Ep 19. The simple 8 step process that keeps me fully booked as a coach


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If you're a service based business, clients are your life blood and there is nothing more important to your success than nailing attracting clients to your business. This process doesn't have to be hard work or require hours on social media - it can be (and should be in my opinion!) easeful and fun!

In this episode I share:
- The strategic, practical, energetic, and mindset moves you need to make to become fully booked
- My exact process for getting booked with your soul mate clients
- Mindset shifts to support you to sign more clients and make more money
- How to get a flow of clients into your business in a way that feels easeful and fun
- How YOU can get clear on your unique marketing strategy and start filling your calendar with dream clients.

In this episode, I mention that I'm now taking enrolments for the beta round of my new group coaching program, Fully Booked and In Flow, the 3 month program with EVERYTHING you need to become fully booked with your dream clients - without the hustle.

If you'd like to find out more or join us (we start July 25th and there are limited spots left) you can fill out an application here or get in touch on Instagram @amelia.anderson.coach or via email hello@ameliaanderson.net


Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, beautiful, how are you? Welcome back to another episode. It's so lovely as always, to have you here with me. And today I'm going to be taking you through my process to becoming fully booked. I know that this is one of the things that is front of mind for a lot of us when we start out in business, and even as we grow our business, how do we get fully booked with our beautiful ideal clients? How do we make that part of our business really easeful? How can how can you make sure that you've got people inquiring, and you're converting them into clients on repeat, so that your income from your client work is just something you don't even have to worry about. And you can just see that continue to tick over or to grow, whatever is your intention at this moment in your business. So I think even if you are someone who's working with clients already, and you'd like more, or if you're just starting out, and you are ready to start welcoming your first clients, this episode will really help you. And I'm going to be talking about a new programme that I am beta testing at the moment, which is all about getting you fully booked, I'm going to tell you more about it. At the end. It's called fully booked in inflow. And it's the perfect time to come and join because I'm beta testing at the moment. So I'm going to have a small group and the investment is lower than it will be in the future. But I will tell you more about that at the end, because I know you're probably here ready to hear the process and start moving through that. So I have eight steps that I go through and don't sort of freak out that these are very complicated and convoluted, these are very eight very simple, easy steps that you'll be able to move through quite quickly. And this will be a good chance for you to look at where there are any gaps in your business. Or if there are things that you're doing or things that you're not doing that could help you to get more clients. So the first thing is, first step is making sure that your offer is in complete alignment. And what I mean by that is that the way that you work with your clients feels really right, and it feels 100% aligned. So you might be working with people one on one, you might be working in a group. But you need to be crystal clear on your boundaries around what, whatever it is that you offer. So you need to make sure that you're only doing things that you love to do and that you're only working with people in a way that lights you up. So if you have at your offer already, I invite you to have a look at it and just figure out like, Does this feel really useful if I put myself in a position of being fully booked? And I think about how many of those clients I'd be seeing each week? And how that feels? Do I have the boundaries in place that actually allow me to be fully booked in my business right now. Because if we have wishy washy boundaries, for example, you can access me via voice message 24/7. And then we're thinking, well, that's fine, because I've only got a couple of clients at the moment. But that becomes actually blocked to us inviting in a full client load. Because there's a part of us that goes well, yeah, it's fine, fine for now. But if I have my full client load, and everyone's Voxer, ring me or voice messaging me 24/7, like, that's going to be too much. So we need to start as we mean to go on. And by having those really, really clear boundaries. So you might have boundaries around when people are allowed to cancel. And whether they forfeit a session after you know, if they're cancelling too close to when you have things scheduled, you might like to have things that are very clear boundaries around communication between sessions, or community guidelines, or whatever it is you're offering, be crystal clear. And I think we get caught up going, I need to give people more and more and more so that I'm offering them more value, but actually the most valuable thing you can do is to be really clear with your boundaries. So they know like okay, I can expect to reply Monday, Wednesday, Friday and other days, I won't expect to reply. So I'll kind of get get through things I can do on my own. And I know when to expect to reply, or they'll know that they can ask a certain question or share certain things in a Facebook group. And then other things will be needed to needed to save for voice messaging support, or whatever it is. So be really clear and make sure that your your offer is in alignment in terms of how you want to work with people and the boundaries that you're putting around that offer to make it easier for you to show up 100% to make it feel like there's no part of being fully booked, that feels like oh my god, that's going to be really overwhelming.

