Ep 02. 8 Actions to Take Now to Attract More Clients
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Would you love to have a steady flow of clients into your business but don’t know where to start? If you’re struggling to get clients, you’ll be armed with strategy and mindset upgrades to to change that asap!
In this episode I share:
How to market your business to attract your ideal client
How to fall in love with authentic sales
How to lovingly handle objections from potential clients
How to connect with your ideal client and become a magnet for them
Systems you need to attract more ideal clients
Letting go of self doubt and fears around selling
Download your FREE Ideal Client Connection Meditation HERE.
I’d love to continue this conversation on Instagram - you’ll find me at @amelia.anderson.coach, if you come and follow jump into my DMs to say hi!
Learn more about my Abundant Mamas Mastermind HERE!
Episode Transcript
Hi beautiful. Welcome back to abundant Mama's podcast. I am so thrilled to have you here and really looking forward to taking you through eight actions that you can take to get new clients in your business. We're going to be talking about some actions and strategy. We're also going to be talking about some mindset work that you can do to invite clients into your business magnetise the clients that you want magnetise the income that you want.
I know that getting clients can be a sticking point for a lot of business owners, often you'll have created these offerings, you're creating a beautiful website, you've got your social media happening, and then you put it out there. Okay, I'm ready to take clients and…crickets. And you're like, where's that beautiful flow of clients? Where are these people that I am so ready to support?!
I've seen this over and over and over again, in new business coaching clients when they come to me saying “I don't know why the clients aren't coming in the door!”. So I hope that today's episode will really help you find that in your business, bring in more clients and bring in more abundance into your business.
Action #1
This will seem so obvious, and this is why I'm starting with it. But it's just share your offering. So often, what happens is that because we're the creator of our business, because we're at the back end of our business, and we're seeing it all the time, we know exactly what we're offering. We know our programmes inside out. And we just assume that everybody else knows them as well, as we do all you know, I've mentioned them a few times on Instagram, so people know how they can work with me. Trust me, they don't! There is so much noise on social media, there is so much noise on the internet in general, people might have even skimmed over your sales pages, and just sort of forgotten where they saw those or who they were reading about.
Talk about your offering over and over again, like I'm talking at least three or four times a week on social media, regular emails, sharing on Instagram Stories, Instagram posts, making sure that it's out there. You can create a nurture sequence in your emails, that is going to tell people when they sign up for your freebie, hey, this is how you can work with me. And then reminding them regularly, this is how you can work with me. We've got to talk about our offering, we've got to talk about that amazing transformation that you can support your clients with. You want to tell them how they'll feel after working with you and share any testimonials you have from pro bono clients or previous clients.
You've got to talk about your offering! It seems so obvious, but it's so so important. And this is one of the things that I find when clients come to me is like the first thing I asked them, How often are you talking about your offering? And they're like, Oh, well, you know, I did a bit of a launch for it a couple of months ago, but I don't want to like bombard people. Don't worry about bombarding people, people are bombarded anyway, by so much information, that what you're doing is creating an opportunity for them to get support that they need. And if you're not telling them how you can support them, then they're not going to be able to receive the support that they need from you. So that's the first tip share your offering.
Action # 2
The second action that you can take to get new clients into your business is to fall in love with sales. Often when you're a real soul lead business owner, we can have so much mindset stuff around sales of like, oh, I don't want it to be sleazy. I don't want to be pushy, I don't ask people for money, I would do this for free anyway. And we create this roadblock around selling but what you're doing when you're selling is you're giving someone an opportunity to experience the transformation that you can offer them, which is such an incredible thing that you're doing.
It's not sleazy, you're not doing it purely because you want cash, you're doing it because you know that you've created a space where they can experience something incredible. And when you're offering them that it's also so important to be aware that if they were getting that for free, or if you were under charging for that, and when I say under charging, pricing just has to feel aligned to you. So if you're charging, like I'd love to charge X amount, but I'm going to charge less because you know, I don't want to scare people off with the price or maybe I should make it cheaper. Go with the pricing that feels really good for you!
