But for me, like, every time Trav leaves the house with the two kids, my fear voice immediately comes in and goes, What if they all die while they’re out, which is, you know, a really fun, intrusive thought to be having. And I'm sure I'm not alone in having thoughts like that about my kids, and my husband!
But I know, that's fear, like, I know that there's no truth and I can feel clearly that it doesn't feel like intuition, it feels like fear, it feels like something that you're just throwing out there to like, tense me up to distract me to spiral off into, like this negative low energy. And now I'm just like, you know, what, that's just part of when they leave the house so I have that thought I don’t take it or do anything with it, just acknowledge it and then I get on with my work, or I get on with whatever I'm doing while they’re out.
I know it's not my intuition telling me, because my intuition would never even say something like that. Our intuition is so gentle, it often won't speak to us loudly. And it definitely won't speak to us loudly in a big story, it might have a few words for us. But it doesn't go down that spiral of like, oh, this and this, and this, and all these bad things are gonna happen. So to tell the difference between that like, grip of fear, and intuition is just to go, this isn't my intuition, this is just my mind.
My mind doesn't know truth with a capital T, my mind is just sort of trying to keep me a bit small, a bit stuck a bit, well in my comfort zone, and I can let go of that and come back into my body and know that when I come into my body, I'll be able to get my intuition’s point of view on this. So if I can, you know, let go of that tension, take a few deep breaths, shake it out, have a shower, whatever you can do at that moment. Okay, my inner knowing is telling me everything is fine. And I don't need to worry.
It's really beautiful to be able to come back to that and so that we don't get lost in these worries, or these anxieties. As I know, in my own life, they've become a lot more prevalent since I had kids because you suddenly feel so you know, you're so responsible for someone else's life and so important in their life that I have so many more worries than I used to. But it's nice to be able to come back to my intuition when I see those spiraling off and go; That's that's just a worry. That's just mental chatter. That's just fear, I can come back to my intuition.
An interesting story that a friend of mine told me a while ago, which I think is a really good example of intuition, is that she loves her job. She gets so excited to go to work every day. And one day she woke up and she just didn't really want to go, she couldn't explain it. She was like, I'm not sick. I slept fine. Everything's okay. But I just really don't want to go to work today. And, of course, she went well. I have to go to work like that, you know, that's what I have to do. And so she hopped in a car, drove down the road, and then another car hit her at the intersection at the end of her road. It wasn't a bad accident, everyone was fine. But when that happened, she went, Oh, this is why I didn't want to go to work. And that's such a good example of how your intuition will speak to you. So it's not really screaming in your ear, don't do it. Don't go to work. Don't get in the car, something bad's gonna happen. It's really like, I just don't feel like doing that.
That's why it is such a beautiful tool that helps us honor our bodies as well, because it's that voice that translates like, I'm just feeling a bit tired . I need to recheck my boundaries. I need to go no actually, I really just don't feel like doing that today. And that's enough for me not to do it.
A good way to tell if you're being guided by your intuition, or if you're being guided by fear is if you want to do something, firstly, the word want or feel should tell you like, I want to do this, or I feel like doing this, those are two really good indicators that this is your intuition talking.
So you want to do something, you feel like doing something, but you're trying to talk yourself out of it. So your mind is going, it's got all these reasons why you shouldn't do it. On the other side of that, if you're trying to talk yourself into something, it feels like it should. And that little ‘should’ word should also tell you immediately, this is probably my mind trying to say that this is something I should do rather than my intuition.
When you're trying to talk yourself into something, it's because your intuition said no. So, for example, say you were going to a yoga retreat, and you really felt like you wanted to go to this, but you know, you started talking yourself out of it going, Oh, it's too expensive. What if I don't like it? What if I don't connect with anyone there? What if I'm not good enough at yoga? What if everyone laughs at my Daggy activewear whatever your excuses are coming up with your mind, what's happened is you've been drawn to what your intuition is saying, this is a great thing for you to do. And then your mind is coming in and talking you out of it. So now you can see quite clearly, here's what intuition says, Here's what mine says. And then it's still up to you which one you listen to.
