Ep 14. Personal Q&A - my business journey, future plans, mum hacks and lots more....


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A bit of a different episode today where I get a little more personal and answer questions that you've asked about me, business, and life! 

I answer:
How did you get into coaching?
What do you struggle with or find difficult?
How do you find time for self care now you’re a mum? I’m struggling!
How did you and Trav meet?
What are your future plans and dreams?
Favourite mum hacks and tips for solo parenting?
What is the biggest lesson motherhood had taught you?
What's your favourite movie?
What are your other passions or hobbies?

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Instagram @amelia.anderson.coach
Email hello@ameliaanderson.net


Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, my love's Welcome back. It's so lovely as always to be here with you. And I'm really excited for today because it's going to be a little bit of a different episode, just chatting on some personal questions. A few weeks ago on Instagram, I shared that I was going to be recording this episode soon. And you guys asked me some really interesting questions. So I'm hoping that I can give you some great answers today. And if you have any more questions that come from this, you're welcome to jump into my DMs on Instagram or hop on to email if you're not on socials. And we can chat. I can tell you more, I'm happy to tell you I'm I'm an open book. I will list the questions that I'm going to be talking through in the show notes so you can see what's coming up. And I hope that you enjoy. So I'll start with the first question. I tried to sort of put them in an order that will kind of make sense. One of the questions I got was how did you get into coaching. So my background is in psychology, that's what I studied at uni, I have my Honours Degree in Psych. And I finished that four year degree, I'd written a thesis on decision making, which is actually incredibly relevant for coaching. And really interesting part of that puzzle between what I love so much about coaching, which is kind of how do we get from where you are to where you want to be, and what's what's in that messy middle, what is stopping you from being that person or having that business that you want to have. And I was feeling a little bit over the research stuff at this point. And my sort of study options to continue at that stage were to either do a masters or a PhD. So basically more research. And as you may imagine, if you know anything about me is that I obviously wasn't studying psychology to do research, I was so interested in people and what makes them tick and working with people. So I wasn't super excited at the idea of writing another even bigger, even longer, even more work intensive thesis. So at the time that I was doing my honours, I had kind of just become introduced to coaching and I was reading blogs from different coaches and actually work with a coach myself, a life coach to begin with. And they decided that, you know, if I'm not feeling super excited about this next step in studying psych, maybe I'll do coaching. So I did a coaching qualification, I also got a job working with kids who are on the autism spectrum and doing early intervention therapy with them, which was really wonderful job and such a special workplace as well. And where most of my first clients came from, as well. So that's really how I got started was I started blogging, and I started running some workshops for the girls that I was working with, and then anyone else they would like to bring along. And I then did some one on one work with some of them some pro bono, some sort of very entry level coaching, pricing stuff. And that was really just such a beautiful place to start. And I and I was lucky in that job in that I could drop back my days as I felt ready, as my business picked up. And as I was making a bit more money to replace my income. And after about a year or so of doing that. Travelling I decided to move to Bali for a few months. So he does fly in fly out work. So he could do that from Bali. And I wouldn't live there for four months, because I was feeling really cold to kind of explore my spiritual side and delve more into that I've done a lot of mindfulness and some sort of emotional acceptance work as part of my degree. And I was really interested in spirituality and developing my own connection to my spirituality. And I felt really called to go to Bali, I'd been there many times before and felt that in abode in Bali was a place where I was able to feel really spiritually connected. So that's where we went to live. And while we were there, I basically did like a complete immersion in spiritual growth and energy healing and meditation. And it was really incredible. I worked with lots of different mentors from all over the world, there are people from every corner of the globe that come and gather in overboard and idea that lots of courses, and I just went and did heaps of yoga and heaps of my own meditation as well.

