Ep 11. How to get clarity on the next steps to take in your business


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If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by where to start or go next in your business, this episode is for you!

In this episode, I share:
- How to stay connected to your goals and big picture and avoid getting bogged down by procrastination
- How to overcome self sabotage and start making real progress in your business
- Hot to intuitively tune into what’s next in your business
- How to get clear on the steps you need to take to bring your business or project to life
- How to embody magnetic and abundant energy
- When to NOT take action in your business and when to go go go!

I hope you enjoy!

Xx Amelia

Click here to join Abundance, Embodied (doors close on Sunday May 22, 2022!)

To kick start your intuitive business journey, download my Ideal Client Connection Meditation here.

Take my Mama Self Care Style Quiz here and discover how to support yourself to thrive as a mama.

Schedule a Clarity & Alignment Coaching Session here.


Transcript (unedited)

Hello, my love, how are you? Welcome back, I hope that you're well, should we just take a nice deep breath to start with?

Have you found a little bit of space to have a moment for you in your day? And if not, I hope that that breath helped. And maybe you can take some more as we hang out today, I'm really looking forward to sharing some ways that you can get clarity on what's next in your business. Because I know what it can look like when you first start out that it can feel quite overwhelming. Even when you're starting a new project in your business to look at like, okay, I can see where I'm heading with this, I can see what I want to create, but oh my god, the journey, the journey to that destination feels really scary and really overwhelming. And like, I can't see clearly how that all needs to look. So we've all felt like that in our businesses. If you feel like that you're not alone. And I think it's just part of that inner critic coming in and trying to talk us out of doing something that is really heartland and really aligned with us by going no, no, it's too hard. Like you don't know what programme you'd use to do that? Or will you launch it like this? Or will you launch it like that? Or where will you host the content. And it's often those nitty gritty details that can sometimes trip us up and make us go like, Oh, no, like, I can't do this, or I don't know how I'm going to do this instead of just staying in a really kind of present empowered space and doing each step as it comes. And one of my favourite things as you will know, if you've listened to any of this meditate in any of these meditation, any of this podcast is meditation. So this might surprise you. But meditation is one of my most important business practices, not just to, you know, help me feel calm and present. But actually to help me get clear on what I need to do in my business. An example of this is after I became a mom, I didn't have a lot of time to kind of not out, okay, how is everything gonna look in my business? What do I need to do? And so I started leaning more into meditation. And I kind of thought, what if I can tap into what things need to look like? What if I can tap into that information and that guidance, without using my mind, but instead by connecting to my intuition. And the first way that I did this was when I was kind of figuring out like, it doesn't feel like my pre baby business model of all one on one coaching basically is going to work well for me after I become a mother. And now that I want to support mothers, I don't know if that's going to work really well for them, either. So what I did is I went into a meditation, I actually recorded this meditation for myself. I have been teaching and sharing meditations for so many years now that I've like, I'm, I'm okay with listening to my own voice. I can get past that, because the meditations almost come through me. And then I practice my own meditations all the time. And in this meditation, I went to see my future self. And she mapped out what my business model and the structure of my business could look like. Now I was in this new chapter of my life. So I sat down in my future house on my future couch, and she drew it all out for me, she explained how everything would work together and made it all really simple. And instead of so instead of like, you know, going online, I could have gone researching and looking at what other people are doing, and how can I create this and what's going to work? Well for me, I really just went into it in that beautiful, intuitive place. And she was like here, this is the mastermind you can create. This is how it will look. This is how you can support people, this is how you can still have that flexibility, still allow your clients flexibility, because they're raising babies as well. And continue to support them in this really deep way that you love to work with people. So that is really, really powerful. If you've ever done my ideal client connection meditation, which is a freebie that you can download. It's in the show notes if you want to click the link and get that. And whenever I do that meditation, which is on a weekly basis, I like to tune into that to kind of plug into like, what do my soulmate ideal clients need to hear from me?