But for me, then when I can see that clearly and go, this is intuition, this is mine, I'll choose intuition, because I know how well that serves me. I know that that helps me to be who I meant to be. And I know that that helps me walk the path and is meant to walk. And I know that there is always goodness there. Another thing to know about intuition is that it often doesn't tell us all of the steps, while our mind likes to be able to plan things and goes, well, if I go to the yoga treat, then this will happen. And this will happen. And I can see 10 steps ahead that this is what it's going to look like our intuition is like, Oh, I don't really know why. But I feel like doing this. And it doesn't give us the next clue until we've listened to the first thing that it's asked us to do. So we listen to that first nudge. And then the next thing we have, you know, you're on that yoga retreat, and you feel like oh, I really want to go and talk up, talk to the yoga teacher at the end of this class. And your mind is like no, don't don't hassle her, like, Don't be weird, whatever, but you just feel really drawn to, and then you go and talk to her. And then you have a great conversation. That is just what you needed to hear. And it's like, you couldn't have mapped that out.
From there, the next thing happens, our intuition is like, I'm giving you one clue. And you’ve got to show me that you trust me, you’ve got to follow it. And when you're there, the next thing will happen. And if you can, trust me, it'll all be really magic. But I'm not going to give you every single step of the way. So sometimes when it's like I can't see past this step, then that can be a good sign that it's your intuition as well. So on the other other end of that, like going to a yoga retreat might not be the thing that you're actually drawn to. So you sort of like I don't actually feel like going to this, but I feel like I should because I told my friend, I'd go with them. Or I really need to reset my life. So I have to do that by going to yoga trade, or whatever it is, you start talking yourself into it even though that initial intuitive nudge is like I don't really want to do this. And that is totally okay, as well.
It's being able to listen to that and go, alright, if I'm telling myself I should do something, it's probably because my intuition doesn't want to do it. If I'm telling myself, I shouldn't do something, that it's going to be too hard or that it's not gonna work for me, I need to start asking myself, How can I make this work? Because I can see that my intuition is actually the thing that said yes to this. And now it's up to me to bring my mind to the party, not in the sense of talking myself out of it. But how can I make this work? Okay, that does seem expensive. Maybe I can reach out and ask them for an extended payment plan for my spot at the yoga retreat. Maybe I can see if I can invite a friend and then it becomes a bit cheaper because we're sharing a room, whatever it is, but it's allowed, you're allowing yourself to see, okay, here's intuition. This is what intuition is saying. And here's what the mind is saying. And in some situations, it will be hard for you to tell and in some it will be easy for you to tell. But trust that if you want to do something, if you feel like you want to do something, that's your intuition. If it doesn't feel right, if you don't want to go if you're doing something because you think you should. It's your mind telling you that you should do it and it's actually your intuition saying no, that's not for you.
See if you can play with that. And you might even have decisions at the moment that you're making in your life or in your business that you could start to tune into like, oh, okay, I'm really shooting all over myself in this situation. It's because my intuition is telling me just No. And now I need to bring my mind to the party and figure out well, how can I make that not a reality? Or how can I make that intuitive? Yes, a reality. That's where our mind and intuition can work together so beautifully. It's not like, we only want to listen to intuition and never to our mind, but it's enabling our intuition to kind of be in the driver's seat, and then our mind needs to hop on board and go, Okay, I'm with you. I'm going to make this happen. As opposed to, I'm going to try and talk you out of every single decision, every single term, I'm going to say, no, no, don't do that you should go that way. I'm going to go okay, that way looks tricky. But, you know, I know that we can work out how to do it together. So they can work together so beautifully. First, we need that ability to hear that intuition.. First, so that we can go, this is what we need to create here. And this is how we can bring the mind in. So when I think of my business, I really do think intuition is this driving force, it's like the soul of my business.
