Ep 09. How to create your aligned and authentic marketing strategy to increase your income and impact with ease


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Marketing and strategy are two words that can make soulful business owners feel immediately stressed! There are SO many conflicting opinions online about how to market your business - so how do you know what's right for you? I've created this podcast episode to help you cut through the noise about marketing and get clear on the best way to turn your ideal clients into happy customers - in a way that feels authentic and deeply aligned with you. 

In this episode I share:
- an 'aha moment' I had recently about motherhood and business
- different ways to market your business (not just social media!)
- how to use your marketing strategy to create content
- how to make marketing your business SIMPLE and enjoyable
- marketing mistakes to avoid
- a step by step guide on mapping out YOUR authentic marketing strategy

Ready to feel crystal clear on how to make your offers irresistible to your Ideal Client? Download my Ideal Client Connection Meditation here.

Learn more about the Abundant Mamas Mastermind 

Click here to hop on the waitlist for Abundance, Embodied. 

Take my Mama Self Care Style Quiz here and discover how to support yourself to thrive as a mama.

Connect with me:
Instagram @amelia.anderson.coach
Email hello@ameliaanderson.net


Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, beautiful Welcome back. It's so lovely to have you joining me and I'm recording this in the evening. I don't know we work in the evenings. But of course after last week publishing a podcast episode on this is how I scheduled my work weeks and it all works really well. The last couple of weeks have been completely different. Our nanny got COVID Our cleaner got COVID. Locky potentially had been like exposed to COVID through our nanny. Well, we all had I guess. And so we were staying away from my immuno compromised parents as well. And we weren't classified as close contacts, like Lisa, we could still go out and about and do things. But yeah, I was just sort of testing him lucky every day and seeing if he had symptoms. And luckily, it seems that we're fine. And we're clear of it. But yeah, basically and also travels away. So basically, I've had to squeezing my work in odd hours the last couple of weeks. And it's really shown me though the beauty of the business model that I've created for myself and how mum friendly it is. And it's just given me that extra, you know, I'm constantly getting these affirmations from my work and from the universe and from the world. Like, this is why this is so important because I was actually able to go you know what, this week, it's not gonna work and I can shuffle things around. And I can like things are set up so flexibly that I can fit them in at different times. And like my business hasn't ground to a halt at all, I've still been able to support my clients in my abundant mom's mastermind, I've still been able to have money coming in and there's not this like, Oh no, what am I going to do when things like this happen, which inevitably will. So it's really nice to know that okay, things are still taking along and but this is why I am sitting down in the evening and recording this when I would usually do it on a Monday morning. But before we get into today's episode, I wanted to share a recent aha moment I had in case it happens to be an aha moment for you. I don't know if it will be but I was on this Instagram account called the holistic psychologist you might already be following her she's got tonnes and tonnes of followers. And I saw a real that she created about nitpicking and dysregulation and basically she was saying when you nitpick, and you know, it's like, the annoying stuff that I would do to travel around like, oh, did you not do this or, you know, it's not it's not aggressive, it's probably a bit passive aggressive and I know that it's when I'm stressed and it doesn't happen very often. And I'll do it and immediately apologise and be like, sorry, I'm stressed or I'm like, you know, feeling a bit maxed out today or whatever it is. And I've gotten quite good at being able to be kind to myself when I am not my best and being able to apologise and own it really quickly as well which I think is so important being able to do that because it means that even if I am being a bit of a butthead we can turn it around really quickly because I can see it and go, oh, sorry, my bad. Yeah, that, you know, I'm just not feeling as good as I can feel. But basically she talks about nitpicking and just reframe that as opposed to the way that I would frame it, which is like I'm stressed, or I'm overwhelmed, or I'm maxed out, or I'm distracted, or I'm trying to juggle too many things at once as like your nervous system is dysregulated. That's just another way of saying those things that I'm saying to myself. But it made me feel so much more empowered to do something about it before it happens to go, Oh, I'm just dysregulated. And it really helped me separate from the stories of like, oh, you know, am I the only one that knows how to do things properly, or you know, all of that kind of stuff that goes through your head when you're in that mood. And I'm hoping that you can relate to it as you listen, otherwise, you have, you must be an absolute joy to be in a relationship with. But I know we all have our little things. And this totally changed the way that I saw this because I I went, Oh, if I'm dysregulated I know how to regulate my nervous system. And then it's not trying to talk myself out of being annoyed or being stressed or being overwhelmed, or whatever I happen to be in that moment where I'm being a pain in the butt and nitpicking. It's like, oh, I just have to regulate. And so I can go outside for a second. Or I can take a few deep breaths, or I can do something, anything that will bring me back into my body, and like, reset my nervous system, reregulate my nervous system, take me out of that stress space, like, have a cup of tea, do some humming, I know, like all these different anything to come into your body. And we all have these