Ep 04. How to shift the limiting beliefs that are holding you back in business


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If you've ever felt like mindset work is a bit of a mystery (but you know there are some blocks there stopping you from expanding into your full potential) you'll love this episode! Press play and be guided through my process for releasing limiting beliefs and embodying a beautifully expansive and abundant mindset. I can't wait for you to listen!

In this episode, I share:
- How to tell if you're being held back by a limiting belief
- Signs your mindset is ready for an upgrade
- How to identify your limiting belief
- How to connect with a new, upgraded belief system
- How to activate and embody your upgraded belief
- My 4 step process to shift from limiting belief to expansive, abundant thinking

To kick start your intuitive business journey, download my Ideal Client Connection Meditation here.

Click here to hop on the waitlist for Abundance, Embodied.

Take my Mama Self Care Style Quiz here and discover how to support yourself to thrive as a mama.

Journal Prompts to Identify Limiting Beliefs:

Try journaling on the following prompts in the evening at least a few times per week to identify your limiting beliefs:
- What came up for me today?
- Where did I get a little bit triggered?
- Where did I get a little bit uncomfortable today?
- Where did I act from lack or scarcity today
- Where was I motivated by fear today?


Episode Transcript

Hello beautiful welcome back to abundant Mama's, I am really excited to be sharing with you today. This actually isn't my normal podcast recording time slot. Normally I do that when I have both of the kids being looked after by either Trav or our babysitter. But this podcast episode literally just came through as like a download as it often does while I was feeding Teddy and then like rocking him off to sleep. So I've got a napping baby. I'm hoping that he lets me record this whole episode, but I'll do as much as I can anyway. 

I feel like this is such powerful information. And I literally almost didn't share this because my inner critic came in and was like, This is too good. You need to save this for your paid programs like this shouldn't be free on a podcast. But I know that that's coming from lack and scarcity. So I thought, Well, the thing I need to do right now is to actually sit down and record this podcast. And that is almost a little hint of what's to come in the podcast, that type of mindset work.

What we're going to do today is demystify mindset work. I feel like mindset is this word that's thrown around so much in coaching. And it's such a big part of business and growing your business and growing within yourself. But if we don't really know what it is, it becomes this kind of murky, like, I don't know, what I'm doing, is my mindset stopping me in my business, I don't really know. So I'm going to help you figure out if your mindset is tripping you up in your business, and if it is something that you need to upgrade in order to continue to grow. And then I'm going to walk you through my process of exactly how you shift a mindset, exactly how you let go of a limiting belief, and upgrade your mindset. I'm going to talk you through that in this episode. Because there doesn't need to be all this mystery around mindset. And it's actually quite simple if you know how to do it. 

It is a practice that you have to be committed to, it's not something we can do once we don't just upgrade our mindset and go, Oh, great, that's done, check that off. Now I can go and live my life. We are always upgrading our mindset and this process that I will share with you is a way that I have continued to do it for years and years. It's really sustainable. And the more you do it, the more it becomes almost second nature to see oh, yeah, here's a limiting belief and start to shift it more quickly. So if it feels like you know, there, there are lots of steps there. And you're going How do I fit this all in? Know that as you do it, it does become easier. But it also is one of those things that we need to be committed to. And it's so worth being committed to!

For me, especially when I became a mum, shifting my mindset was so important, so that I could continue to work in my business without working as many hours as I was before. So I used to work 30 or 40 hours a week, I dropped down to about 10 or 15, after I had my first son and I continued to make the same amount. So I continued to make 10k months without having to work harder for them, I actually started working a lot less and found a lot more ease and flow in my work. And there were so many mindset upgrades that came with that! If I didn't do that, then it would have been impossible for me to restructure my business like that and for me to continue to make the money that I had been making previously. 

Because we've got all of these limiting beliefs. And I know I've had to work through like, do I have to work hard to make money, no money can flow to me easily. And you know, is being a mother, is it going to be harder to make money, can I still show up for my clients, when I'm a mother, all of those kinds of things that I've been able to work through and continue to grow my business after having my babies and that is my wish for you to. 