And I learned lots of different meditation techniques. And it was just a really, really special time where I was able to, you know, and now that I have kids, I think, oh my god, what a privilege that is to have that much time to be able to delve into something like that. And that was kind of what really shaped the way that I approached my coaching in a very intuitive way and helped me kind of put it put my own spin on everything that I've learned in psychology and everything that I learned in my coaching course in order to be able to support people in the way that I wanted to and in the way that I felt was the most powerful by looking at you No mental stuff, energetic stuff, spiritual stuff, emotional stuff and kind of being able to bring it all together as a coach. And so I kind of officially launched my business, I guess after I came back from Bali. And while I was there, I put out an Instagram post and said, I'm going to start doing some small group coaching, I found a great space to do it. So this is in person, small group coaching, this is called the soul sister sessions, I hope that some of those girls are listening to this because I so many of them are still in my orbit, and I touch base with lots of them often. And it was just so special, those groups of women we'd meet every fortnight for six sessions. And then some of them came back and did another six, and just these beautiful conversations, and we'd do kind of meditation and healing. And we did a bit of energy stuff together. And we talk about, you know, self love, and all of these big things and our emotional well being and relationship stuff and everything that was coming up. And it was just really, really special. And the energy of those was such a perfect way to start my business. Because they filled out really quickly, they took off really quickly, it was very, very easily able to fill those up. And so I came back to Perth and started running those groups and from there is just sort of continued to grow the business in terms of starting to do more one on one clients. I did a couple of groups, online versions of that sources, two sessions, group programmes, I ran a lot of workshops over the years. And then the kind of the next phase of the business evolution was when I had my first baby. As you might know, if you've listened to the first episode of this podcast, I go into great detail around everything that shifted in the business after I had a baby and became a mum. And this is kind of feels like the new evolution. Evolution, where I'm in this new phase of finding even more ease and finding even more flexibility and really having a business that supports me to feel more like me and feels really nourishing when I sit down to work and then also allows me to be really present with my family when I'm not working. And I'm really loving this new chapter. So that's it kind of in a nutshell. If there are any questions that arise out of that, feel free to ask me on Instagram or on email. The next question I got kind of made me laugh, but also think, oh, no, maybe I'm portraying an image that seems like I'm not struggling with things on Instagram or on social media, because the question was, what do you struggle with or find hard? And I was like, Oh, my God, like a million things? How do I even answer this question? Because, like, like, everyone, I struggle with so many things. And there are many, many things that don't come easily to me. But I thought I'll share a few things that came to mind when I read that question. The first one is in terms of my business. And this is something that came to me really recently. And because I got this new app called I'm just finding it on my phone, which I should have done before. It's called my human design. And this app, you can enter your details and get your human design profile. I don't I am not definitely not a human design expert. But I really love it. And I love to know what my clients human design is. And I found this app is a really great place to kind of get an initial reading, getting an initial introduction, you enter your birth, like place and time. And then it gives you your human design profile. I sometimes describe it to people as it's like astrology on steroids, but I don't know if that's a good description. So if you are human design expert, and that in you're like shaking your head at me right now, I'm sorry.

But that's kind of how I have interpreted it. So in here, you enter your details, and you get the get the chart. And the thing that really jumped out at me was that my purpose slash life theme or what I came to accomplish in this life, is to upgrade and improve things because I have a removed or outside point of view. And the reason that this really resonated with me is because something that I have grappled with over the years since I started business coaching years and years ago, after people started asking me like, can you help me grow a business like yours? Or can you tell me what I'm doing? Tell me how to how to start a business and what do I need to know? And then my coaching has evolved from there. But something that I've always struggled with is being my own business coach, and, you know, you look at your business and you're like, why can't I do the amazing things that I can do for my clients? Why can't I sit there and see the big picture and map it all out and do a strategy and create it all? And like, why can't I do that for my own business? Because I always found that that was really difficult. Like I can look at my clients businesses and It all comes so easily. And I can see it really clearly. And I can see where things aren't working, I can see where things are working, I can see what the strategy needs to look like, I can see what their offers can look like, I can see the potential of it. But in my own business, I, I've always really struggled to do that. And then when I got this human design reading, I was like, Oh, I see, I, there's a huge difference in having an outside point of view, versus having an insider's point of view when it comes to being able to see all of those things and being able to upgrade. And of course, over the years, I've worked with different business coaches, and I've often worked with coaches myself, and I'm a big believer that as a coach, you should always have a coach or, and you know, on even as a human being, I feel like you should have a person that you go and debrief to whether it's a coach or a counsellor, or an energy healer or a kinesiologist. You if you've listened to this podcast before, you know that I love my Kinesiologist. And I've seen her monthly for like six, seven years now. And that's just a space to debrief. So I think for anyone having someone outside point of view, but that kind of made me realise that, Oh, it's okay, that I can't do this in my own business, it's okay that I need help. And even though I'm a business coach, this is why it's so important for me to invest in a business coach myself, so that I can have someone else's eyes and an outsider's point of view on my business, which I just can't get. So that's something that I always would kind of be like, you know, if you're a business coach, shouldn't you be able to do it for your own business? But not necessarily. And I guess it's the same as like, you know, would you expect a psychologist to be able to be their own psychologist? No, would you be able to expect like a personal trainer to be the best possible personal trainer for themselves? Probably not, would you expect a doctor to be able to be their own doctor, maybe not. It's kind of like, we all need these people outside of ourselves, even if it is something that we're quite good at ourselves. So that's something that I'm not good at. Another thing that came to mind is that I'm I struggle with being patient, I like things to happen instantly. And I think especially with motherhood, that's been something I've had to learn is like, just allow things to unfold and trust the timing, don't push it don't kind of force things to happen, just because you had the idea. And now you need it to happen instantly. Another thing that I am always working around is having very high expectations of myself and expecting myself to be you know, an amazing mother and amazing wife, and amazing business owner and all these things all the time, when, you know, sometimes, I'm obviously all the time actually, I'm just human. And sometimes things don't, don't come easily. Or sometimes it doesn't work how I expect it to and I'm learning to just kind of try and be more compassionate to myself, and not have such high expectations of myself because I'm very good at being compassionate and holding that space for other people when they're not being perfect. But it's something that I'm always working with that and control as well. When as soon as I'm not feeling good in myself, my little control the tendencies come out. So that's also something that I'm working on. So as you can see, there are many things I could do a million podcast episodes on all the things that I struggle with, I'm not good at but I'll leave it there so I don't bore you. Okay, the next question that I got was how do you find time for self care?