I'm a big fan of introducing payment options like payment plans, so that people can have access to your programmes even if they don't have a big chunk of money to invest in at the beginning. But it is so important that you're charging what you feel is right. I feel like I've gone off on a tangent about pricing, even though I'm talking about sales, but I will talk about this for one more second. So I've experienced this before, where I've had a client who was charging $1,000 for their programme. And she was like, I just can't sell it, I don't know, it's not working, I'm not getting that flow.
And we did a lot of work around pricing, she's sort of went, maybe I should make it cheaper, I don't know. And we did that work around, tuning into what is actually the price point, it feels good. And what we came to was, the price point that I really love for this offering is actually $3.5k. And so we went alright, well, we have to do the pricing, it feels good, let's put that pricing on it. And two weeks later, she had sold out all the spots in that programme, because she felt aligned with the pricing (and because of many other actions that we taken!). But it came clear that that was the final block in actually selling her programme was because she felt like she was undercharging.
What happens when somebody pays you for your services is that you create an energy exchange. And if you're under charging, then you're going to not be able to deliver as much as you could, if you feel really aligned with that energy exchange, they can also only take as much value as they feel is they're able to take so if you're under charging, your client can feel okay, I'm getting like, I'm getting a real bargain here. So I can only take some of the value from this you feel energetically and subconsciously, I can only provide some of the value because I'm not actually being paid as much as I should be for this work. And so there's that lack of alignment there, and what we need to create in our pricing is complete alignment. So that you know I'm charging what feels really good, I'm going to be able to show up 100% at this price point. And I know that my ideal client is also going to be able to take 100% of the value, because they've invested that right amount of money and the energy exchange is right, it's not out of balance, the energy exchange is completely in balance. So that was my little tangent on pricing.
Coming back to falling in love with sales. It's so important that we enjoy this process. One of the things that really helps with falling in love with sales is creating that alignment in your offerings and loving the way that you're going to support your clients. Whether that's in a programme, whether it's one to one, whatever it is, you've got to feel ike, Yes, this is how I want to support them, this feels really good for me, I'm really confident of the value that they're going to be able to get, then it doesn't feel sleazy, it doesn't feel pushy.
Welcoming objections is one of the biggest parts of falling in love with sales. This is something that can make people feel really disheartened is all you know, I put something out there. And then I got this person saying, Oh, I'd love to do it, but I can't afford it. Or now's not the right time. All of these are common objections that we get when we're selling things. You'll get to know the common objections for your offers. The way that I like to look at an objection is somebody saying yes…but, for example Yes, but I need an extended payment plan to be able to afford this instead of just I can't afford it. Yes, I really want to do this. But I need some support with my mindset because I'm trying to talk myself out of now being the right time. And my mind is trying to tell me that there's a magical time in the future where it'll be a better time for me to do this than right now.
So when you think about objections as a yes, but then you realise that your role in those conversations is actually to support people to connect with their knowing that this is what they want to do, if that is what they want to do. I'm all about having those really empowered sales conversations. I'm empowering my potential clients to make a decision that is going to work really well for them. I'm not trying to force them to do anything, I can't force them to do anything anyway.
But falling in love with sales in terms of I get to share this amazing offering I've created, I get to have these beautiful conversations with people where I can support them to work through stuff that's getting in their way of getting the support that they really want. And then I get to help them say yes, if that's what they need to do. So, in my Abundant Mama's Mastermind, we do a whole module on sales and selling because it is so important in a soulful business in every single business. If you feel any stuff coming up around sales, grab your journal, write it down and get clear on where you get stuck when it comes to sales and how you can create a space where you really fall in love with selling in your business.
Action #3
Number three, be crystal clear on your ideal client and speak directly to them with everything that you create.
