Ep 13. Switching off from your business + creating your happy mama business boundaries
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Have you ever found it hard to switch off from your business? You find yourself with a spare second and next thing you know you're brainstorming ideas, popping into your inbox or scrolling social media. Or maybe you hop into bed at night and bing! your brain is ON and you're planning and creating a mental to do list. You LOVE your business but you'd also love to be able to switch off from it - to be super intentional and present with your work when it's time to work AND switch off so you can be present with your loved ones when it's not work time. If you're feeling a little frazzled from juggling family and biz, this episode will help!
In this episode I share:
- A pre-work ritual to increase your focus, productivity and alignment while you work - A post-work ritual to switch out of work-mode but allow the energy of your business to continue to attract money and clients
- Tips to make working while you're with your kids easy and fun for everyone
- How to get clear on YOUR business boundaries that will help you thrive as a mama and biz owner
- How to bring the MOST abundant energy to your work
- What to do with those ideas and biz thoughts that pop up outside of work time
- How to find a balance between structure and flexibility in your work week
My pre- and post-work meditations will be available next week! To get first access and a special price, join my email gang (and get my free Ideal Client Connection Meditation) here.
Want to work with Amelia to grow your aligned, abundant and motherhood-friendly business?
Learn more about the Abundant Mamas Mastermind here.
Learn more about 1:1 Business Coaching here.
Schedule a Clarity & Alignment Coaching Session here. Connect: Instagram @amelia.anderson.coach Email hello@ameliaanderson.net
Episode Transcript (unedited)
Hello, my love, how are you? Welcome back. So wonderful to have you here. As always, shall
we start with a nice deep breath. I always love to pitch, heart opening body softening on the exhale. So I hope that that helped you become a little more present. And I hope that you're having a good day. And today, I'm really looking forward to chatting about business boundaries as a mama, and how you can switch off from your business when you're not working. That's a question I get asked a lot. Like, I'm constantly thinking I'm constantly having ideas, how do I kind of keep working the container that I've created for it. So let's start with boundaries. And then I'll go through some ways that you can switch into like work mode when it comes time to work. And then ways that you can switch off when you're not in work mode and you're wanting to be present with your family or you're wanting to just be in whatever moment that you're in outside of your business. So with business boundaries, I think some of the most important boundaries that you have with your clients so that you can show up 100% How you want to so that you can be really present with them when you've said that you'll be present with them. And so that you don't feel like you know, you're getting contacted at times where you don't want to be contacted or that clients might be expecting replies from you at certain times where you're not going to be giving them replies and all of that kind of thing. So having these boundaries, predetermined before you create an offering, or before you sell an offering is really key so that everyone's really clear everyone's on the same page. So for example, if you've got an offering that has a Facebook group, as part of it be really clear about when you'll be in the Facebook group, and what kind of timeframe they can expect a response from you from same with voice messaging or texts, between sessions or if you offer voice messaging coaching, or any sort of support like that between sessions be really clear. I'm a big fan as well on having on your email signature, what your workdays are, so when people can expect to hear back from you, because obviously, many people will be on email every day. And as a mum that might just not work for you. I really like to make sure that I'm present when I'm in my inbox. And I don't have my work emails on my phone for that reason, because I don't want to be able to jump in during the day and you know, see something and something we always really want to avoid in business if you're anyone but especially if you're a mom, and we want to be really effective with our time is double handling things. And so I think there's that if we have things on our phone, like email, we can jump in, we can see something, we start thinking about it, but we don't have a chance to reply because we're with our kids. And then we've double handled that email we've expend energy on it that we didn't need to spend because we could have just done that in one go when we actually had a chance to sit down and check Are emails. But instead, we've kind of opened that up and started using energy towards that that is actually not going to get us anywhere. So that's another sort of whole world of boundaries is the boundaries that you have around your phone. I personally don't have work emails, like I said, on my