Now you're a mom, I'm struggling. I totally that's not me saying I'm struggling. That was part of the question, although I totally get it because I have days where I'm I struggled as well. And it's not the easiest thing. And it totally changed, like motherhood changed completely the way that I looked at self care and because you just don't have these big chunks of time. Like you know, people, I see people talking about morning routines. And I'm like, what morning routine, I don't have a morning routine, other than just being present with my kids, because that feels like a really nice way to start the day. But because there's so little at this moment, it's not like I can get up and exercise and yoga and journal and meditate and those things that I used to love doing. So that was a big shift into what does self care look like that fits around the kids and I had to completely let go of what my old self care look like and step into this new way of going well how do I do it around them and how do I do it with them so the mornings are a great example where I get up and I try and set myself up the night before so that I can be really present with them because that is actually what feels the nicest for me not trying to do yoga while they're there or trying to meditate with them is actually just being able to get up and you know, make breakfast together and hang out with them. And if we if it feels like it's flowing and we can all get in the pram and go out for a walk then perfect. Some mornings at work some mornings It doesn't, but I'm really in tune with going with that flow. And I think that's probably one of the biggest self care practices I have as a mother is I try not to fight the flow too much. And I try to go with what feels good and easy for all of us. You know, like, as an example, some days, I'll be like, oh, you know, we just go to like, we just go to the playground, that's not very exciting, like, maybe I should take them to the zoo, or organise a playdate, or do something that's going to be more stimulating and more exciting. And then I try and always come back to the question, What feels easy, what will be the easiest thing for me to do today, because that's going to be the most enjoyable thing that's going to be where I'm able to be most present. And often at the moment with the age that my kids are, which is almost one and three, is going to a playground with a fence around it. So that feels like the easiest thing to do. And that's really enjoyable. And it's a lovely way for us to be outdoors and to spend time together. But it's a really low stress environment, as opposed to like, you know, going on a bush walk or going to a big nature play place where I could lose kids or I kind of just end up then lugging the baby around and following Locky, which is totally fine. But it's not the most fun, you know, whereas if we're at a playground, and it's fenced in Locky can do his thing, he can play with me, Teddy and I can play and just feels like easier. So it's making those bigger choices in terms of how do I make my life easy. And then it's having these little mini moments where I can come back to myself. So I try and insert. And really, it's usually just a breath, where you know, maybe I'm washing my hands after going to the loo and I'm just taking a breath and I'm just washing off any excess stress or tension, I'm washing that down the sink. Or when I you know that moment of silence when everyone's in the car and you shut the doors and you walk around the car and you're like I'm free, I'm alone. For 10 seconds, I try and take that moment to like, take a breath, look at the sky like settle back into my body become more present. Same as when we arrive somewhere I like to take a breath before I jump out of the car. Any and really, it's just allowing myself to be present with the kids and being like to soak in the moments that I have with them. And then of course there are there are times where other people like travel, travel, have the kids or we've got a lovely babysitter or my mother in law or my parents can help us out. And then I can go off and have a bit of time and space. And I do try and get massages semi regularly. My goal was to try and have one every week this year that I've probably had like four or five. But still to try and have regular things like that, that are just for me that feel feel really nourishing of pop to your yoga class. If I can, that happens very occasionally. But now that Teddy is a bit older, that opportunity for those kinds of things will become easier and easier because I can leave him with other people. And he's not breastfeeding so, so regularly. And it's all getting a little bit easier to do those things. So I think it is the self care is so much in actually how you approach the day and then having these little moments of reset of taking your breath. And like if you're outside with the kids just allowing yourself to enjoy that for a moment. Like, oh, I'm outside and look at the sky and look at the trees and take a breath instead of like, what do you need? What do you need and constantly kind of being on that roller coaster? It's those little moments that I find can be really recharging it means I get to the end of the day and I'm not like oh god, like, what a day I