these different strategies. But it just it also then made me look at like, oh, there are all these moments in the day where I might feel say like, pushed to the limit, which has definitely been the case, the last couple of weeks where I've been solo Mumming, or I've been parenting on my own wild travels away and like very intensely, because most of the support that we've created to make that easy or easier, is not there. So there's definitely been moments where I've been like, oh, gosh, like I can feel myself getting that frustration. Like say I'm trying to get out the door. And, you know, there's just a million requests coming at me from one kid and the other one needs something and it's just like, you can and I was and now being able to recognise that as like, oh, it's dysregulation, okay, I can take a few breaths I can like, just quickly get everyone outside. So I can like I feel a lot more regulated being a nature and I can take a drink or I can just check in with myself like, oh, do I need the bathroom? Do I hit my do heart? Am I do cold? Am I comfortable? Do I need something to eat all that kind of stuff. So it really just helped me to reframe, from the stories that can happen in our head around emotions to like, No, this is my physical experience at the moment. And I know how to turn that around really quickly. And it's not like I'm going from being stressed or frustrated or maxed out to instantly like being Zen and calm. But I feel like I can quickly turn it around. So I'm heading back towards feeling more regulated and more like present and calm and in the space where nothing fazes me, which is such a nice way to feel. And it also made me think about how during the day ever since having lucky I've always tried to build in Jesse's really many tiny moments of self care. And exactly what those moments are doing is regulating my nervous system. So for example, this might be every time we get in the car before I start the engine or drive off. I'll put hand over heart hand over belly, take a nice deep breath, maybe take a few nice deep breaths if I need them. And like have my little reset moment, same as when I hop in the shower or like have a breath if I go to the bathroom or when I wash my hands or intentionally sort of wash any stress down the sink or I might splash my face with cold water. And all of these things that are just little tiny moments that you have time for when you're a mom, they are all resetting my nervous system and helping me to regulate so I thought I would share that in case you have been feeling like motherhood has been a lot lately or sometimes you feel like that I didn't experience this very much until having a second child and a second child who does not sleep for long periods of time. So I'm having very broken sleep and have for the last almost 11 months. And also then having to learn how to juggle the two of them is this whole new pressure on my nervous system. So it's really nice to think about it like I regulating my nervous system instead of oh my god, I'm so stressed, I'm so overwhelmed. How do I get out of this place? Anyway, I hope that helps. I know that is not really the topic, I've sort of tricked you into listening to that. And maybe that's just something that you need to do. Maybe it's not if it's not sorry for wasting your time. But anyway, let's talk about online marketing. Now, because this is something I am so, so passionate about, I get so excited about this way of marketing, because it's something that I didn't really understand when I started my business. And for many years, when I started my business, I think I sort of thought, oh, there's like, I just have to find this right strategy, and then everything will take off. And it's so not like that. And I think when you're starting a business, and then you're sort of going, Okay, now I want to get clients or you've got an established business, and you're ready to launch something, or whatever is happening in your business. And you're going, I want to kind of increase my revenue, I want to make a bigger impact here. We then start seeing all these courses and things popping up that's like, here's, you know, this done for you marketing strategy, where you just like plug in your business, and off you go. And it can become a little bit like a one size fits all, and you feel like I'm just not doing it, right. Because look, this person is using a strategy. And they're having this amazing success. And I'm trying to use it, but it's not working for me. And the reason that it's not working is because it's not in alignment with you. So this is where aligned, strategy and align marketing comes in. And it's so exciting. And when I talk about alignment, I think maybe that term can sound a little bit woowoo, or a bit like mysterious even. But all that aligned means is that it feels authentic to you. And it feels deeply aligned with your heart and your soul and who you are. So it's just being authentic in your business and being authentic in the way that you market your business. And the same thing with the word strategy, I think it can seem a little bit scary, like, oh, gosh, that's very, like, I don't know what a marketing strategy looks like. I kind of just like to think of marketing as a clear plan or a clear path that I know, I can create to my business, so that my beautiful ideal soulmate clients can walk that path to find me. And it's a path that I know that they'll want to walk. And it's a path that's easy for them to find and well lit and it's an enjoyable path for them to be on. And when I think about my marketing strategy like that, it doesn't feel like all this big, technical, scary thing. It's just like, Oh, I'm just creating these paths toward my business. And I want to make sure that they're there. So my ideal clients can find me, it's like, I don't want to build something amazing in the middle of nowhere and have nobody be able to come and find it. Because I haven't shown them the way or I haven't given anyone a map where I haven't told anyone the address, we're creating these paths towards our business when we're doing our marketing and creating a path that our ideal customer is just like so excited and so