phone, I don't have Facebook on my phone, either. I have those both on my computer so that when I sit down to be with my clients, or respond to my emails, I'm really present. And I'm really conscious. And I'm not sort of jumping between lots of different things. And I find that that works really well. For me, I also like to delete my Instagram app every Friday afternoon and then redownload it on Mondays. If you can't download it, because you've got things saved, or you just don't want to then pop it somewhere that it's going to be hard for you to get. So you could create a folder on your phone and put it in there and hide that folder somewhere. Or you can make it a password protected folder and make a password but don't you know you have your partner make a password or have somebody else make a password so that you can't get in, I find it really, really nice to have that switch off. And it just stops you from getting hooked into like, oh my god, I have to be checking social media and be on Instagram and be replying to everything instantly and be seeing everything and be involved with everything. And it really really helps me to be way more present in my own life. So it's really nice to have that those tech boundaries, especially with our phones that can be in our pockets all the time and can be very tempting to start logging on. Another thing I like to do whenever we go on holiday, I like to delete all of my apps, any apps that like, draw me into the phone, so I will delete Pinterest, I will delete Instagram, I like to buy a lot of secondhand clothes, I try to be conscious with my clothing purchases. So I buy low secondhand clothes on eBay. So I also delete eBay because what I found is that if I deleted my social media apps, then I would end up shopping on eBay. So then it became quite expensive whenever I would delete social media. So instead now I just delete all of those apps. And I was talking about this to my husband the other day. And I was like so now I have my phone and I'm I check the weather. And then I'm pretty much done. There's nothing else really for me to do on there. I've got three weather apps. So I can be really thorough, but no, it's nice to sort of not have anything that's pulling you into your phone. So not even just social media checking in with yourself, like what is pulling me to pick up my phone that I can take away. So in things like messages, I usually have notifications turned off, I have all notifications for everything turned off, drives me bonkers, like my dad has gets a notification for every single email. And I think what an awful way to have your life constantly interrupted for like spam half the time. So really nice to have those boundaries, I'm sure that you already would have your notifications switched off, I feel like our generation is very good at that kind of thing. But being really conscious of how is that creeping in, I also like to just put the phone away. So it's out of sight. And there was a study once done that I can't reference because I remember reading it so long ago. But basically, they found that if you had someone else's switched off phone in sight while you were trying to concentrate on a task, you've decreased your ability to concentrate massively, compared to if you had no phone in your site. And that's not even your phone. That's someone else's switched off phone because we're so used to being like phone, I should check it, that's a phone it and it pulls our attention. So I'm a big fan of having it out of sight. If you're expecting a call or if you want to hear when things come in, you can always turn the volume on. Nothing is that urgent. But if you feel like something urgent could be coming through, then you can even put it on Do Not Disturb. And you can have people that are exceptions to your Do Not Disturb rule so that if someone who might need to get in touch with you urgently, you know if it's like your kids childcare, or if it's a parent who may need you or a friend who might need you, then you can put them on that list so they can still get through to you. And you've then got this really nice boundary around your phone. I wasn't even planning to talk about that on this episode. But I do think it's so important, especially when we've got a business and we can start putting all these bits and pieces on our phone and going I'll check emails on my phone, I have Facebook on there, and I'll do all my photo editing on there or I'll do you know, and we ended up having all of this stuff on our phone so that at a moment's notice we can be caught up kind of pulled into work mode when it doesn't serve us it doesn't serve our business at all either for us to be kind of half pulled in there a lot. We're so much better off spending less time there but really present intentional time because we actually get things done and we won't kind of have this sort of murkiness around the business. So when it comes to payment boundaries as well I think these are really really important. So that you know exactly your annual clients know exactly this is what payments looks like this is how they need to be put through. This is what happens if payments are missed this As refund criteria, all of that kind of thing, be really clear on with yourself. And