sort of was like no, I felt good about that I was able to enjoy today doesn't happen every day, there are days where I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel all day. And then like they go to bed and you're like, alright, that's over. But most of the time, I do find that I'm able to enjoy it by having those little moments for myself. Something else that I do, which I love as a little mama self care practice is each evening before I go to sleep, I write down my magic moments from the day similar to a gratitude practice, but I do find that the magic moments is just a little bit more fun. It's a little bit lighter than trying to find something to be grateful for. So that's when I write down you know, funny things that lucky said, or the cute things that Teddy have done and Teddy has done or just like an eye snuggle that we've had. And I saw it with the kids a nice moment we travel a nice moment that I had with myself, just to kind of help me to solidify those moments and to see them and it also means then that I'm priming my awareness that the next day I spot these lovely moments more often and it starts to feel like those moments expand and the hard tricky juggle, like what the hell is happening, mum moments start to shrink a little bit and those lovely moments start to take up more space because that's what I'm focusing on. That's what I'm looking out for. And that's what I'm trying to be intentional about creating when I'm with my kids. So yeah, in an in a in a nutshell. Hopefully that gives you some ideas of things that you can do for self care as a mama The next question I got was how does how did you interest me? So we met through one of my beautiful friends and she had a New Year's Eve party. And she invited him and she invited me and we met. And it was a really fun night and midnight, he got ambushed by somebody else. And for the midnight case, and I and you know, he'd been talking to me all night. And I knew that, you know, that's probably what he was angling towards with me. And I just thought it was so funny. He was like walking across the dance floor to me. And someone else just jumped in. And I could see when he's finished, and what if it was in that but you know, I let him off the hook. Anyway, we kind of hung out a little bit around that time, and then we lost touch. I won't bore you with all the details, but we lost touch for a year. And we ran into each other six months into that year. And then, after a year passed, I had we both kind of had seen other people in the year. And then I had been single for a couple of months. And I just couldn't get him out of my head. He just kept on popping into my head. And I think I asked my friend like, you know, is Trump seeing anyone? What's he? What's he up to? And she was like, No, I don't think so. And I didn't, I hadn't really thought my job it was just like this. And now I look back on like, it was so intuitive, where he just kept popping into my head. And I didn't think so much of it. And then one morning, I woke up and I can remember this feeling of like, I gotta text him, I just have to text him. Even though we haven't really spoken for a year. I'm just going to text him. I sent him this really sassy text being like, Stop playing hard to get when are you going to take me out for a drink, even though I'd been kind of the one who'd like, hadn't given it given him much to begin with? And he replied, who is this great power move by him. But he'd also lost his phone because he'd been in Africa. So anyway, from those beautiful beginnings, we ended up going out on a date. And that was it. Like we both just had the best time. And I from that first date, I think I said in my wedding vows from our first date, I knew that my heart had found its home with you, and that you would always keep it safe. And that is so how I feel about him. And it was so true from that from that very first proper date that we went on. And I'd always you know, I'd liked him from the first moment that I met him, but it was it just I feel like we both had quite a bit growing up to do in that year. I know I certainly did. And because we were 23 when we actually got together, so I was very young. And in that year where I was 22, I did a lot of growing up. And I think at that point, I was really ready to meet, to meet him and to be able to have the relationship that we have. So in a nutshell, that's how we met. Yeah, and it's been great. Been with men together 10 years next year. So we have to do a big, big fun celebration. Okay, next. Next question was what are your future plans and dreams, which I love, I'm always filling into these. So we definitely want to have at least one more baby. Our second Bubba Teddy,

