Ep 23. Mastering joyful, easeful, soulful sales
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Show notes:
Have you ever felt like selling just isn't your thing? Or finding that making sales in your biz is feeling hard? I'm so excited to share a new perspective on sales with you in this episode! Sales can be soulful, easeful and fun - usually with a few mindset shifts you can start to really enjoy sharing and selling and start making lots more money too!
In this episode:
- The most important thing you can do to start to see more sales in your biz NOW
- How to create content that does the selling for you
- How to handle objections (eg. I can't afford it, I don't have time etc) in sales conversations - this might surprise you!
- How to clear blocks, doubts and fears around selling
- How to become magnetic to your ideal clients - How to set yourself up for 'where do I sign' enquiries (instead of 'convince me I want this' enquiries)
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Episode Transcript (unedited)
Hello Beautiful. Welcome back to abundant Mama's podcast. As always, it is such a joy to have you joining me here. And I hope that you're having a nice day and that this episode is going to flow nicely into whatever it is that you're doing at the moment. I hope business is going well for you as well. And I so appreciate the messages and the reviews that I've been getting saying that this podcast has really been helping you in business and it just warms my heart to hear that it's so exciting. So hopefully today is another helpful episode we're going to talk about sales and selling and sleaze free sales, soulful sales, doing things your way. And actually what that looks like because I think sometimes it can be a bit ambiguous to talk about like you know, soulful selling, but what does that actually look like? Sales I think has such a bad rap we I know I think I hear the word sales and kind of the image that comes to mind is like that sleazy car salesman. Actually think about the dad in the movie, Matilda, I don't know if you've seen that or read the book where he's like, filling up cars with with sawdust, I don't know what that does. And like winding back the, the odometer. So it looks like they've done less miles. And, you know, it's this real kind of manipulative process. And it's really hardcore. And I know that anytime I've done any courses that are more American focused by somebody who's based there, the sales tactics can feel really full on. So I think soulful sales is really great. And I know as in to an Australian market we don't love being sold to we don't love being, especially any pushy sales tactics or anything like that. And I also really don't believe in that way of doing sales. Because the idea shouldn't be that we kind of manipulate somebody into working with us, the idea should be that we create something that makes people want to buy from us. And it's just a matter of putting it in front of them and helping them through that process of wanting to make a purchase, if that feels like an empowered decision for them. I think I've shared this before on the podcast, but years and years ago, in my business, I made a I invested to work with a coach and the process was such a nightmare. It was so manipulative and I was, I was really susceptible to that, because I was in a very fear based place at the time, I was feeling very stressed that money wasn't coming in consistently, or that I wasn't making enough money. And I was seeing this person posting about, you know, making this much money and just how to, you know, this many $1,000 day and this many $1,000 launch, and there's still so much of that that goes on in the online world. And sometimes I think I mean, just sharing that is, so it's just really such a tiny part of the picture. Because, you know, some might, some person might share, for example, oh, I just had a $200 or 200 or $200,000 launch. But maybe they spent $150,000 on that launch, maybe that's how much it cost them to have everything designed and pay for the Facebook ads or everything else that they did. Or maybe they had a $200,000 launch and they spent $2,000 on it. And they get to pocket most of that. Or, you know, there's an I think there's there can be such a focus in the coaching world of like this much money I made yesterday, and that kind of thing. And I mean, I could also go through my business and go well look at this day where I made five figures. But that was the income maybe that I made for that month as well. So while I might have had a single day or five figures, I also might have had a five figure month, which is wonderful and beautiful. But the way the different ways that I could tell that story can be a little bit manipulative or can be just a bit not telling the whole truth of the story. And I think I see that happening a lot. And one of the red flags I would say to look out for if you are wanting to work with a coach is that that's pretty much all they're sharing is how much money their clients are making or how much money they're making, because it's a really small piece of the puzzle. And it really doesn't tell a whole story. It's much actually more valuable to know what somebody's profits are in their business, if they're willing to share that. It's also helpful to know how much somebody's paying themselves in their business. But that can also be very private information. I know that something that I don't really feel like sharing, it's not something we generally tend to talk about, like I don't, I wouldn't expect my friends to tell me how much they're being paid from their jobs.