you will learn as you go as you work with clients, if that's the type of business that you have, that you will learn the boundaries that you need to have, there's often things that every single business will have different criteria and different boundaries. So there'll be things that will come through that you'll be like, Oh, okay, I really need to make sure that I say that upfront. Like, if you're late to a session, then we will only be able to go till the end of the allotted time, I won't be able to add time to the end of the session, or if you give me less than x many hours notice, then you'll forfeit the session because it will be an inconvenience, or it'll be costly for me to rebook that session, that kind of thing. So being really, really clear with how you want to work with your clients and knowing that it's not you being high maintenance, it's really you being clear with them. So for example, if you have what I found actually, in my business, something quite interesting is that when I did one on one coaching, I always offered unlimited voice messaging support between sessions. In my mastermind, there's a limited number of minutes that they can get in touch with me, which is still more than enough that we can have these really deep conversations, and also something I'm not like, the world's strictest person about. But something that's very clear, and what I find is actually my mastermind is get in touch with me a lot more than one on one clients would because they're really clear on how much they can get in touch with me, whereas one on one clients be like, Oh, my God, I don't want to bombard you. And so I would often have to have that conversation with them. Like, there's no silly questions, I'll get to it, when I get to it, this is how you can use it. And, you know, there's no way that you can use it too much. It's really great that we can do that between sessions. But I think it's really interesting to see the freedom that can come within giving people guidelines, even around the length of voice messaging, for example. So it can be nice to say like, you know, send me messages that are no longer than three minutes long. Because that gives people like, Okay, I need to be succinct. And I need to ask specific questions, if that's what you want your clients to do. So having these type of boundaries, it might be worth just thinking about, like, what boundaries do I need in my business? When it comes to my clients? What boundaries do I need around my tech? What boundaries do I need around my work time. So this is another really interesting thing, and something that's going to be so different for everyone. So my business, I really like to have a block of a few hours, at least, to do my work. Because what I find is that if I'm trying to just squeeze it in, pre kids, no worries, I can squeeze things in. One baby could also squeeze things in, you know, I could do things in nap times that sort of thing. Now I have two kids, there is no squeezing anything in the time is really full, especially while they're so young. So I really need to have the blocks of time put aside. And I know this is when I'm working. Naps can work but not naps alone. And obviously, everyone is so different. If you have one of those unicorn children that naps super reliably for a long chunk every day, then you could definitely use naps. But I think especially in that startup phase, where we want to like, get into the business, and we're creating a lot. And sometimes it can be a little bit more of a workload in those times where we're like creating offers and writing out our strategy and our plans. And when writing sales pages and copy and all of that kind of thing, there is a little bit more work to do in that phase than they will be in the kind of running of the business phase. So if you've set up your business really beautifully, so that you can run it in nap times where you're able to check in with clients or check in on the business and do the things that you need to do in your business in that times. And that can work really well. But I often think in that startup phase, if you want to put that rocket under your business, if you want to get things started, if you want to launch things and not sort of stay in this holding pattern of like, maybe I will, maybe I won't, or I've created something, I'll do it next week. And like if you are really ready to like do this make money serve people make an impact, then I believe it can be really helpful to have a few hours, where you can actually sit down and do that and know that somebody else who you trust is with your children, so that you can give yourself fully to the business in that time and just give yourself that chance to be fully present with it, which is a real gift as well. It's so nice to be able to be present with the work that you love to do. So it really does depend on what works for you around that. But I think if you're in that startup phase, or you've been sort of working on the business for a while and you're like I don't really know what's not going anywhere, check in are you giving yourself time to work on the business? Are you actually asking somebody to take the kids so that you can work on your business or are you kind of just hoping that it will