So let's start with: what's tripping you up? How do you know if your mindset needs work? There are actually more things than I'll share here. But I'll share the main things that often come up for my clients and for me. 

The first hint that you might need to upgrade your mindset is that you're waiting for a silver bullet in your business. You're waiting until you have that thing so that you can be successful, oh, when I can hire a VA, then I'll be successful. When I have more time to work, then I'll be successful, when my baby is in school, I'll be more successful. When we're putting off that success for some magical time in the future thinking like oh, this thing will come in will solve all my problems and then my business will be successful. 

When we're doing that we're in this energy of ‘I can't be successful now and I need something else to happen to be successful’ but when you get that thing, there'll be something else. The truth is there is no reason that you can't be successful right now. And of course that version of success looks completely different for everybody. So it's also worth being really clear on okay, what is success for me? Is it the 10k months the 20k months the 30k months? Is it a 5k a month, is it working 20 hours a month. It's really finding that definition for yourself. 

But if I say this if you're going, Yeah, okay, that's me, I'm waiting for this like, moment where I can afford a coach or I can do that thing. And then business will take off. If you're waiting for something, because that's a mindset to shift. That's not something that is wrong with your office or your business or your idea. That's a mindset that we need to shift. 

In a similar vein, another way to tell that you need to upgrade your mindset is that you're procrastinating. So maybe you're creating things that you're never launching, maybe you sit down to work, and even though you know what you can do, and you know, the things that would kind of move the needle forward in your business, you end up doing all the other little fiddly stuff, you're spending two hours writing an Instagram post or something like that. 

You're not being intentional with your business and you’re procrastinating. What usually is happening then is we sit down to work, the inner critic takes over and goes, No, this hard is scary, or whatever is kind of happening on that very unconscious level. And you start to procrastinate. If you know that you're sort of treading water a bit, because there's something in your business that feels a bit too hard, that you're just not getting to that thing that's living on your to do list and it's been there for months and months, this is a sign that you need to do that mindset work. 

Another sign that you need to upgrade your mindset is that you're stuck in an income level. So have you been making the same amount or really kind of irregular amounts in your business for the last year, two years, however long you've had your business, have you not been able to see that kind of general trend upwards in your earning, that's a definite sign that you need to upgrade your mindset. 

Another way to tell is, if you just feel like you're not doing enough, or you're not spending enough time to be successful. So you've got this constant feedback to yourself, like, ah, you know, if I just had more time, I would be more successful. If I just did a bit more if I post them on social media, if I shared more podcast episodes, if I delivered more in my programmes, then I would be able to be more successful, it's really that idea of like, oh, I have to do more, I have to be more in order to be successful.

It's this idea that you're not enough as you are, and that you showing up in a way that feels good for you at the moment with the available time and energy and resources that you have at the moment is not enough to be successful. And I think as mums, this is a really easy trap for us to fall into. Because especially when you've had your first baby, you go from, like I've got all this time I've got this space in my life, you don't really realise it until you have a baby. And then you go, Oh, wow, now I have very little time. So it can be hard to shift that mindset from like, Oh, I've got all this time to create the results that I want to create and create the things that I want to create in my business. And now I don't have the time, and therefore I can't be successful anymore, or therefore I can't continue to grow my business. So we need to watch out for any of that internal chatter that saying like, I need to be more I need to do more in order to be successful. 

Because all you have to do to be more successful is to be more you. I will talk about that more in depth in another episode - embodying that most abundant self. And I'll go into that in great depth because I think that's really important as well. That's a tangent. 

One other sign that you need to upgrade your mindset is that you feel like you need to get another qualification. Or you need to learn more, you need to kind of be more of an expert, but you're not ready to be an expert in your field. This is such a common trap. It's such a sneaky one that our inner critic does, because it knows that we can look it down on paper and go, oh yeah, if I'm just more qualified, then I can charge more. If I have this certification, I can put that on my website. And that's going to make me look real professional. And I can definitely charge more once I've got that. 