But it is worth knowing that when you see somebody saying a seven figure business or this much launch or whatever it is that it's a really small piece of the puzzle and there is actually a lot more behind that. And for some that could actually be a very, very abundant launch or variable Under Business and for others, that could just be a really big business or a big launch with a lot of money invested into it. And a lot of money moving outwards as well as inwards. Anyway, that was kind of on a tangent back to soulful selling. So I'm so not here for any kind of manipulative tactics, I don't want you to feel pushy when you're doing sales, it doesn't feel nice to try and force somebody to do something that they don't want to do. Instead, I'm all about having sales be a really fun and useful and enjoyable process, I'm going to share some of the things that should help it be that for you. One of the points I want to make here is don't worry too much about handling objections. I believe that when we get an objection in our business, you know, and when I say objection, I mean, somebody's saying to you, I'd love to work with you, but I can't afford it, or I'd love to work with you. But now's not the right time. I'd love to work with you. But I don't have enough time at the moment, or I'd love to work with you. But my husband is saying it's not a good idea, or whatever it is. There are many of these objections. And there's a lot on like handling objections, and how do we help people to kind of move past them? And I do certainly think that. If somebody has reached out to you in that way, what they are saying is yes, but they're saying, but I've got a mindset block that I kind of need to work through. Sometimes you'll be able to ask them a question. And they'll be like, okay, yep, I can see that's a mindset block. Like, you know, isn't it interesting that you're saying that you can't afford this, but I haven't actually told you how much I'm charging for it yet. And they might go okay, yeah, that is interesting. Maybe tell me the pricing, and then I'll make a decision. Or, you know, you're telling me that you're not sure that you have time for something like this. But we also haven't talked through what the time investment might look like, or that kind of thing. So I think, to go back with like, one question can be helpful, but also to be really kind of detached from, oh, my God, I have to turn this person into a client. Because there's only so much we can do, you know, over, even in a discovery call. But definitely, if you're selling over DMS, or if you're selling on email, or however you're kind of handling the inquiries that are coming into your business, too much of that back and forth, I think starts to feel a bit icky and starts to feel a bit pushy. And I'm always thinking when somebody is approaching me and asking you about working with me, if I can see Yep, there's a mindset block here. They're telling themselves a story. Sometimes it's not my job to change that story. Sometimes it's not worth the effort that it would take to help them see that or sometimes I just don't even have enough like, I don't, we're not going to spend enough time together for me to help them kind of get clarity and say that that's a limiting belief and make that decision. And I'm really at peace with that. I'm like, that's, that is so fine, because I trust that they'll come back when they've worked through that limiting belief. I'll trust that that's a belief that even maybe, the process of them inquiring and working with me is something that has shed shine a bit of a light on that. And they're going to be able to come back and circle back. And I trust that that's all happening. And I also trust that there are so many people out there that are easy, yeses, and most of the people that come into my business are an easy, yes, there's not a lot of back and forth. There's not a lot of like handling objections. It's just like, Hey, I saw that thing. I'd love to come and work with you. And it's a really easy, awful process to bring them in the door. And it's not worth the energy of trying, you know, following up people who've ghosted you or that kind of thing, if, if that's what they've done, that's totally fine. And wherever you are following up to do it with like, a very detached energy of not like, oh my god, I really need this person to become a client or start paying me or invest in my business or whatever it is. But just like, sometimes I do, the only reason I ever do follow ups is because my clients are mums. And so I follow up because I know that sometimes when life takes over and we get too busy, and we kind of forget that, oh, yeah, there's this programme, I really want to do that or there's this you know, really want to sign up for that in my business, but I'll get to it, I'll get to it and then it just kind of falls off the to do list. So that's the only time I follow up is just like, hey, just in cases fallen off and you do want to do it, I'm just reminding you about it here. So
don't feel like you have to become a master at a sales process. Don't feel like you have to push don't feel like you even have to support people to let go of limiting beliefs what I think is such a better use of your time is instead connecting with the fact that there are so many of your ideal clients in the world and there are so many people out there who are so excited to work with you bring those people in like I want the people who are the easy yeses I don't want the people that I have to have tonnes and back and forth with and convenience and for them to feel like like I don't I don't want to have to do the dance like I'm I want the people who know and are connected to that knowing and are ready to be in that really beautiful expansive place that they can come and work with me and expand even further and we can create that beautiful aligned business. So if you can connect, then instead of going, how do I do that? How do I master the sales process? Or how do I nail a discovery call? Or how do I make sure that everyone I speak to says yes to me focus on? How can I be me in the sales process? And how can I connect to the value of what it is that I'm selling, so that I am so excited about sharing what I'm what I'm selling in my business. So instead of going, Oh, I have to, you know, I have to tell people this and I have to talk about, you know, trigger an emotional response, and then talk to their logical mind, and then go back to emotional and then share this and have this, this kind of laid out sales process, connect with your worth, connect with the worth of what it is you're sharing, and then share, because that's magnetic. That's the thing that is so exciting for people to hear. This is actually, this podcast episode is inspired by a recent conversation I had with a one on one client of mine, who said to me, like, I'm still working on my elevator pitch, and how I'm going to sell this. And I kind of said to her, like, don't focus too much on having the perfect elevator pitch, focus on connecting to the magic of this incredible offering that you have created and share from the heart, and it will all flow and instead of you being up in your head, then when you're sharing like, oh, yeah, I have to say this. And I have to mention that. And I have to do it in this order. You're just sharing really authentically. And I think that's if you think about the things that have excited you to buy anything in your life, it's that glowing recommendation, or it's somebody saying like, Oh, my God, I got this thing, and I love it, or I work with this person, and I had the best experience. And it's somebody being genuinely excited. And we can be that when we talk about our own offerings. And pick that is what will become magnetic. So I think focusing more on that, and the sharing aspect of it, as opposed to this is how I have to have a sales process or a sales conversation. You do all of the work there, you do all of the kind of groundwork that needs to be done by sharing from a place where you're really connected with the value and you're feeling really excited about what it is that you're sharing. It can also be really, really helpful to connect to a knowing that there are so many clients out there, there's so much money out there that it's so easy for you to find clients that it's easy for you to find. It's easy for you to find money, it's easy for you like opportunities just come to you all of that kind of thing. A couple of weeks ago, I actually shared an affirmation track if you haven't listened to that, that's all about kind of motherhood and business and finding ease and flow and abundance in both of those. So that kind of thing. Using affirmations can be really powerful to help kind of programme your beliefs. So that yeah, there's plenty of clients. If this person inquires, and then goes me, I don't care. It's no big deal. Because that's their, that's totally their stuff. And that's their journey. And I'll trust that I'll continue sharing from the heart. And if they feel cold, they're going to come back. And if they don't, there's millions of other people who are really excited to work with me. So that is so fine.