happen? So if you're in that category of I'm hoping it'll happen and things aren't really happening, then it might be worth just saying to your partner or a friend like can I have two hours a week to go all in on the business? and use that time to kind of give it the launch that it needs. And that might be two hours, it might be four hours, it might be six hours, it might be a couple of blocks of different times. But it's really figuring out what is going to work well for you and your family and your kids is really, really key. All of that said, flexibility is so important with young kids. And I'm sure if you're a mother of young kids, you've been taught that you can have the most well laid plans and intentions. But life and kids can totally mess that up, especially with things like COVID in the world at the moment. So flexibility is really key. For example, I used to be really strict with no work in the evenings, I'd be like computer goes off at five o'clock. And that's it, I'm not looking at it. But now I actually do sometimes do work in the evenings, I might record a podcast episode, I might record a meditation, it's always something very specific. It's never like, I'm just going to sit down and do a couple of hours of work. It's like no, I'm going to sit down, record this meditation or record this podcast, and then I'm going to turn it off. So it's worth being really clear on what you're going to use your work time for. And I think this is a really, really important boundary so that you don't just faff around or so that you don't procrastinate and kind of get to the end of that chunk of precious time that you had to work on your business and go, dammit, I didn't really do the things I needed to do. I didn't do anything that like, would make me any money. I just sort of, you know, tweaked existing things or faffing around or spent too long on Instagram, or whatever it was you're doing. Plan that work time, so that you sit down. And this is going to be part of the end of work ritual that I share with you. So that you can sit down and you're not like where am I at with things, what's happening here? What am I up to, but you're like, Okay, I'm sitting down, and boom, this is my first task, and I'm into it, so that you're using that time, that's also part of feeling really professional and like a CEO or like a boss or what ever kind of resonates with you around those sorts of terms. Feeling like that person in your business, not somebody who's like, kind of working on a business, but he's also like, you know, just spent half an hour on Instagram, and it doesn't really matter. So know exactly what you're going to do with your work time. If you do come to your work time and you're tired, or you're flat or you are just like oh my god, I'm stuck in this procrastination, even though I know what I should be doing, I keep getting distracted, do something that will bring you back to you and that will energise you, it's really so okay to use work time for intentional self care, especially when you're a mom. And you'll know that it's like, it's not that linear time, if we do a meditation for 10 minutes, that's 10 minutes less of work that we're going to get done. You do a 10 minute meditation and you're twice as productive as you would have been without it, and you get twice as much work done. So if you feel like okay, I'm treading water here. I'm not really getting anywhere. I'm just feeling really tired. This literally happened to me today, before I sat down to record this. I sat down and at my desk, and I'd been with the kids all day and I was like, oh my god, I'm tired. Like, I don't even want to look at my laptop right now. And so I went well, that's okay, I'm gonna do a meditation and did one of the meditations from abundance in body, which I really love. That is a nice kind of energising nurturing meditation, I had a cup of tea, I had some chocolate, I just sort of gave myself like 20 minutes to just do the things I needed to do. And I felt so recharged by that. And now I sat down, open the computer and like here I am recording the podcast, whereas I know that if I'd sat down before, there would have been a whole lot of faffing around and procrastinating, so do something that will help you to kind of have that quick break and be more present. When you do start your work. Take a quick walk, if you can do some stretches, jump in the shower, maybe you want to put on some fresh clothes, maybe you're covered in like avocado and peanut butter and banana like I usually am, do those things that you need to do to reconnect. Meditation, of course is so powerful breath work, you might like to journal if you're feeling like, there's a lot of thoughts or a lot of emotions that are kind of sitting with you, it's really worth clearing that slate before you start your work. So overall, I really like to think about the boundaries that we have for ourselves in our business, as being something that we can intuitively adapt as we need to the boundaries that we have for clients, I think need to be very clear and need to be laid out in advance. But when it comes to your own personal boundaries, and this is with business and with every other boundary that you'll set in relationships and in your life elsewhere.