I was actually talking about this with one of my one on one clients recently and she was saying, we sort of looked at okay, financially, what would fully booked look like in terms of your financial goals and and with the pricing and all of that. So we mapped that out. And then I said well, let's put it in the calendar and see what that actually looks like and how many hours a week you would need to dedicate to FaceTime with clients. And her initial reaction was like, well, that feels a bit scary and it feels like I'm not getting out to have time for the things that I want to do if I have a full client load. And it became very apparent to both of us that well, this is probably why she's not fully booked right now, because fully booked means that she can't do other things. So we did a little bit of tweaking. And basically, I also encouraged her to map out not just when she's going to see clients, but when she's going to do other things in her business in her calendar. And also when she's going to do the things that she loves to do. So when is she going to go and when she's going to do her meditation and get her energy healing and go for her walks, and all of those things that really fill up her cup, making sure that we can see that are weak and our I actually like to do things on a fortnightly basis in my business, I like to map out a fortnight so you might like to do that too. But I like to be able to see like my fortnight is feeling quite spacious, even when I'm fully booked. So even though I'm fully booked, I can see I'm gonna have time to do everything else in my business, I'm going to have time for me, I'm going to have heaps of time with my kids and with my family and with my husband and I can see how that's all going to work. And even though it feels a bit like dry compared to all of their kind of manifesting and other things that we do, it's actually such a powerful practice to give ourselves that feedback of like I do actually have space for the clients that I want to have. So try mapping out your week or your fortnight and making sure that your idea of fully booked is actually a clear idea and actually feels very spacious and useful and aligned. And if not, then come back, tweak pricing, tweak goals, tweak what you're refocusing on in the business, until it feels in that complete alignment until you look at that calendar until you you can feel the idea of being fully booked feels so exciting. And in such deep alignment and feels like something that is very spacious, and that you've got all of the energy to hold, and to show up 100% for your clients. Okay, so that's step one, in a slightly long winded way. Now step two, I'm going to try and keep it quicker than this and can try and keep it a little bit shorter as I move on. So step two is to connect with your ideal client, I really like to do this at this point in the process. Because what this does is it helps me tune in to the desire that my ideal client would have to work with me, it also has helped me to connect with the type of things that they need to hear from me and the type of things that I can be sharing the language I can be using. So if you're unsure of how to do this, don't worry, I've got you covered, I've got my ideal client connection meditation, it's free for you, it's in the show notes, click the link, go and do that meditation, it'll literally change the way that you do your marketing, and that you write your copy and that you share your message because it will help you to share it in a way that actually is going to like hit home, hit the target every time with your ideal clients. So get to know your ideal client, I really like to do it early on in this process, because it means that then, as we're creating everything else, we have that connection with our ideal client to guide us. So you're feeling connected to your offer, you're feeling connected to your ideal client. And now my next step is actually to write the sales page. And I guess this sometimes seems like something that should happen later. But I really like to do this early on, because it helps you get really clear on like, what's the transformation that you're you're sharing? What is? Where are the where's that person now? And where are you going to take them? And how are they feeling at the moment? And what are the features and it helps you get really, really crystal clear on anything that is a little bit murky. So and then you can repurpose so much of that sales page, and so much of that messaging in all of your marketing as well. So that's your third step is create your sales page. Step number four is to do the mindset and energy work that needs to be done. So this is a great time to do some journaling. Or just you might even like to go and see an energy healer or to work with a coach. This is something I love doing with my clients is working through like, what's the mindset stuff that's tripping us up? Where's the energy blockages that are stopping this from just becoming like an avalanche of clients into your business? What are we? So it's really important to get clear on like, what are the beliefs? What are the thoughts? What's the mindset? What's the energy around me being fully booked and welcoming clients in? Where does that process feel tricky? Where

am I getting in my head about things? What am I worried about all of that stuff. So getting clear on that for yourself, I will also be launching a programme that is so insanely powerful, and it's going to help you just killing limiting beliefs to the curb, I'm going to be releasing that in a few weeks. So stay tuned. I'm so excited for it. So if you're like I don't even know how to do that, then I'm going to come in and help you with that in a few weeks and I'll have a special price for you. It's only going to be $77 When I first launched it so very accessible. So that's step four is doing the mindset work doing the energy work to make sure that there's nothing there that's going to trip up the process of you welcoming clients into your business. Step five is I really like to set up all of the systems and structure that you need to onboard your clients. So that when you get an inquiry, you know exactly what you need to do. Do Are you offering discovery calls or pre calls?