But what’s happening is we’re waiting for something outside of us to show us that we are worthy of charging what we want to charge. You'll always find a reason why you can't charge what you charge. And it's a mindset thing. I'm not saying never go and upgrade your skills. I think that's so important and something that I love to do. I love learning and I love upgrading my skills as a coach, but to say I can't do something until that's done. That's your mindset getting in the way.

Basically, you can tell that your mindset needs some upgrading if you're feeling stuck in some way, even if you're like, I'm just genuinely not really sure I feel a bit stuck. I feel like I've got blind spots in my business where I don't know why things aren't working, but I know that they're not working. Or you just feel like I'm not moving forward, like I know what I could do, but I'm not doing the things that I need to do to move forward, then you know that your mindset needs work. 

Now I'm going to talk you through how we shift that, let's break it down, let's break mindset down to what it really is. So your mindset is essentially your beliefs. These are usually adopted from your childhood, but whether somebody has outwardly just said something like, oh, you know, rich people are very greedy to you. And you've adopted that as a belief of yours. It's usually before the age of seven, that we tend to just absorb these things. Maybe it's just the way that you see people acting, maybe your parents got divorced. And so you internalise the belief that like, all marriages are going to fail. 

Our limiting beliefs are things that we've picked up, and they're often very unconscious, you might have also picked them up later in life sometimes working in a particular area, you might there might have been this real like, oh, you know, in this industry, we work really hard, and we don't get paid very well. And you've kind of adopted that sort of belief. So it's worth noticing, okay, what are these beliefs, and we don't even have to know where they come from. But we do need to know that there are unconscious beliefs there. And that we need to bring them forward and make them conscious beliefs, so that we can actually start to shift them. 

So your mindset is your beliefs, it's the limiting beliefs that are going to stop you from doing the things that you want to do. And so the issue in your business is usually that we have these unconscious beliefs, this unconscious feeling of lack, that is contradictory to your goals. So for example, you might have the belief that you might have the goal in your business that I want to be a millionaire, I want to make a seven figure business. But I have an unconscious belief that rich people are greedy, or it's bad to be rich, or I'm terrible with money, and I probably waste it all anyway. So notice, we've got to start to bring to light what these beliefs are and where they're coming from.

I'm going to talk you through exactly how to do that in a sec. But before we do that, we need to see the flow on effect of these limiting beliefs. So what happens we have this limiting belief, it's usually unconscious. But even though it's unconscious, it still affects; Firstly, our energy, the energy that we bring to everything that we do, but especially the energy that we bring to our business. And secondly, it effects our behaviour. 

We tend to behave in accordance with the beliefs that we have, whether they're conscious or unconscious. But what that means is that we can bring these unconscious beliefs into consciousness so we can start to see them become aware of them, then we can shift our energy, and then we can change our behaviour. And that's how you shift your mindset, I'm going to tell you a lot more about that process. 

So to shift our mindset, the first step is that we need to become really aware of our limiting beliefs, like I mentioned before, there are going to be lots of them, they are going to be coming up throughout the rest of your life, these aren't things that we just one and done and tick off and never think about again. So it's something that's worth having a practice around. There are two ways that are really effective to do this on your own to start to become aware of your limiting beliefs. 

The first one is journaling. So you can use your journal so well to become aware of your limiting beliefs. And I want to share a few prompts with you that will help you to pick up like okay, what what is the limiting belief because some of them can be really sneaky, and sometimes they're really hard to spot. So these prompts can help. 

If you're someone who's used to journaling, you probably notice that they come up as you journal every day anyway, even if you're just doing a bit of a brain dump, you'll see some limiting beliefs in there. But these prompts will help you to really spot them and pick them out and be very clear on them. And the beauty of these prompts is, the more that you use them, the more you get in the habit of reflecting on your days using these type of prompts is, you'll start to notice them in the moment and you'll go, oh, here I am coming from a place of fear, I need to shift and I'm going to come from a place of abundance and love. And we almost shift that belief really quickly then and streamline in that moment, because we've spotted a belief and we've been able to choose a different way of behaving. Instead of having to unpack it and see it there and then consciously make that choice. Were able to sort of move through that process more quickly. So that's where we're heading with this work. 