Don't feel like you have to be super strict. Don't feel like you have to lock in ahead of time. Like I will never text a friend back after 830 or, you know, I'm never ever going to work at night or I'm going to jump on the trampoline with the kids for two minutes at a time or whatever boundaries you have. It's more about being connected to you and what you need and Being able to make that call in the moment using your intuition using how you're feeling. So for example, working at night is something that I've become a little bit more flexible on because I've realised that with the right tasks, it can actually feel really lovely to do that. And it can be a practice that helps me feel really present and really connected to myself, for example, recording these podcasts, same with recording and meditation. So there are things that I can do in my business that don't kind of switch me into like, go go go mode, where I start to feel like I'm too awake to be able to go to sleep at night. And I will always put a very clear time limit on it like, you know, I'm not going to work past 830, for example, so that I can switch off my computer and know that I've got time to like, have a shower and read my book and wind down before bed. So it's worth being flexible. And even then with some of those boundaries that you would have with clients, for example, maybe you have a dream client come to you who says I really want to work with you, I know your plan payment plan is this much. This is all I can afford, would you consider doing an extended payment plan? Someone might say that and you might be like, Nope, that doesn't feel good. And then it's important for you to hold that boundary. But if someone might say that, and you might go, yeah, that actually feels good, I feel really excited to be able to let that person in. And to work with them in a way that is not going to feel stressful for him financially. So maybe you know, somebody has been in your world for a little while, and you know that they want to work with you. But they're asking for a one off session, which is not something that you would normally offer or you know, you might have packages or programmes and they're asking for something a little bit different. If that feels good, it's okay for you to offer it. If it feels bad. If it feels like contracted and hard, then it's also really okay for you to say no to that. So while boundaries can be things that we can agree on head of time, in some situations, I actually think it's really important for us to remember that, like our boundaries will change every day, because our boundaries depend on our energy levels, and how we're feeling and you know how much sleep we've gotten an all of these different things. So be okay with like, knowing where your boundaries are, you will also get many lessons where you're like, Okay, that was a boundary, and I let someone just stomp all over it or I didn't respect my own boundary there. And that's okay, that's a lesson. That's good for me to know. Because next time somebody asked me, if they can borrow my podcasting equipment, then I will just say no, because that turned out to be a big hassle, for example. So you're learning as you go. If you're doing what you need to do, to feel connected to you, you'll be able to check in on how things feel and respond as you go. So boundaries should never be something that we're a slave to, they shouldn't be rules that we're like living our life by and feeling restricted by, you know, for example, like, Oh, I've got this great idea coming through, I often get big downloads when I'm feeding Teddy. And that might be in the evening. And then if I was like, No, but you cannot go on your phone in the evening, or you cannot work in the evening, then I'd be like, Okay, well, the rule is that I can't actually like write that out and and do a brain dump about it. Whereas I'm like, Well, if that happens, of course, I'm going to give myself 15 minutes to like, get that out of my head and put that somewhere that I can formulate into something that I want to share later. So allowing the boundaries to be flexible, but also being clear on what the boundaries are and being able to check in with yourself like, Does this feel good? Does it feel exciting? Does it feel expansive? Then say yes to it? If you're being asked something or you're feeling like you should be doing something, but it's starting to feel contracted? It's feeling like it's draining, then say no, because that's your intuition telling you like, no, this doesn't feel good. So let's talk now about rituals to begin and finish work so that we can be super productive, super present with our work. But then also switch off, I'm going to start actually with the switching off ritual and do this a little bit backwards. Because switching off is something I think, especially in those early days of our business, it's actually okay to think about your business when you're not working, and it will happen. And I don't want you to beat yourself up for that. And even as an established business owner, there'll be times where ideas will pop up, or you'll just, you know, find a solution to something that you've been trying to figure out, we'll drop in, outside of those work hours. It's really okay for you to think about your business. Don't feel like you're not allowed to do that outside of work time, but has something to do with those thoughts. Don't just kind of have them and feel like you have to hold on to them. I just like to keep a notebook handy. If it's something big that I don't feel like