the very wakeful baby has only scarred us a little bit and in terms of the sleep deprivation, so we have no plans on when we'll start trying because we've basically said we need to be getting some good night's sleep for a reasonable period of time, or as good night's sleep as you can get with two little kids, before the next baby comes along, but definitely would love at least another one. And when I think about like, oh, you know, maybe we'll call it at three, then I think oh, no, but I think I want one more. So we'll just have to see what happens. As our family grows, our home is getting a little bit cosy. So that's another thing that is on kind of our future plans is to find a big home at the moment, we're really figuring out where exactly we want to be. We both have that flexibility with our work to basically be anywhere within the state of WA. And we just want to be close to family and friends and figure out somewhere that is going to feel like home for us that we can really settle into so we're still figuring that out. And still very open to kind of what that looks like we've sort of taken the pressure off making that decision and we're just going to see what we feel and what calls us as always more travel is on the agenda. That's one of our favourite things to do as a family and now we can go a little bit further afield we might start planning some trips you know, interstate of all things. I'm not sure about overseas, but you know, that will happen as the kids get older I think so that's in a in a very loose plan. That's kind of our future plans for for life. And then obviously for my business, I've got lots of different plans. I'm creating a few different courses that will give you an opportunity to come and work with me at a lower price point. There's obviously the mastermind which will be continuing on for the foreseeable because I adore that container. I've got a couple of one on one spots now. Which I'm loving, I'll probably open up one or two more of them before the end of the year. So I'm, I really love having a very small client load when it comes to one on one so that I can give each client the complete depth and recognition and investment of my time and energy and heart and soul that they deserve. So I don't take on lots of one on one clients, and I really love working with people like that. So that'll be lovely to do more of that. And that's kind of yeah, there's there's lots of things happening in the business as always, and I'm really excited to share them all with you as they as they come to life. The next question I got was my favourite mum hacks or tips for solo parenting? Which is a good question. And I would love to hear yours if you have any. I'm definitely not the expert on this. But I do. I am the sole parent for about five months of the year while travellers away at work. So I do I do do the solo mama thing. And someone pulled me up on this recently on social media and said when you say solo parent, that means like a single parent with no support with no spouse who's helping them. And no, or no, you know, ex spouses helping them or no no support whatsoever. And so I'm careful when I'm using that word, but when I'm parenting on my own. So I'll share some of my best tips with you. And these are things that I of course, do when travellers home as well because they just make life easier as much as I can. One of my favourite mom hacks I read this somewhere is to dress the kids in their clothes instead of in pyjamas. And I know how cute a little child is in their PJs, but it is actually so helpful to not have to convince anyone to get out of pyjamas and into clothes every morning, especially a three year old who, you know, it's hard enough getting him dressed. So it's super easy if we can put him in his clothes. And he's just wearing like, you know, trackies and comfy clothes to bed. And then he can get up and he's ready to go the next morning. I know that people do that with school uniforms and things like that, we'll see how we go with that I feel weird about him sleeping in a school uniform. But that works really well. prep food as much as I can. So whenever travel goes away, I try and have a freezer that's pretty full of food, we sometimes get some pre made meals, we will often do a big cook up as well so that I've got food. And that kind of thing really helps because I found that that was the thing that he would go away. And then I was just kind of like scrounging for food and, you know, would grab a few things here and there and wasn't ending up eating proper meals because I was just trying to make sure the kids were fed. And so it's really good to have some food prepared. And even I think every time I cook, I'm thinking what can I put in the freezer. And I'm sure that that this is not a mum hack that you haven't thought of. But yeah, having having food prep definitely helps. Learning how to ask for help learning to accept for help.