overjoyed to be on and to enjoy walking towards our business and finding our business, and then becoming clients or customers in our business as well. So when we're talking about align marketing, that's what it is. And I think the first thing that we want to do before the stuff that happens before we start doing the marketing, so as enticing as it can be to be like, Okay, I'm ready, I want to go and start making money. I think there's real foundational things that we need to do in our business, before we go out there and start making money. One of them is getting really clear on our offers and our business model. So knowing how we're ready to work with people, and making sure that is all feeling really in alignment with you and where you're at in your life and the season of your life as well. So for example, if you're offering one on one coaching, but you're feeling like you don't have a lot of time, and maybe you've got really young kids, and you know, lots of them are one of them, and however many you know it's even from one, it all starts becoming pretty intense. And you're not on a reliable schedule, and you don't know what each day is going to look like. And that feels really tricky to be offering one on one coaching, then what's so important is that you can shift in your business and go okay, this isn't gonna work for me at this moment. How can I still support my clients in a way that's going to work really well for them? And that's going to work really well for me so that I'm showing up as my best how I need it. I need a more flexible way of showing up and so maybe it's going to be voice messaging coaching or maybe it's a recorded programme or something like that, and making sure that your whole business model is really aligned And with you and what you love to do the way that you love to work, have a look at your office, have a look at your business model and really check in with yourself. This is all it takes is to check in with yourself and go, am I so excited about that? Or am I just doing that because I feel like I have to. So if anything that is there just because you have to take it out. So there's offers that business model feels really aligned, you can see the progression that clients can take through different programmes or products in your business. And then the first part of the marketing strategy that I love to do, and I really enjoy this part is to create the sales page. Because having this even as soon as I've sort of come up with an offer or a programme, I'm straightaway writing the sales page, because what that means is that you're getting really clear on what it is and how you want, it seems like you're really clear on the benefits and the results and why you're so excited about it, what makes it different, what your clients are going to get out of it, the transformation that they are going to be able to experience, all of the features, all of that, when you have the sales page as your first port of call, then you're really just be able to use that and repurpose that into a lot of your marketing content. So having a great sales page is where you need the sales page done. I believe before you've started the marketing. It also means that when you're creating content, and you're creating anything for your business, you're not just throwing stuff out there. So many people I think, make that mistake early in their businesses like I just have to be putting stuff out there. But it's that's when social media and things can become really draining really quickly. Because when you're putting stuff out there, that doesn't make sense as part of an overall strategy. And that it's not part of that path. It's just these random stops in the middle of nowhere. People like you know, it's like you take them there, they pop up and then you give them nowhere else to go next. So you've just sort of left people in the lurch if you're not consciously creating that content. With a strategy in mind with a like a bigger picture of this is where I'm taking you I'm going to take you through and I'm going to give you this freebie and then I'm going to offer you this, and then I'm going to be able to support you in this way. If you're not doing that, then it starts to feel a bit scattered. I think the energy around that is really scattered as well. And it's also very draining because you're like I'm doing all this stuff. But I'm not seeing any results. It's just like treading water in your business. So, so important. As much as like, I think we get in such a hurry to like get out there and create stuff and do stuff until we were like buy my programme and do this. It's so important to come back and do that foundational work, make sure that the offers and the business model is something that you are madly in love with. Make sure that you've got this sales page that like when you read it, you're just like hell yes, this is freaking amazing. I'm so excited for people to experience this. And then you're going into your strategy in this space, especially this energetic space, but also from this strategic space of like, I know exactly where I'm taking people and the energy around, it's really clear. And I'm so excited to create these different avenues, these different paths for people to walk down to come and find this business and purchase things from me. So a really simple way to start with your align strategy. And this is something I've borrowed in part from Leonie Dawson who I really love her work and her approach to business. She is very authentic, and everything she does is to start by just doing a big brain dump on like, where are your soulmate? Clients? Where are they hanging out? Are they going to yoga classes? Are they on social media? Are they listening to podcasts? Which podcasts are they listening to? Are they what brands are they buying? From? What music? Are they listening to literally anything and everything you can think of? The thing that will help you so much in this process is my ideal client connection meditation if you haven't already signed up for it. What are you doing? No, I'm kidding. If you haven't already signed up for it, make sure you head to the show notes. There's a link there so you can