Instead of going, this is the process, I immediately go into this hardcore sales process as soon as I get an inquiry. So feel how excited you are to share. And the final thing that you can connect with is how excited your client is to work with you. I think this is something that we forget to we forget, like when we're in the sales process of like, oh, how do I get somebody to buy we forget that there are people in the world who are so excited and so wanting to find you and wanting to find the type of support that you offer. And when they discover you and your business they will literally feel like they've hit the jackpot they'll feel like the universe has given them exactly what they've wanted. Because they will resonate with you 100% Those are the people who your ideal clients. Let's not call in the people who are going to be hard work and going to make us dance in order to sign up with them. Let's call in the people who get it and who are like a full resonant hell yes. And by no means am I saying don't ask question you know if you're thinking about yourself as the customer or when people come to work with you and by no means this doesn't mean don't ask questions don't ask for all the information you need to feel really safe and really grounded when you make a decision to say yes to any purchase. You know, it's like saying like don't I've seen actually a little bit lately, which I think is a bit funny online is like a secret offers where someone will be like I've got a secret offer. It's this much money let me know if you want to buy it and then I'll tell you what it is. And I'm like hell no that purchase feels this so unsafe to me that just feels like I'm throwing money at something I don't know. And, and I get that for some people that feels really exciting. And that feels very, like, you know, trusting and that feels really great to do that kind of thing. But I think for me personally, it doesn't feel like that's a safe thing to make. So if you're somebody who wants all of that information, by all means, ask for it, by all means, say, can you tell me a bit more about like the access I would have to you in this programme? Or how are the materials delivered? Or what happens? If I, you know, don't enjoy it? Or all of these, you know, what's your policy on refunds, and that kind of thing. And as business owners, we should have the answers to all of those questions as well. Before we share an offer, we should know all of that, you know, what's the, what's the refund policy? What's the payment terms? What is how am I going to be delivering this, all of that kind of thing? So, by all means, ask those questions and allow people to come and ask those questions and note, sort of write them off, like, Oh, my God, you're not an easy, yes, because you've got all these questions. For me, it's more, so don't feel like if someone comes to you and go, I really want to work with you. But I can't because of x, y Zed don't necessarily feel like it's your job in the sales process to change their mind, it's your job to be you, it's your job to be so excited about what it is that you're sharing, it's your job to be connected to your knowing that, that what you're offering is going to change lives and going to be incredibly, incredibly supportive. It's your job to connect with how excited you are about this. It's also beautiful to connect with how excited your ideal clients are, to discover your work and to sign up and how magical it feels for them to give you money so that they can experience what it is that you're offering them. So I hope that helps you feel a little bit more excited about sales, if you like, I used to feel felt like it was just something icky. And something that you didn't want to have to do in your business. I really do feel like there is a new era of business that is that we're kind of stepping into, which is not this old school very like sales driven, hardcore, busy, busy pushing, doing all the hard work business. And it's much more about this ease and flow and alignment and authenticity. And through that incredible abundance that we haven't had to slave for that we haven't had to sacrifice for that we've attracted just by being ourselves. So trust in the magic that is within you trust that you are being called to share what it is that you're being called to share because that's exactly what you're here to do right now. And that is what the world needs from you. As always, I love chatting with you guys about these episodes or hearing your experience of you know, your aha moments or any takeaways that you have in the podcast. So jump into my Instagram DMS you can send me an email. Let's chat. As always, I so so appreciate when you leave a review as well. That just really tickles me. And I'm gonna let you go. Have a beautiful day. I'm going to see you again next week. Bye bye