I can write down quickly. Then I'll create a voice note in my phone. I have a transcription service that I use for my podcasts so I can even transcribe it so I can see it in text. So jot it down in your phone notes, whatever you need to do, but it's okay for you to think about your business outside of business hours. It's okay for you to kind of put things down when you have a chance or record things on your phone so that you can come back to them later. This is more about swing Taking off and shifting out of the energy of like working and creating in the business. Because what I find, even though in my business, I'm very much in flow and very much, in my feminine energy, it's a little bit different to the energy that I want to be in when I'm with my kids are when I'm with my husband. So for them, I like to be it's just kind of a softer energy, I think when I'm with friends or family or my kids. So I am really conscious of what I need to do to switch out of work energy, where I'm like, getting stuff done creating stuff in this kind of like, yeah, creative energy that I don't really need to have when I'm with my kids. And I like to be in have like, bring a softer presence to my family. So that's really what my switching off from work is about. And I think, obviously, this is something that you can adapt to what is going to feel really good for you, everyone's going to have a slightly different ritual. But what I always like to do is be really clear on what my tasks are for next time. I know I touched on that earlier, but knowing exactly like, Okay, this is what I've done today. And these are the tasks that I'm going to do next time. I love a paper to do list. I do use Asana as well to plan things out. But I love a paper to do lists and especially for, like these very important tasks that I'm going to come to next time I work. I really love to just have that on a piece of paper. So I open up my computer, and it's literally tucked into my laptop. And I'm like, okay, great. That is what I'm doing now. There's no faffing around, there's no wasting time, I'm going straight on to those tasks. And rather than trying to think about them at the beginning of a work session, where I'm like, oh, yeah, what was I doing last time to be able to write those down at the end of last session where you know exactly where you're at, you know exactly what needs to be done next, makes everyone's life way easier. So I highly recommend doing that. If you haven't got a clear list of tasks that need to be happening in your business, then that's the first place to start, of course, do a big brain dump on like the different projects or the different things that are happening in your business, and what needs to be done in them. So that you can be really clear, I like to break it down into like a single task as opposed to like, right email sequence, it's like, right, I like to write out which emails I need to write and or maybe even write plan, email sequence, and then you write draft emails, and then you write Polish emails, and then it's, you know, schedule emails and add images or whatever you're going to do. So being really clear on the task that you need to do in your business. So you've done that you've kind of finished up, and then it's kind of switching out of that work energy. So for me, it's closing my laptop, tidying up my desk, putting things away. And then usually it's just taking a few breaths, I like to use an essential oil mist that kind of helps me let go of that work energy and helps me soften a little. And that's pretty much it. What I'm also created if you feel like you have trouble sort of switching off, and also switching into work mode is I've created a couple of meditations for you to begin your work time with an annual work time where they're very short, so that they won't take up a whole lot of your time. But it just means you'll drop into this beautiful aligned place when you sit down to work. And then you'll let go of that work energy and be able to just soften into a presence with yourself at the end of the work day. So I really hope you enjoy those, I'll put a link in the show notes to them. Okay, so you're finishing work ritual, obviously, you can do so many different things here, you might like to go for a walk, you might like to jump in the shower, you might like to just wash your hands with intention, you might change clothes, whatever feels good. And again, this is something that could change daily. But I think really key to have that part where you kind of cut off from the work energy, and just to really clear on what's happening next time are really important elements of that post work ritual. And it will stop you from staying in work mode. And I think that's where people are like, Oh, my God, I want to switch off, but I can't switch off. And I think that it's not so much about, oh, I don't want to be thinking about my business, it's more like I don't want to bring that energy into the other things that I'm doing because it's just a slightly different energy. It's a beautiful energy, of course. But it is a slightly different energy than what we would bring to you know, going out with our girlfriends for a meal or to snuggling with husband on the couch, it's nice to sort of bring the energy that you want to bring to those things. So that can help you sort of switch off from work and just switch off from that work energy. I really like sort of tidying the desk as well and like clearing up the workspace so that again, that's nice and clear for you to sit down and come to next time.