You can use it for guiding literally any aspect of your business, when or in your life. So whether you're just feeling stuck in your business, and you're kind of going, I don't know, what I need to do next things aren't working, I don't know how to fix them, or you're sort of going things are going great. And I want to grow. But I don't really know how to do that, or what that looks like. These are perfect places to bring in your intuition.
This could be around how you want to the type of offers that you want to share in your business, this could be around the way that you want to work, the work hours, the boundaries that you have, this could be around hiring your team could be around who you're having support you in different ways in your business or in different ways in your life, we've got to let our intuition be a big part of those decisions so that we can make sure they're in alignment.
I think it's especially important when we're creating the foundations of business, that we really are making our intuition a priority. Because if we let our intuition come in and help us design, this is my business model. These are what my offers are going to look like, this is how I'm going to work with my clients or these are, these are the products that I'm going to share or whatever those very, like, fundamental foundational decisions in your business. If we let our intuition come into those, then we know that they're going to be in alignment with us. And we know that we're going to be able to sell those things with ease. We know we're going to be able to create that work, create those programmes, we know we're going to be able to continue to work with our clients in that way, because it's coming from a place where our body and our intuition is like yes, I'm on board. This is in alignment. If we come at it from only our mind and go, Oh, I should, you know, this is what I see other coaches offering or this is what I see other naturopaths doing. So I have to do it like that.
Then immediately, we've come into a place where we're listening to outside instead of inside, and you're listening to the voice of like, this is what I should be doing. And then you start working in that way and go, Why do I feel so burnt out? Why am I not making money? Why does this feel like why am I kind of dragging my feet to go into something that I know that I love? It's because your intuition wasn't able to be part of that decision. So some really good ways to plug into your intuition I mentioned before, but having that quiet space. So having a meditation practice, I love to sit down and do a short meditation every time I work to help me get into that space so that I'm hearing my intuition more clearly as I go through my work tasks. I'm also really, the power of journaling is incredible for hearing your intuition. And you don't have to use journaling prompts or anything, you can literally just get out your journal and just write like, what are you feeling right now, I'm feeling really stuck with this, this thing isn't working, I'm feeling really unsure of what's next. Or I want to call it this type of support. But I don't want to know what that looks like. Just write, just write and write and write and write. And your intuition will be able to come through in your journal as you do that.
I do this all the time around my business. If anything's feeling tricky, or if I'm feeling a bit murky around any decision that I'm sitting down, I'm just writing it out. And after a few pages, the clarity starts to come through. And sometimes I don't have time because I'm chasing children around all day, so I don't have time to sit down with my journal. And so I just very intentionally put that question kind of, in my mind, out to the universe and therefore my intuition to answer when it's ready. Like, can you give me guidance on the next team member that I need to hire in my business? I really want to know what that is. But I'm not sure so can you help me with that? So it's asking is intuition to come in and support us by giving that guidance and often then it will pop through, you know, within the next few days.
Another great way to have your intuition come in and help you with all of those business decisions is to have some questions that will help you plug into your intuition, and what it feels like to be in alignment with what your intuition is telling you. So for example, the question that I always asked myself in business is, does this feel fun for me? Does this feel fun? Does this feel easy? Does it feel joyful? Does it feel expensive? Does it feel like me? Whatever question resonates with you, and yours might be completely different from mine. But if I can ask myself that question, and if any, the answer to any of that is no, then I know I need to tweak something and I need to go down into Okay, well, what about this doesn't feel right to me? What do you know, what about this? This team hire doesn't feel right to me? Or what about this offer? Or is this programme not right? What about this strategy isn't quite right, then I can sit with that and go, Okay, it's this part, it's, this part doesn't feel good to me. So I need to tweak that. And then you can come back and ask yourself again, does this feel fun? Does this feel like joyful ease for whatever your question is, and come back into it? Another really good way to ask yourself is, do I feel excited about this?