So a really great prompt is just to reflect on what came up for me today? Where did I get a little bit triggered? Where did I get a little bit uncomfortable today? What came up for me today? Another one is where did I act from lack or scarcity today, when, you know, I thought about shouting my friend to coffee, but then I thought no, no, she would never pay me back. So I didn't do that, or when I wanted to purchase something, but I said, No, I won't, I won't do that because I can't afford it, even though I actually do have the money there. Or when I wasted money on something that didn't feel good. And I don't even know why I spent money on that, you know, when I bought lunch out when I could have just eaten what I had at home, whatever it was. 

Another prompt is where was I motivated by fear today. And this doesn't mean like you're running, terrified. But this is sort of, okay, I went into fear because I felt like I didn't have enough clients in my business. And that was the motivation behind me doing a story on Instagram. So instead of being in that beautiful loving place of I am so excited to share my work with the world. And I know this is so powerful, and I know this will help people you are instead motivated by fear by going, oh, gosh, any more money any more clients quick, every hop on Instagram and try and plug my programmes and get more people in the door. So those prompts, what came up for me today, where did I come from lack of scarcity. And where was I motivated by fear today will help you to see where your limiting beliefs are, some will be big, some will be really little, some way easier to see than others, I'm going to pop those journaling prompts in the show notes so that you can grab them really easily you can screenshot those. Or you can come back to this episode when you need to and get those and start the journaling practice. 

If you can, working on those every single day doing that reflection every day is going to be so powerful, I know that you have very little time to yourself, if you're a mama listening to this, I feel you that's me as well. So I probably get to this every few days, maybe two or three times a week, I'll do this actual journaling practice in my journal, I also just keep my notes in my phone handy. And sometimes even just record audio, and I'll just like, dictate, use the microphone to put in a note quickly in my phone like oh, I just noticed I was doing x y z so that I can come back to it. And just so just in that practice of recording on my phone or jotting it down in the Notes app on my phone or writing it quickly in a notebook or sitting down and journaling about it more intentionally with a little bit more space. 

That act is shining a light on it that actually is where we bring the awareness to our This isn't something I'm going to let simmer below the surface. This is something that I'm going to see really clearly and I'm going to choose differently. 

Pricing is another really good example and I'm going to share this with with the rest of the process because this is something I worked through with a client recently. So something like a high ticket offer feels too expensive. People don't have money for this kind of thing. Maybe you felt that in your own business. So that's journaling. 

The other practice that you can do to become more aware of your limiting beliefs is to use meditation and visualisations to receive that guidance either from your intuition or from your spirit guides. In terms of what limiting beliefs do I need to shift at the moment? So in my Abundant Mama's Mastermind, and in my Abundance Embodied program, I share meditations that help you to get into a state where you are really connected with your intuition where you can allow that, that guidance to come through and then we we sit with that and we allow okay, what what are the blocks? What are my money blocks, show me where I'm tripping myself up? Show me where I'm tripping myself up around my health? Why aren't my relationships feeling as connected as they are? Why isn't my family flowing how I want it to. So I love using meditation to kind of fast track that process to go, Okay, this is what the block is, that's really clear. Now we can start to shift it. 