That's probably the best mom hack out there. I literally got a message yesterday from my mother in law saying, um, do you want me to come and take the kids on Wednesday? And my my initial reaction is like, no, no, it's fine. Like, oh, you know, you want to be with them. You have time with them. And I thought to myself, like why would you say no, just say yes, like welcome that support, you can rest if you need it. If you have a bit of time, you can do some work like so learning to accept help is really, really important. And then learning to ask for help as well. People often, especially like if you have friends who don't have kids, they don't know exactly the support that you need. And if they can offer if you can let them know like oh, it would you know, the biggest help is when someone drops off a meal or if somebody comes in with an extra pair of hands at bath time or whatever you need. Like let people know let people know what kind of help you want. The next thing I do is the night before I try and get some snacks organised. The next day I lay out my outfit this one I'm being really organised. I'll be honest, this doesn't happen every single night. But man I love past me when I wake up in the morning and I've done all these things, get all of our drink bottles ready. I've planned our next day in terms of activities, I've planned our meals, gotten anything out of the freezer and so the morning can get up and really flow really easily and I can get up and get dressed straightaway and we can get out of the house and it just makes life so much easier doing those couple of things and really that takes like 15 minutes to do the night before. Another thing I love to do is use a timer whenever I'm cleaning up because obviously the tidying is endless. So I love to set like a 15 or 20 minute timer maybe you know Teddy's down for a nap and Lucky's happy doing something else. Or even after both of them in are in bed at night. I always set a timer when I'm tidying up because it motivates me to go away faster. But I also know that there's And inside, and I'm not just going to spend an hour like tidying. So I'm like, boom, I've got 20 minutes, I'm just gonna go go go and see how much I can get done. It's like a fun challenge. And then I can stop and have my own time. involving kids in the chores so that you can rest during nap times, rather than leaving nap times for chores is something that I found really helpful. So lucky loves to hand me the washing, if I'm hanging out the washing, he will attempt to help me fold the washing, like he loves cooking as well. So if we're cooking or prepping dinner, then he'll come and help me do that, while Teddy's napping or even both of them can can kind of hang out in the kitchen while I'm doing those things. So I try to do as many household things as I can by involving the kids, which I think is important for them to kind of see and them to be a part of anyway. But it also means that then when naptime comes around, and I do have a chance to rest, and I'm not having to do all these chores, so and on the days where I'm really tired lucky, and I just snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie together. And that's a really nice thing to do, which I struggled with, I think giving myself permission to let him have screen time is been a big deal. And I honestly still don't love it. But I think when you're parenting on your own, sometimes those standards have to slip a little bit and he watches some TV each day, so that when Teddy's napping that I do have a minute where I can, you know, go into meditation, I can lay down or I can read a book or I can just sit and snuggle with him on the couch. So it's like letting yourself off the hook and not trying to be perfect. But actually choosing ease and choosing the things that will make you feel regulated and happy over choosing to be a quote unquote, perfect mother, which we all know doesn't exist. I kind of think about what are my priorities, and firstly, it's me enjoying time with my kids. And secondly, it's getting as much rest as I can. And so I do try and work everything around that. And it's like I mentioned before, try and do things that we all enjoy, but things that aren't exhausting, and that aren't, you know, just for the kids sake so that they feel entertained. They're having an amazing time, but it's tiring for me, it's choosing those things that feel good for all of us. Okay, next question is what is the biggest lesson motherhood has taught you. Motherhood has definitely taught me the power and the importance of being present and how transformative my presence can be to my kids. And then from that, it's taught me how powerful that my presence can be if I give that to anybody, but especially with them. If we're having an off day, if Locky is whiny or needy or he's asking a million questions, or he's, you know, the they're kind of, you know, Teddy's a bit upset or Lucky's being a bit rough with him or anything like that. These are always just reminders to me, like your presence is required here,