sign up and get that ideal client connection meditation. I would never do this type of work without doing that type of meditation first because the clarity it gives you to get into the head and the heart and the soul and the energy of your beautiful soulmate clients is so powerful and so exciting. And you'll get this clarity of like, oh, this is what she needs to hear from me or this is what they need to see. Or this is where they are. This is where I can find them. And so you've done your beautiful ideal client connection meditation, you're feeling that alignment in the office that you've created in the business model, and then you're just doing this big brain dump. Where are my soulmate clients How, where are they hanging out everything, anything you can think of nothing is off limits here. This is very much like brain dump territory. So get it all out. And then the next thing you're going to brand up on is how can I get in front of them. So if they're hanging out at yoga classes, you could go and run a workshop at a yoga studio, if they're going to a certain cafe, maybe you can put fliers in the cafe. If they're on Instagram, and they're watching reels, maybe you can do reels, if they're listening to this podcast, how could you become a guest on that podcast? There are so so many ways, there's literally 1,000,001 different ways that you can get in front of your ideal clients. And sometimes I think we, especially in online business, we get a little bit stuck in like, okay, it has to be social media, or it has to look like this. And that's why I love this exercise, because it takes you out of that. And it reminds you like there are a lot of ways to connect with people outside of social media. And there are so many things that you can be doing in your business to bring clients towards you, as opposed to just feeling like, oh, I have to just keep doing Instagram, even though I hate it. And it's not working for me. Like there are lots of other things you can try. You can go to networking groups, you can run free workshops, you can run paid workshops, you can talk to people, you can ask for referrals, you can find people that it's going to make sense for you to refer clients to each other and do some kind of cross promotion with them. There is endless ways that you can do it. So literally anything that you can think of that would get you in front of them. And once you've done that, you go back over that list with which of these excites the crap out of me which thing am I so so pumped to do from this list. So if you're looking at that list, and it's like, oh, they're definitely listening to podcasts, but the idea of being a guest on a podcast just sounds like my worst nightmare, then that's not an alliance, that's not going to be an align strategy for you. So leave it, we don't, we're not going to do that. But you look at it and go, Oh, you know, I'd love to do like Instagram live interviews with people who have similar audience to me, so that I can put myself in front of more of my soulmate clients. So I'm going to start setting that up, whatever it is, you can start to feel into, like, what really excites me from this list. And that becomes the basis of your align marketing strategy. And then it will go off in many different directions, depending on what is aligned with you. And what's really key here, I think, is to be in this beautiful align place when you create the strategy so that you can continue to do it. And every time that you come back in and you're looking at the strategy and you're creating from that place, it's like you come back into alignment first. And then you start to create this strategy. Because if you're, if you're in alignment, and you're like, Okay, this is my strategy, but then the next day you come to it, and it's like, oh, no, now I want to do something different. It's so important to give strategies a bit of time to work. They're not something that we often see like instant, like, oh my god, boom, I'm fully booked overnight. That was amazing. It definitely can happen. I don't want that to be a limiting belief that I'm putting out there. It 100% can happen. But sometimes we can get caught in like, Oh, I didn't see an instant result. And so now I'm going to let go of this, even though it was something that felt really aligned, like for example, you know, I'm going to do a couple of podcasts interviews, and oh, no, I haven't gotten new clients from that. That's like, so I'm just going to stop doing podcast interviews, whereas it's like, no, but if that really lights you up, and that really feels really exciting, then continue to do it and trust that it's exciting you for a reason, and you're being pulled towards it, because it's something that you're meant to be doing. And maybe you didn't have that ideal client, or you didn't have that client that's so ready to work with you tuning into that episode yet, but maybe she's gonna find it tomorrow, maybe she's gonna find it next week. It's there now like it's there, and it's going to start working for you. And it's also means that you're maximising everything that you're doing. So for example, if you were going to be interviewed on a podcast, rather than just being interviewed, you would have a freebie that you would be able to share with the listeners of that podcast. And then following on from that freebie, you would have a beautiful nurturing welcome email sequence that people would be taken through where you can get to know them better, and they can get to know you better, you can share more value with them more tips with them, you can share about how they can work with you and how they can get further support. And all of this starts working for you. And that's why the strategy part is so important because if we're not being strategic about it, then we probably haven't maximised the effort that we've put in to go and be a podcast guest as an example. So if you haven't maximised that, then you haven't shared your freebie. You haven't gotten them on your email list. You haven't given them a chance to come and join your email community and be a part of your community. And then if you haven't got that sequence set up, then you haven't