What comes through is so potent and it's so gentle in a way it's not this like, you know how to win clients with amazing messaging or how to like the words to say to get someone to buy. It's these like Heartland like this is what's on her heart and this is what she needs to hear from you. And it feels really expansive and beautiful to share in that way and then I'll weave that wording into my offers and my emails and even episodes Out of the podcast. I've also done meditations that have helped me to look at where I'm getting stuck in my business. So I have a meditation like this that I share in my abundant mamas mastermind, where it helps you to plug into like, okay, where, where am I holding myself back? Where am I getting stuck? Because these areas can often be blind spots for us as business owners. And we're like, Oh, this isn't working. And I don't know why something isn't working in my business? Or why do I keep getting stuck with this? Or why am I at this income level when I'm actually wanting to increase it, but what I'm just getting stuck here. So we can use meditation to tune into, oh, this is where I'm getting stuck. You might know at the moment that I'm launching my abundance embodied programme. And basically all of those meditations are designed to help you tap in. So we start off with a beautiful inner child healing meditation where we visit a younger version of ourselves, where we can get some information on where a belief was formed a limiting belief, and we can heal and release that limiting belief in that meditation. So it's such a beautiful ease for soulful way of doing business where you're not overwhelming yourself with information, and you're not constantly comparing yourself to what other people are doing and getting caught up in, I should do this, and I have to do this in order to be successful, you are really coming from that beautifully aligned place within yourself, that knows that you can do business your way and that you don't have to subscribe to somebody else's way of doing things. You don't even have to do something that exists anywhere you can do something that is really you and authentic and something that only you has ever done in the world. And I would always encourage my clients to take this approach on getting clarity before they start overwhelming their mind with information. And it's not just through meditation that we can get this kind of information. So journaling is another really important and beautiful practice that I believe is really powerful to have as part of your business. If there's something you're feeling unclear on, if there's something you're feeling stuck on, sit down and start with, I'm feeling really stuck on pricing this offer, I'm feeling really overwhelmed about launching this programme, whatever is coming up for you, I'm feeling confused about how to pull my skill set into a coaching offering. And from there, you can free right and see what comes out I find sometimes we need to kind of clear the slate a little bit with just like get all of that mental chatter out, just write what comes into your mind. And then on like the third or fourth page, the magic starts to come through of like, why don't I do it like this, this could work really well I really resonate with this, or I've been really drawn to this person, maybe I can see how I can get some support from them. Or I need this type of support in my business, or I want to learn more about this area. So you'll get those nudges on what is next. And you can also do things like just putting the question out there to the universe, like I really want clarity on this, or I really want to find somebody to help me with this. And put that out with great intention. And it connects with that intention to receive that guidance every day. And it'll drop in, it'll be like a random conversation and someone will be like, Oh, actually, yeah, a friend of mine is just starting out as a VA, and you've been putting out there like, send me a wonderful VA and there they are. So it's a really nice way of planning in your business and of mapping out the future of your business that doesn't require

head energy that doesn't require you to go up into your head and plan and, and map out every single little detail. Because you're in that beautiful flow of trust, you're open to what you're meant to be doing. You're open to what your soul is telling you what your spirit guides are telling you what your future self is telling you, whatever you resonate with any of those, you are tapping into the guidance that is there for you as opposed to looking outside of yourself. So I truly think that this is the best way to get clarity and it doesn't mean that you all you do in your business is you meditate you figure it out. And then on you go because often and this happens to me is meditation will point you in the direction of support that you need. So meditation at different points has said, This coach is really going to resonate with you, or this programme is going to support you really beautifully at this moment. And I think that that's really important to be able to make those investment decisions in your business from that place. Because often we can make fear based investments in our business when, you know, say for example, you're not getting as many clients as you wanted and you really want clients and you see somebody who you wouldn't normally resonate with but they're like I can help you get fully booked in five minutes, come and do this programme. And you go there from a place of lack of like, oh, yeah, I desperately need clients. So I'm going to sign up to this programme, and then you do it. And you're like, No, this is not me, this doesn't resonate, this doesn't feel good. This feels like the not a not an aligned way of doing things. Whereas if you can come back to that place and go, What feels really good to me, what, what is my intuition telling me like, yeah, this will feel good. And often, it's those things that don't fully 100% make perfect sense. So it might be like, Oh, for some reason, I'm feeling drawn to do this programme, even though that isn't specifically about getting clients, it's more about like, creating really powerful content, and, or starting a podcast or something like that, but you're really drawn to it, it's trusting that in your business. And that's what helps you stay in this beautiful state of ease and flow. Instead of going into hustling and hard work and trying to fit you as a square peg into a round hole, we got to find your square hole so that you can fit into that and do things your way in your business. So I also love using journaling prompts to get clarity on what the next steps are in business. And I'll share some of them with you now. And I'll pop these in the show notes as well, so that you can come back to these if you're feeling like I'm a bit stuck, I'm a bit lost and a bit scattered, or I'm just I'm just ready for growth and ready for the next stage in my business. I'm ready for clarity on what that looks like, then you can use these prompts to help you get clear. So the first one is, where are things feeling stuck or stagnant or blocked in the business at the moment? It's really important to know that, and then how can I unblock this? How can I? How can I feel more flow in this area? You can also ask yourself, what support would I like to call in what in the business would I like somebody else to help me with to either do for me, or to give me guidance around