it's okay to let go of everything else. Don't try and do anything, just come and be fully there. And this shift that happens in like five or 10 minutes of me just giving all of my attention to one or both of the kids is mind blowing. Because they they just start shining like these beautiful little bright beacons that they are and they're calm, and they're present, and they're happy. And then, you know, 15 minutes later, this three year old that I couldn't get a breath from is like so happily playing by himself because he had his connection cup filled up like that. And obviously, there is so many parenting teachings on this type of thing, and how important it is to give your presence. But it really has shown me like, wow, this is such a powerful thing. And it feels so good to me as well. So that's become such a huge focus of my mothering is being able to be really present and letting things letting things go that aren't urgent so that I can be really present with the kids and just enjoy all of the little moments. And it's also shown me like wow, if you show up in this presence, in any relationship, in your friendship in your marriage with my family, what a difference that makes, to how that person feels and how heard and seen that they feel. And obviously that's something I've always known as the work that I've done, and how powerful it is for people to come and have a space that is all about them and somebody who is completely focused on them and listening to them and holding that space for them. So it's it's nice to be able to transfer that into motherhood as well. Another question I got was any other passions or hobbies? Yes, I do have many in I love interior design. We renovated our house. We completely gutted it. It's like a cute little weatherboard cottage and we ripped out all the disgusting inside the three layers of like the world's grossest carpet and all this lie no and literally like the old like horsehair plaster wall. So it was a big job. It took us six months to even get it to a point where we could live in some of it. But that was really fun process and I can definitely see us renovating again in the future maybe not quite as big a job definitely not what we have little kids. And I can also see us building at one point as well, I can see us getting kind of a bigger block of land and building. So we'll just see, but I do I'm obsessed with like, interiors and my Pinterest is full of them. I also love travel, you would have heard me talk about that. I'm advanced scuba diver obsessed with ocean I in my heart, I'm a mermaid. So I love scuba diving, I learned to do that when I was 17. Three out to read at school, which was pretty awesome. And have been diving all over the world ever since. And really I haven't been diving since I've had babies. So I'm really looking forward to getting back into it. And really excited to one day, introduce them to it as well and help them get qualified and get really comfortable under the water. And just being near the ocean being out in nature. That is where I feel completely at home when I travel, I will always go to nature overseas. That's just what I feel I feel really drawn to. I love cooking. I love art. I've got a very creative family. And I love you know, these are all things that I used to do pray kids, when I have a little bit more time ceramics, painting weaving, I do a little bit here and there now but I don't have those big stretches of time. I also play the piano. Which is another thing I'd love to have more time for. But I'm sort of enjoying this season of life where my kids do need a lot of my time and I'm loving giving it to them because I know that they'll grow up and I'll I'll miss this time so much. I also I have the world's worst taste in TV I love like reality TV, and I don't I don't even know why. But I especially love like real estate reality real estate shows. So if you've watched any of those, and then let's talk about them. If you have as terrible taste in TV as I do. I'm a real worst. I don't watch anything with like, I don't like suspense. I don't like scary shows. I don't I don't even read the news or anything like that. Because I just that that fear energy really gets to me and I find that it's not something that I need to be in to be able to be well informed. So you'll find me watching, like real trash TV because it's not gonna upset. Upset me. So, on that note, another question I got was, what's your favourite movie,

it's called About time you might have seen it's got Rachel McAdams in it. It's just such a good movie, such a good reminder to be present and to enjoy all of the little moments of life, especially in this season where there are so many beautiful little moments. And I feel like I've talked about that a few times this episode now. So that very much does feel like the theme of my life at the moment is this, this practice in being present and in being fully in the moment that I'm in and then just allowing everything else to drop away as it needs to. So that I can just flow with things and not push things that I'm I'm, I feel like in the even in the last couple of weeks, I've noticed in myself this little dance of like my mind being like, oh, you should do this, you should do that. Try this. You know, it's that little bit of that pushing that doing that hustling energy coming in. And majors being like, Well, what happens if I don't? Let's just see what happens if I don't do it. Let's see what happens if I soften back into presence into trust into surrender. And guess what all the things that I want it to happen that my mind was telling me oh, you should do that you should go and make that happen. They all happened because they were meant to happen. And instead of having to push to get there, I was able to surrender and it all happened for me. So I hope that you've enjoyed this episode. I hope it wasn't too self indulgent. Honestly, as I wrap up recording and I'm like, you can't just talk about yourself for 35 minutes and expect people to be interested in that. So I'm will just trust that that's my inner critic. And I hope that you've enjoyed parts of this episode. And thank you so much for tuning in and spending your special precious time with me. So I'll see you again really soon if you want to chat about anything that I spoke about in this episode if you have any more questions otherwise I love talking to you. So pop onto Instagram and let's let's chat. I did mention earlier that I've got one on one clients I'm now taking on one on one with clients again, which is so so exciting. So I will the first three spots are released got snapped up straightaway, which I'm so grateful for and I will probably be releasing another one or two In the next month or so, I'm just figuring out exactly when I can have the time for that. So if you're interested I'll pop a link in the show notes so you can read what that entails and what that looks like and you can get in touch and ask questions if you have them. As always, my abundant members mastermind is there to support you as well if you would like to come and work with me in that container. So, thank you so much. I hope you have a beautiful day and I'll talk to you really soon back to regular programming. No more me prattling on about myself for hours on end. Next week, we'll talk we'll talk things business again. Alright, beautiful bye


Ep 15: Social Media Burnout & Non-Social Media Ways to Market Your Biz


Ep 13. Switching off from your business + creating your happy mama business boundaries