Now for the pre work ritual, which I think is so, so important and very easy to skip over when you're like, Oh, I've
got so many things I need to do and I've got to get cracking. And I've already mentioned that taking a little bit of that time for self care is really key if you need it. And that is so important for staying out of that energy of like hustling, hustling, and I work at the expense of what My body needs and what my soul needs, because that is not how we want to show up in our businesses. And it's sending kind of our subconscious, a really damaging message that if we continue to listen to that of like, you know, I need something to feel good in my body, or I need something to feel good in my soul or in my mind or emotionally, but I'm not going to do that because I have to work, we end up in this cycle that will eventually lead to burnout of like, oh, no work has to be more important than those things. So really key to set ourselves up from the very beginning in our business that like, No, my business is not more important than what I physically need, my business is not more important than looking after myself, it's very important. And I'm not going to let myself go, oh, you know, I have to look after myself. And so I'm not going to do anything on my business, but it's really about going, Okay, I've got some time to work. Now, I've got a little bit of child free time, and I am going to use 10 or 15 minutes of that to do something for me to do the things that I need to feel good in myself, before I start to work, because I'm going to train myself into this way of like, I can feel nurtured, I can feel full and I can feel how I need to feel. And then I do work as opposed to, oh, I'm going to sacrifice, I'm going to push all that stuff to the side and do work at the expense of my health and my emotional well being and all of those other things. So if you've done that self care if you need it, but also the ritual that I love to have to begin work is that ritual where you're connecting in with your big vision, and your mission, and your ideal clients and your community and your business. And you're connecting in with like, this is what I'm doing here. Because sometimes in the small tasks that you're doing in your business, for example, if you're writing an emails, or if you're writing a sales page, or you're checking in on your finances, or you're recording a podcast, or whatever it isn't that you happen to be doing in your business. If you're doing these small things, it's really easy to do those and be disconnected from like, this is what I'm creating this is the big vision that I'm holding for this. And what that means is that we're just not giving it that incredible big vision, abundant energy that we could be. So every action that we take will amplify the energy that we have at that moment. And so even if we're feeling kind of calm and present, and that's a beautiful thing to kind of amplify the energy of when you're working. But think about how much more potent it is to amplify the energy of like, this is the big vision that I see for the business. This is what I'm creating with it. This is like my knowing of how incredibly impactful this work can be. And the difference it'll make to people's lives. Like if you're in that energy, and you're amplifying that by the same actions that you could take in any other energy, it will make such a huge difference. Like you'll see those Instagram posts will get so many more likes, the emails get more opens because of the energy that you have attached to them. So that's really what this beginning work ritual is about. And this is the other meditation that I've created for you to help you plug into this incredible, abundant, expansive, big energy that will help you grow your business to where you want it to go. So to take a few moments and the meditations only a few minutes long to plug into that to get into that mode, and then come to that task list of like, okay, now I'm going to write these emails. And it's not just me writing these emails, it's my most expansive, abundant, like, empowered self writing these emails, that makes a big difference work comes a lot easier to the energy of, you know, to you embodying that energy than to you embodying energy of like, Oh, God, I have got so much to do, how am I get through it? How am I going to get through everything. So that's really all I like to do for the for my work ritual. As I sit down, I'll do a meditation like that. I do have another essential Ole Miss because I do love sent. But you might love music, you might love sound, you might be a very textual person. So maybe it's like you put on a certain outfit or you like snuggle under a blanket on your work chair that makes you feel really abundant. Whatever it is, if there are things that are coming to mind that will anchor you in, then definitely do that. But taking those few moments to plug into that energy and to bring that energy through all of the things that you create and all of the work that you do. insanely powerful. So important, takes a few minutes. And it's like the difference between feeling like you're just plodding along your business and you feeling like holy crap, I'm creating something so incredible and so exciting how. So I really hope that today's episode has helped you. Think about the boundaries that you have around your work and your business and think about how you're going to start your work time and how you'll finish your work time with a little bit more intention. The meditations that I've created for you are in the show notes so pop over there if you feel like those would help your work boundaries, and would help create an even more potent container for you to work in. I look forward to seeing you again next week. Thank you so much for tuning in. Take care beautiful