This is so important. And this is something that is often skipped over, I'll admit the fact that I skipped over this in my business very early on, and fell into that trap of thinking ‘I don't want to be too specific, because I don't want anyone to feel excluded’. I don't want anyone to be like, oh, you know, she's not talking to me. Niching down feels scary, because our mind tells us that we're limiting our options. But what we're actually doing when we get really clear and connected with our ideal client, is we’re speaking to someone who actually needs us, we're not speaking to everyone and being really wishy washy. It's like we're having a conversation with a friend. And you imagine if, like, if you sat down with someone he knew as your ideal client, what you would say to them, if you create that connection with them, it's going to be so much easier for you to create all of the content, all of the marketing material in your business..
You've probably done this before, where you've worked on figuring out who your ideal client is, and you've written down, you know, oh, she earns this much. This is her family situation, you know, she's reading these magazines, this is her social media preference, basically all of that demographic stuff, which often feels really clunky! It's really hard to sum up a person in their demographics. And, you know, if you think about how you would describe a friend, you would never describe them by like, Oh, this is the age bracket she's in, this is her income. This is the media that she consumes. No, you'd be say, Oh, she is really interested in this, she's like, so good at having deep conversations with me, she makes the best carrot cake, whatever.
So that's how we want to connect with our ideal client, because we want to be able to talk to them, like we know them, we want to be able to show them that we get them. We know where they're at emotionally, we fully see them where they are. And let them know we're here and we're ready to support them. So the way I do this, without using the mind but instead tapping into intuition using my Ideal Client Connection Meditation, which is now available for free download. I am so excited to share this with you, and it's completely free!
In this visualisation, you go through the process of connecting with your ideal client, getting to know them, getting to know their energy, getting to know where they're stuck, getting to know how you can let them know that you're ready to support them. It's such an exciting way to connect with your ideal client that is completely different to anything I've ever seen out there.
It's something that I developed because I felt like this was missing in my own business. I've done plenty of programmes that have taught me how to use my mind to connect with my ideal client, but I want to use my heart. That's what I'm doing in this business. It's all heart led, I want to connect with from my heart to her heart and really figure out who she is and what she needs from me. So in the show notes, there's a link, and you can download the Ideal Client Connection Meditation completely free as a little gift from me! I'm so excited to hear how you go with it! If you have a chance to practice it, jump onto my Instagram, tell me what you think, tell me what came through.
Like my clients, the things they tell me after they do this meditation like, this completely blew my mind when it comes to connecting with my ideal client. I never really felt connected to them until I did this meditation. And it's only 15 minutes. And it's not all of this hard work of oh, what you know, of figuring her out demographically, it's really that beautiful heart lead work that I do as much as I can in my coaching. This is the route I always support my clients to go down - let's try and plug in to what our heart is telling us, what our intuition is telling us. What energy is there around this? And let that be our guide as opposed to always having to use our mind to map things out. I love to use this approach because it fast tracks everything. When you practice the Ideal Client Connection Meditation you’ll feel that deep connection with your ideal client and see that it helps you share and connect with her and bring her into your business.
Action #4
The next action you can take to get new clients into your business is to get in front of more of your ideal clients. After you've done that connection work after you've seen where your ideal client is going to be spending time and the kind of questions that they're asking. You can reach out to podcasts, you can reach out to other social media accounts you can share in Facebook groups. You could even find businesses or corporations that serve your ideal client, you could offer to share content or training with them. You can be as creative as you'd like with this, but get in front of your ideal clients as much as you can. Give them that chance to see you and connect with you give them the chance to see that you get them and that you can support them.
Try brainstorming one or two things that you could start doing this week to get in front of more of your ideal clients.
Action #5
Number five is part practical work in your business and part energy work. And that is to get crystal clear on your client onboarding process. So if we have a beautiful sales page, and we know exactly what we're offering clients, but we don't actually feel super clear on what happens when we get an inquiry, and how we support them through a process to becoming a client, then it's going to be really hard for you to welcome a new client in the door because there's this energetic murkiness around the onboarding process.