asking yourself is the way that I'm showing up in my business, helping or hurting the growth of the business? This is a really important one because sometimes we are so desperate for growth in the business. But we sit down and every time you come to work, you're coming with this desperate energy of like, oh my god, I desperately need money. I desperately need people to come and work with me. And what you're doing then is just shooting yourself in the foot. Because you sit down with that energy, you do work, you share something and you've amplified that energy. It's not magnetic to anyone. And you're wondering why it still crickets? Why you're not getting those signups? So checking in with yourself like how am I hurting the business? And how am I helping the business? And then how can I help the business? How can I let go of the ways that I'm hurting the business. So those are a really good place for you to start when it comes to feeling into what the next steps are in your business. Another really important thing to remember is that your intuition will not give you the whole path, your intuition isn't going to map it out and go, Okay, you do this, then this and this and this. And in 12 months time you've tripled your income. And this is what it looks like. Your intuition gives you one step at a time and goes trust me on this, come here, do this be present with this. And when you're there, you'll get the next step. And that can be really hard to trust in a world where we're taught to really plan ahead and our inner critic is like, no, I need to see exactly how this is all going to look so that I can trust it so that I can follow this path. But whereas our intuition knows, we've just got to do it bit by bit. And the amazing things that can happen when you do lean into that way of working in your business and growing your business is just so incredible that you get to feel this expansion with ease instead of this growth with hustling and pushing. So allowing that intuitive guidance to give you the next step. And you can also plug into the big vision of your business, sometimes just stepping into that energy can really help you to get clear on like, oh yeah, this is what I'm about. Or this is the energy that I need to be feeling when I'm doing something in my business, not this desperate hustling, pushing energy, but this beautiful, expansive, knowing that this is growing into exactly what I desire it to be. And I just have to stay connected to the energy of the version of me that is living that reality. And that is creating that desire that is already living with that desire so that I can continue to create it. So you'll see in one of my previous podcast episodes, there's the expanded life and vision meditation that I share. And in that meditation, you'll be able to connect him with that big vision can connect him with that energy of the you that is already there doing the things that you have that desire to do. And from there, you can work backwards, you can tune in and ask that version of you like, Okay, what's my next step? I'm feeling like, I can see where I am now. And I can see where I want to be. But I can't see the steps in between. So can you can you tell me what's next for me? And being able to tune in in that way gives you this beautiful, grounding way of connecting into the business instead of constantly looking outside of yourself for like, what's that person doing? Maybe I should do it that way. Or, I've got to do this, even though it doesn't feel good. You're coming back to what do I need to do? What's important for me in my life, and what is the guidance that's coming through for me to to act on next. I hope that that helps you feel a little bit more clear on how you're going to move forward in your business. Trust that you have those answers and trust that you will be nudged to get the support when it's time to get the support.

And if you can welcome meditation, practice into your business with open arms, because the power it has to shift things really quickly. And to give you clarity really quickly, without having to go through overwhelm. And information overload is just so so incredibly powerful. If you feel called to kind of dip your toe in the this way of doing things and getting receiving guidance in meditation, even if that feels like something that's a bit foreign to you or something that you would like to get better at. Then in my abundance in body programme that is this. It's an entry level programme, whether you're an experienced meditator or whether you're new to this type of work that you can come into and I will support you to tap into that guidance. And to get that incredible clarity to like be able to sit down with your future self and see what your business is going to look like to be able to sit down with your future self and see how you can invite more abundance of time into your life, how you can nourish your health and vitality, how you can step into that big vision and how you can see the next moves that you need to make to get there. So if you if you feel called I would so love to have you in the programme if you have questions about it. Instagram is a really great place to reach me at Amelia Anderson book coach comm and chat to me come and tell me if you liked the episode leave a review if you enjoyed it, I would be so touched. I mean if you hated it, you don't have to leave review. That's totally fine. Share it with your friends, if you like and thank you so much for tuning in looking forward to talking to you again next week.


Ep 12. How to use a freebie to grow your email list & get you fully booked


Ep 10. A daily practice to release money blocks and create an abundant life and business