As a coach, I honestly feel like this is one of my superpowers to help people spot their limiting beliefs to help them get really clear on them not to toot my own horn there. But I know that this is something that I love doing with my clients when they come to me and I go, I'm just kind of stuck with something. So when I'm working with my mastermind is on this kind of thing all the time where they'll come to me and go, I'm not really sure and I'm a bit stuck that this is what keeps coming up and for our conversation, we can get really clear on what their limiting beliefs are. That's the beauty of coaching is that you've got somebody to bounce these kinds of things off. And that's one of the most special things about the one on one work that I do within the mastermind because I love getting that chance to support my clients and to help them sort of that spot things quickly. Let's shift them quickly. There's no need to like let things mull and let these limiting beliefs hold us back for another second. And in our life because like, let's say the growth, let's continue to find that beautiful flow, let's continue to embody this ease, but be really financially successful and have time for our families and everything else that we want. So it is really wonderful to spot the limiting beliefs, but it's not enough on its own. Like with any shift in our mental health, it's the awareness is very, very important and is what's essential. But it doesn't shift the belief. So maybe you know that you've got a belief. Great, perfect. And now we're ready to start shifting it. So what we can start to do when we want to shift our evidence is shift sorry, shift how belief is we can tell that.

So you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you can see exactly what that is. And now you're ready to shift it. So the first step when we want to shift that limiting belief is to choose a more abundant and more loving and more expansive belief. So it really helps if you can connect into the most abundant version of yourself to tap into what this belief looks like for you. This is the work that we do in my Abundance Embodied program,, which we'll be releasing soon - the next round will be in April. 

This is something you can do on your own as well just to feel into, okay, what would my abundant, most abundant self think about this, what is the opposite of that belief that is holding me back. And getting really clear on this is what my new belief feels like. So to use an example of pricing, because I work through this often with my clients and actually work for it very recently with one of the women in my mastermind. So I'll share this because it's fresh in my mind. But basically, she has created a new high ticket offer, she's sort of going but it feels too expensive, people don't have money for this kind of thing. So that's her limiting belief is kind of people don't have money for this kind of thing, who's got the extra few $1,000 floating around that they can spend on this type of thing, when we all know that is a limiting belief, it's not that you're charging too much. 

So we want to create a new belief and to create this if you like, you can go and find evidence. So you could go and look at what other coaches are charging and see, oh my gosh, some, some coaches charge $30k $50k for coaching program. Some of them are charging, you know, $10,000 for one session, and they're getting all these clients. So you can go and find evidence that people are willing to spend this type of money. 

The best way to do it, though, I believe, is to connect into your knowing, like, plug into your heart, plug into your innate value, your innate feeling of worthiness, just plug into your essence. And into that knowing that this is so valuable, and that this offer is going to create such an incredible transformation for my clients. And they, they need this like I need to share this with the world. So you can do it by looking for evidence you can connect with that knowing meditation is another really beautiful way to tap into, okay, what is going to be the best new belief that I can replace this old limiting belief with? And then you choose a belief that really resonates with you. So you can journal about this as well. You can write down like what do I need my new belief to be and then just free right and see what comes out. Of course, coaching gives clarity. This is another part of the process that I work on with my clients where we’re having that back and forth. And we're trying out different beliefs and seeing what really resonates because that's really important to replace this limiting belief with a new belief, but not just any old new belief, it has to be a new belief that really resonates. 

So for my example client, when we're looking at, okay, people don't have money for your high ticket offer. That's a limiting belief. Here are some new beliefs that we tried on: 

  • By pricing my offer this way, I'm allowing my clients to get maximum value out of the programme. 

  • By pricing my offer this way I can fully commit, I can give 100% I can fully show up from my clients knowing that this is an equal exchange of energy.

  • I know that this is worth every cent that I'm charging for this

And what we ended up landing on that felt really resonant for her was: ‘my ideal clients are ready to make this investment’. And I love this shift because it's also shifting our focus to who we really want to work with. I don't want to work with the people that don't have the money to work with me. I want to work with the people who are willing to make this investment who are willing to go yes, I can do this, and you're worth it and I'm worth it. And let's do this. So that was the belief that really resonated with her.

So now we have the old belief of people don't have money for my high ticket offer to my ideal clients are ready to make this investment. So that felt really resonant for her. So now we've done the first two steps of this process where we've identified the limiting belief, we've found a replacement belief that feels really resonant, we're still haven't quite done enough to shift the mindset. So the next thing that we want to do is to embody the energy of the new belief, we need to feel this in our body and in our energy field. It can't just be something that lives in our mind, because it's not enough to shift our mind.