given them a chance to get to know you and to get to know how you could support them more. So it's so important to kind of, we start with this beautiful in like alignment. And we continue to create from this align place, but we also are looking at it from a strategic point of view. And making sure that, okay, I'm not just popping up in front of them and going, Hey, it's me, and then disappearing. But you're popping up in front of them going, hi, it's me, here's something for you come with me, let me walk this path with you. Let me show you the way towards my business. Let me show you how I can support you. Let me show you what's possible for you. If you come and work with me, or let me show you what's so exciting that I have that you can purchase from me. So when we think about strategy like that, I think it stops becoming this very, like, structured scary, like corporate, whatever thing that feels like, oh, no, like, if I'm a soulful business owner, or a Heartland business owner or a spiritual business owner, the strategy is like can feel a bit achy. But when we can come at it from this aligned place, it's so exciting. And it's so exciting to create it. So for example, when I'm doing a launch, I'm not sitting down going okay, what should I be saying in the launch emails? What? What's this person saying? I should say? Or it's really I sit down? And the first thing I do is brainstorm, like, what am I so excited about to share about this programme, and that forms the basis of my sales page. And then that forms the basis of the emails and any other content that I create around that launch. So there's no right or wrong strategy, you'll see a million different things presented to you. And some of it will resonate, and some of it won't. And if it doesn't resonate, you don't have to do it, you're not wrong, for not doing things away that just because something's working for someone else. So when we can market in this way, it doesn't feel like oh, you know, I'm doing my marketing. And this is like, hard. And I'm needing to see results, because the whole process is incredibly joyful and enjoyable, that the results come really naturally. It's like, oh, isn't that exciting? I get to create, like, I love doing this. And then oh, he comes to clients, and he comes the money and what an exciting thing to be able to do things I enjoy and continue to receive abundance by doing those things. I really hope that this episode helped you, I really hope that if you're struggling with your marketing, and you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, or you're feeling like where do I start? Or like, what is this marketing strategy that I meant to have, but I don't have, I hope that this sheds a little bit of light on and it's giving you a chance to see, like, oh, I actually can do this in a way that feels authentic and feels enjoyable. I also wanted to take a couple of moments to share that I've just introduced a couple of new options within my abundant mamas mastermind, because I know that when you're starting out or even as you're growing your business, there's often that juggle between like, Okay, I'm really ready to grow. And but I want some support. And I want some guidance to be able to do that very intentionally and easily and authentically. But I need more money before I can invest. But I need I know that investing in support will help me make more money. So I know I know that juggle. Of course, I've been there in in my business many times of like, you know, stretching and investing before I felt fully ready. And so with that in mind, I've created these new options to join the abundant moms mastermind come and work with me, you get one on one support with me, as well as getting to be a part of this incredible insight for inspirational and supportive group of other mamas in business. So you can join for either three months, or six months. So these are much more affordable options in joining for the 12 months, I'll let you go and have a look at the pricing and that yourself. I'll pop the links in the show notes. But I would so love to have you if you're feeling called there. That's why I've created these options because I know that there can be that financial juggle at different points in our business. So please get in touch if you're interested. I am so happy to have very open and honest conversations with anyone who's ever thought about working with me because I completely understand that it's a big deal and I know that neither of us are going to benefit from it if we're not a right fit. And I will tell you if I don't think we're a right fit or if I don't think I can support you as you need to be supported. So if you would like to to let me know that you're interested on the page where you can learn all about the abundant members mastermind you can click and send an application by sending an application you are in no way locked in, but it's starting a conversation so So then we can either continue to chat on a call or in Instagram, DMS. And we can figure out whether or not this is the right place for you to be. So if you're feeling called if you're interested, just let me know fill out an application and get that ball rolling. And together, we will make sure that if it's the right place to be that you can come and join. And if it's not, I will just let you know that because I think, of course, I'm obviously so passionate about a line business. And the part part of that is having a line supporting your business and somebody who gets that with you and who gets you and who gets your business. So I hope that's me. But if it's not, I'm definitely going to tell you. So I hope that yeah, this episodes been helpful. As always, if there's questions if there's anything else that came to mind as you're listening to this, or if you ever have requests for episodes do just get in touch Instagrams really good way to reach me. So I would love to chat to you there. But thank you so much for listening once again, and I will see you again next week. Have a beautiful week.


Ep 10. A daily practice to release money blocks and create an abundant life and business


Ep 08. My family friendly weekly work schedule + business boundaries