To create a beautiful energetic flow for people to come into your business, we also need to create a really seamless onboarding system where they can inquire, they can ask questions, perhaps they can book a call, perhaps you can talk to them in DMs, whatever your onboarding process is.
Not only does it have to be seamless from a client point of view, but it also really needs to feel good for you. For example, if you feel like you should take calls from people, but you don't really want to do sales calls or discovery calls, then don't offer them. Because that's going to be a hurdle energetically to people coming into your business because you're going Yes, come on, I want more clients, I'm ready to welcome you. But I also don't really want to do sales calls. And if that's part of your onboarding process, then you're going to be blocking those people. So get really clear on how you need the onboarding process to look so that your clients can work through that in a really beautiful, seamless way to come and join you in your work.
Action #6
Number six is to get really deeply connected to the value that you have to offer your clients. And I've touched on this a little bit when I spoke about pricing. But if you feel any type of stress around your offerings, if you feel any doubt of like, I don't know if I'll be able to deliver/am I qualified for this etc, it's really important that you firstly, look back at your offerings and see if there's anything there that is feeling blocked, if there's something that you're offering more than it feels good good to offer.
For example, you're offering one to one calls within a group programme. But it doesn't actually feel very good for you to do that. But you're feeling like you should do that. Because it'll create more value, then tweak these offerings until they feel really beautifully aligned. And then connect with that value that you have to offer your ideal client. Connect with that transformation you’ll guide them through. Even if you've never put a client through that before, connect with that knowing that has brought you to this place or creating this offering and being ready to share it with these clients.
I really recommend sitting down and just tuning in with a feeling of having a client have experienced that transformation, and they're in their final session with you. And they're saying to you, oh my god, that was amazing. You've changed my life. This is what I've taken away from it. You could also do a visualisation where you're reading through a glowing testimonial. Tune into that value that you have to offer your clients and it will be so much easier for you to share and sell and welcome new clients into your business. Because you're really connected to what they're actually going to experience.
If you have doubt or stress and you feel like your client, your offerings aren’t in that beautiful alignment then do that releasing work, work through it! Try journaling - do a big brain dump, where am I getting stuck? Why do I not feel like I'm ready to welcome clients, how am I blocking clients in my business? Do my Ideal Client Connection Meditation - you might find that your ideal client can actually guide you in that meditation to tell you where you're getting stuck in that process of calling them into your business.
You can also get your body moving, whether you want to do a run or go dancing or swim, whatever it is to release some of that stuck energy around the value that you have to offer. It seems wu I know to do this much work around feeling that alignment on every single level. But when you're aligned in your offerings, you're aligned in the value you're aligned in your pricing, you’re really connected to the knowing that this is what you’re here to share at this moment suddenly the clients start flowing.
Without this alignment as a foundation in your business, it is so hard for the strategy to work! It starts to feel really hard, it starts to feel like every client is a real uphill battle instead of like, oh, another client ready to sign on, beautiful! That's the flow that we want with our clients and I've definitely experienced that in my business where I have made it too hard for clients to come in.
But when I’ve got great processes and I’m energetically magnetic, the clients flow. That's why doing this work is so important alongside having the practical and the strategy there of how I'm actually going to onboard them, and how am I going to share with them and all of that kind of thing. So be really connected to that value that you have to offer them, do the work that you need to do to feel connected to that and to release any doubt that you have around that value, so that you can show up and share and sell that, knowing that this is incredible. Know that this is exactly what your ideal client needs at the moment.
Action #7
The next action that you can take is another visualisation practice where you can embody the energy of the version of you that is fully booked. Sit down, think about how would I feel if I was fully booked, imagine that feeling of your calendar being completely full. So what I always like to do when I'm calling when I used to work one on one with people and when I'm calling people into my business, is I would create space in the calendar for these new clients. Energetically it feels really clear to do that, like I've got a space for you, I'm ready for you to come in. Here's, here's the spot. So you can create that space for your new clients practically and in your calendar.