We actually need to bring that belief into our body and into our energy. And the way that you do that is take some deep breaths and ask yourself, if I felt this to be true, how would I feel in my body? What does that version of myself look like? Who has this as their belief? Who really truly believes that my ideal clients are so ready to make this investment? How does that feel in my body? How does that shift my energy.

If you're new to this type of thing, it can take a little bit of getting used to. But if you really feel into that, it doesn't have to be that hard. And you can shift the energy so quickly in a minute or less, where you're just going, Okay, this version of me, how does she hold herself. Wait a minute, or her shoulders are more relaxed, and her heart feels more open, and she is radiating more joy and more love and more kindness, then that version of myself that was believing that limiting belief that people don't have money to pay me for my high ticket offer. 

It's playing with that energy of it, allowing yourself to embody it, breathing deeply into that new belief, letting it into your body and into your energy field. And then the final piece of the puzzle is we need to start acting in alignment with our new belief. So instead of going into, oh, no, I'm like, nobody's gonna buy this off anyway, so I won't really market it, the new action might be, I'm going to share my offer loud and proud. First, I'm going to embody the new energy of this belief, I'm going to feel that this is so true in every cell of my body. And then I'm going to hop on Instagram, and I'm going to talk about my offer. And even though before you might have been saying the exact same things about your program, because you've now shifted your mindset, because you're now behaving from the energy of abundance of your new belief, it's going to be so much more potent, and you're going to start seeing people take you up on that offer, or you're not going to have to have these back and forth where you're convincing people that this is a good idea, it's just going to flow. That's the power of mindset work. That's why we need both. 

We need mindset work and strategy work to be able to shift that belief. So you can see how this process becomes really streamlined, where you might be going about your day and go, Oh, I just went to do something that was totally from a place of lack, or oh, I just went to do something, because I feel anxious. And that was my motivation behind that behaviour. If I was going to shift that, what energy would I like to come from? I want to come from abundance. Okay, what does my most abundant self feel like? This is how she feels in my body? This is what the energy feels like. Now, how do I act in accordance with this, this version of me? How do I act in accordance with this new belief. And so you can flow through that quite quickly and have shifted that mindset in real time has shifted from limiting lack scarcity, into abundance, and love and expansive energy. 

Over time you'll get the hang of it, and you'll be able to do it more quickly. And there'll be some beliefs that you can spot from a mile away. And there'll be some beliefs that you won't realise for months or years, and suddenly you'll go, Oh, my goodness, look at that belief. Look at what it's been making me do. Now I can see often we get that clarity of our life, when we look back and we say, Oh, my God, look at this pattern, what's the belief and if you can already see these patterns in your life, then know that there's a belief underlying them that you're able to shift using the process that I've just shared, so that you don't have to go back into that pattern anymore. 

It's so possible to shift these beliefs, it just takes a little bit of our awareness, a little bit of our attention and embodying the energy and then taking the action is such an important piece of it. I think sometimes we get caught up with the idea like Oh, mindset work, all I have to do is sit down and journal or whatever it is and do the mindset work. Part of the mindset work is taking the action as well. That's such a key part. So you might even see yourself in this and go oh, I've been doing all of the other bits but I haven't actually been acting on my new mindset. So I need to start doing that too. to kind of complete the process and cement this new belief in replace of my old limiting belief. 

I really hope that you found today's episode helpful. As always, I love having chats with you in my DMs on Instagram if you have any questions, if you want to share I would be so grateful if you take a screenshot If you've enjoyed the episode and pop it on your Instagram story, tell me what your biggest takeaways were today. I'm always so interested to hear from you and appreciate when you leave reviews and subscribe to the podcast as well. So thank you so much once again for spending time with me. I can't wait to see you again next week. Take care beautiful. I'll see you soon.


Ep 05. Connect with your Expanded Life and Business Vision - Meditation


Ep 03. How to use Intuition in your Business