When you're coming from your mind, you'll often create something that starts to feel a bit heavy, it starts to feel a bit hard. So say you've created a coaching programme, for example. And you're offering this many one on one sessions, you're offering this type of support. In between sessions, you're offering some bonuses, whatever it is, but it just feels heavy. And it's sort of like, oh, gosh, like, okay, that feels like a lot of work. But like, I have to do it like that, because that's how it's done. And nobody's going to pay what I want to charge for it. Because unless I do it like this, so and it starts to feel really heavy, really draining really tiring, you're no longer excited about it. That's a good sign that we need to come back, we need to bring intuition to the table, we need to tweak it and go actually, I can offer something here that feels really good to me.
It's so important as well, for your sales, if you have an offer that there's even a little part of you that's like I don't really want to work with people in this way. Or, man, this is going to be really tiring when I have like a full client load with this offer. Or if I get, if I actually get as many people in this programme as I want, I don't think I'll be able to support them how I want to or whatever it is, then that becomes a huge block and actually calling those people into your business, a huge block into selling whatever it is that you're selling, because there's a part of you that doesn't really want to sell it, because you don't really want to carry it out. You don't really want to share it. So it's really important to allow our intuition to be part of that process. So we do feel really excited and go yes, this is 100% how I want to work, this is gonna work really well. For me, it's gonna work beautifully for my family, and I'm so excited about it, then, you know, like, yes, my intuition has done its job and guided me to where I needed to go with my business. So this is something I could obviously talk about for days and days on end. I think it's such a powerful tool.
I really hope today's episode has given you some tricks to start tuning into your intuition. A few other tools that you might like to use, our oracle cards are a really nice way to connect with your intuition. I like to pull one each morning with my toddler, he really enjoys it, then He usually goes through the whole pack and picks out all of them. And he likes looking at the pitches and things. But it's a really nice practice that you can do even when you are a busy mum with little kids running around to have a pack of oracle cards or goddess cards or tarot cards that you can use to get some guidance from your intuition. Sometimes it's like, you pull that card and you look at it and you go. I know like the other day I pulled the fill up your well card from one of my packs. And I was tired. And I was sort of, you know, gearing up to launch the podcast. And we're starting to feel a little bit wobbly around some of my boundaries when it comes to my business, which I'm usually very strong on like, I'm not going to work unless I am there and working. I'm not going to like to do a bit in the evening and that kind of thing. But my boundaries started to wobble a bit because I sort of had a lot to do pre launch. And I got this card and was like, of course this is because my mind is trying to tell me that I need to give some of my self care time some of my time to my business. But I don't actually need to look after myself first. If you like that's a whole nother episode of like how self care and business work together and how it being supported is so important when it comes to your business and I will talk about that
in another episode, but it's so interesting to see what comes through in the cards.
Something else you can do is a pendulum. If you've ever tried using it, you don't have to have a proper pendulum. The way I learned to read do readings with pendulums is like a paperclip on a piece of string. So you don't need anything fancy. You don't need crystals. You don't need any of that. And you hold it above your palm, you hold the string with one hand and then with the other hand you hold just under the pendulum. And you ask it show me Yes, show me No. And it can programme into this is what yes looks like this is what no looks like. And you can ask some questions and see what comes through. And with any of these intuitive tools, it's not like, oh, well, if the pendulum said this, we must live and die by it. But you might pull a card, and then you might ask the questions and the pendulum, and you'll go, Okay, this is all starting to line up with what I actually know is true anyway, which is, I need to take care of myself better. Or I need to say no to this, so I can have an early night or whatever it is coming through for you. So it's really interesting to use these other tools.
Another thing that you can do is body testing, which I'm going to make a reel on Instagram so that you can see what this looks like as well make sure that you come and follow me at @amelia.anderson.coach if you're not already. But basically, body testing is when you're standing up, you've got feet firmly planted on the ground spaced evenly, like hip width apart. You take a few breaths to send to yourself and then just like you programmed a pendulum, you programme your body show me Yes, show me No. And so yes, might mean tilt forward, no might mean tilt back, yes, might be tilt back, no might mean stay still. It'll be different for everybody. And it might be different for you each time. So it's worth that programming each time, then you're very grounded. And you can start asking the questions that you want answers to again, should I do this? Should I follow this nudge? Does this feel right? Is this going to happen in the next six months, whatever the questions are, and just see what comes through as you're doing that body testing as well. So using your body to communicate that intuitive information, because that's where it lives in our body.