Then imagine opening your calendar and seeing that every single one of those slots is booked with an amazing ideal client, connect to that version of you who is already fully booked. Notice how she feels differently to how you feel. Notice if she shows up differently to how you're showing up, really connect with the embodiment of that energy and embody that energy. When you sit down and come to your business, you can embody it before you go on a sales call, just really connect with the energy of exactly where you want to be in your business. So that you can start manifesting that into reality. And that's one of the first things we've got to do when we're manifesting and manifesting is like part science part wu, but actually way more scientific than you think.
I will definitely do a big episode on this down the track because I love manifesting. And the idea is that we've got to embody the version of ourselves that has the things that we want, so that we can then have the thoughts that that version of us would have. And then we can take the action that that version of us would take, so that we are actually living and creating and showing up as that version of us. And then we're inviting that reality to us. We're just creating that around us from that very first connection to this is the version of me that is fully booked.
Take the time to do that work as well really plug into that version of you who is fully booked, who has that full calendar that is as full as you want it to be obviously fully booked looks very different for everybody. So connect with how that looks, how that feels, make sure it feels amazing, and then plug into that version of you every single day so that you're creating that reality in your business.
Action #8
The last action that I want to touch on quickly, because this is something that people also miss out, is don't forget about your existing networks. Sometimes people who are starting out go oh, you know, my social media following so small or my email list is really small. How am I going to get so many clients when all of my followings are small. Firstly, a small following is not a bad thing, it gives you a chance to actually create deeper connections with every single person that follows you to know the people on your email list to know the people who are following you on social media. But don't forget about your existing network of your friends, your family or colleagues of ex colleagues. When I started my business, all of my first clients were colleagues at the job that I was working out at the time, because I just put it out there to them and said, Hey, I'm going to start coaching is anyone interested in coming to work with me and I took on a couple of pro bono, and then a couple of paying clients. It took me a while to get to that point because I though, they see me at work, they won't need to coach with me, but when I put it out there, that's where my business started.
It's so important to use your existing networks, put it out there to your friends, your family colleagues, ex colleagues, ask if they need your service, ask if they know anyone who might want to work with you, ask if they can share your stuff on their social media or with their networks as well. Put it out there to grow the energy of your business. This is something I realised lately when I ran into an old family friend, someone who I would never have thought would have any interest in what I'm doing. And she was like, Oh, it's so nice to see you. I've been following you on Instagram and I love what you're doing with your business and I learned this and this and I was telling my other friend who could really use that she should come and work with you. I thought - that is such a testament to the energy of a business and how you can create this energy that actually starts to work for you. It starts to go out and do this work for you out in the world, and bring people towards you. I would never have thought that person would be someone who could help me create my business. But she's out there, and she's spreading the word and she's telling people about what I'm doing.
It's really powerful to know that you can create from this beautiful aligned place in your business, you can have everything set up. And then you can trust that there is the energy of your business is actually out there working when you're not looking at it. It's working on your behalf to bring people into your business. That's why I love to make sure that you're sharing with friends, family, anyone that you can think of, because you never know who they know.
A little way you can play with this now is think about two different people you could reach out and ask them to either share about your business or ask if they had some interest in working with you or know somebody who does put it out there, you'll be amazed at what comes back to you.
I really hope that you found this episode helpful, I really hope that you can find a more beautiful, easeful flow of clients into your business as a result of listening today. If you would like to download the Ideal Client Connection Meditation that I mentioned earlier, I would so love for you to do that. I think you'll enjoy it so much. Pop into the show notes to download it.
I also mentioned my Abundant Mamas Mastermind, where I support my clients to get fully booked with clients. So if that appeals there's also a link for that in the show notes so you can learn a little bit about the mastermind and how it will look to join me in that container. I would so love to support you if you feel called to be there. Thank you so much for listening. I can't wait to see you next week!