I really hope that some of these tools that can be helpful and help you to create more of an intuitive flow in your business and allow your intuition to be that big, beautiful driving force in your business like it is for me, because it just means that you get to do work that you really love, we means that it's much easier to stay away from burnout from feeling stressed from working hard. And it means that the business often grows beautifully and is abundant beautifully, and opportunities will come your way. Because you're in that beautiful flow. You're not sort of blocking things with little things like, oh, I don't really love what I'm offering or I don't really love the way I'm working or whatever, it's those little, those little blocks that can happen around our business. If we let our intuition be our guide, then we get rid of all of those blocks, and we create that beautiful flow.
I know I mentioned my programme Abundance Embodied earlier in the episode and I wanted to tell you a little bit more about it now. Because if you've enjoyed this episode, and if you're feeling that pull to get more in touch with your intuition and create more of that alignment, then you're going to really love this programme. It's all about the actual doing of mindset work, it's not any of the fluff, we don't do any theory, we're not using our mind, we actually go straight to the source straight to our intuition, straight to shifting our energy. So instead of learning how to be more abundant, you'll embody your most abundant self. Instead of like learning how to release limiting beliefs, you get to energetically clear them from your life, instead of taking personality tests or doing journaling and trying to unpack like, you know, where am I blocks, What's stopping me, where am I getting stuck, you're a you'll be able to connect with your intuition and with your spirit guides that will show you what's next for you and show you what your true path and your purpose looks like. If you've got money blocks that you're trying to work through, instead of kind of using our mind to figure out what they are and where they came from, we will energetically go to their source and release them on an energetic level. So it's incredibly powerful work.
This is the second round that I've run, I ran the first round in January. And the feedback was so incredible. People saying things like I had my most abundant month in business ever, or attracting different opportunities or just feeling more abundant in their life, able to feel like they were in that flow and able to spend money and receive money and all of that kind of thing. And in the programme. We're not just working on financial abundance, it's really around abundance in every area of your life. So creating an abundance of time of energy, of health, of vitality, of friendships, of connection of love in your life. So it's all of these different things. It's such a special programme. It's the one that I mentioned that came to me while I was feeding Teddy. And it's really going straight to the point and so each day you get a 15 to 20 minute long embodiment practice or meditation, that you that's literally all you have to do to get all the benefits of the programme is to sit down and press play on that and allow the guidance in that meditation to come through. So I'll guide you through the practice and you'll receive guidance from spirit guides from intuition and that type of thing. You'll also connect really deeply with the most abundant version of you and learn how you can sort of bridge the get from where you are now to that very abundant version of you. So it's really, really special.
This time, I'm also going to be including a workbook with integration exercises. So that will be like extra practice, you can do extra journaling, that you could do anything that is going to help you to integrate the stuff in the meditations. It's not essential, but it's an add on. And it's something that a lot of people said from the first round like, I would love a book to work alongside this with. So that's what I'm creating.
If you want to be part of the next round, it's going to be launched in April. So there is a waitlist. If you go to the show notes you'll find a link there where you can join the waitlist to be a part of embodied abundance. If you join the waitlist, you'll get access to a special price and some special bonuses as well. So it's definitely worth being there.
I would love you so much to join me if you have any questions jump into my Instagram, DMs. I really love chatting to you guys there and it's been so nice. Since launching the podcast to have so many of you come in, talk to me on Instagram and tell me what you've liked about the episodes and that kind of thing. So come and chat with me. I really love it. Thank you again for tuning in and listening and spending this time with me. I appreciate it so much. And I look forward to seeing you again next week!