Are you offering voice messaging? How are you? How are you talking to people? How are you getting them into the business? And then once they've said yes, how you doing payment? How are you doing? Onboarding? What are you sharing with them? When

they first sign up? What are you asking them? Like, you've got a questionnaire that you want them to fill out? What are the terms and conditions? What have you got an agreement, a contract, whatever it is for them to sign? So getting really clear on that process, because that can definitely be a block. If you imagine that you are so excited to get a client but then there's also a part of you that's like, I don't even know what I do once I have somebody to say yes to me, like, I don't know how I'd take their money. I don't know how I would welcome them in as a client. I don't know what I'd send them. I don't know, any of that. So be really clear on like, where are you going to meet? Like, how are you going to do it? How does all of that work, get your systems in place. Number six. Now that we've got all of that backend stuff set up, and you can see exactly how you will go from a client inquiry to somebody saying yes to working with you, we can start to do your marketing strategy. And I, this is the part that I love. I love helping my clients to create an online marketing strategy. And I've set up my business in this fully booked in inflow programme in my abundant Mama's mastermind, and of course, in my one on one coaching, that nothing is cookie cutter, I am always working with my clients to find their align marketing strategy, and it's so much fun to see how much it lights them up from them going to, you know, from, they often go from like, oh, marketing, like, I don't know, it feels like a lot of work, it feels really hard. And maybe you can relate to that, even as you're listening to this, to Oh, my God, it can actually be really easy. And I actually can just do all the things that I like to do. And I can market my business in a way that feels really good. So when I talk about align marketing, it's similar as when I'm talking about finding alignment in your offers, in that we're doing it in a way that feels really good to you, we're doing it in a way that feels authentic, and that really lights you up. There are so many ways to get in front of your ideal clients, it is ridiculous. You don't have to do social media, you don't have to do anything in your business. If it doesn't feel good for you. Like we can get traffic to your website in so many ways that don't involve social media, if that doesn't feel good. We can also create boundaries so that we're using social media in a way that feels amazing. But but then we can do things like SEO, we can do Pinterest marketing, we can do like, we can reach out to your network. And we can work through how we can do that in a really effective way and make sure that we're putting ourselves in front of people. And I really like to start super, super simple when it comes to marketing strategy. Like we're not trying to get you a million clients, we're trying to get you fully booked. And so that's a certain number. And if that's what we're aiming for, then we might not even need to go into more public ways of marketing, we might actually be able to get you fully booked by exploring the networks that you already have. And by sharing messages in a powerful way and sharing things in a way that is going to help people say yes, then we can do that. And it can be really useful. So it's really fun working with my clients. And I'd love to work with you. If it's something that you're feeling called to do to help you get that marketing strategy that doesn't feel like hard work, that doesn't feel like you're just doing stuff, because you think you should, but that you're actually doing marketing that doesn't even feel like marketing, it just feels like I'm sharing about my business in a way that feels really joyful and really useful. And oh, look at all these people who are responding to it. So from your marketing strategy, we then go on to Step seven, which is creating your content strategy, planning your content and creating content. So this is again, a place where we are in that beautiful alignment, because we've created a marketing strategy that is going to allow you to be authentic. And you can start creating your content in a way that feels authentic in a way that feels really easy for for you as well, regardless of what platform you're using. Again, this is something that would look very different for every single client of mine, because they're all drawn to different things. They all have areas of genius in different areas. So it's really fun to play with this and see how we can make it really easy instead of something that feels like a huge chore. And if you're feeling like that with your content, the moment you're like oh my god, it's such a chore or I'm just not doing it or I don't know where to start with it or it just feels hard or it feels like I'm getting lost in the noise or I haven't really found my voice. Then this process really helps that it helps you to be really clear on what your content is and how you can create it in a way that is going to feel as easy as possible for you. So that's step seven. And then step eight is making the sale. So making the sale in terms of how do we have those conversations for you know, when people Let us know that they are interested in working with us. Are you going to offer calls? Are you going to be having conversations in Instagram? DMS, Facebook? Are you talking on email? How is that all going to look? And how can you make that a really empowering and supportive experience for whoever you are speaking to,

and I don't do hard sell, I don't do like, I have to get a yes on the phone, or I have to get payment details on the phone, most of my calls would end with like, so happy for you to sit with that and see how that feels. And then they'll often come back and say, yes, I'd love to work with you. I don't do pressure. Because I've been on the receiving end of those sorts of calls, and it feels awful. Nobody wants to feel like they've been backed into a corner and then they're handing over their money, I really don't believe in that way of doing sales. So this is a really empowering, empowered process that I share with my clients to help them make potential help potential clients make really empowered decisions and not feel like they're under pressure, but also be able to see through any of the limiting beliefs that are stopping them. So any of the like, I can't afford it. I don't know if if I have the time, maybe I'm not ready. All of these different things that we will hear that a just a client projecting some limiting beliefs. And I think if we know how to have those conversations, and to help them see like, well, what is it that you truly want? And then what is the chatter that's talking you out of what you want, then we can help them make an empowered decision. And that's always my goal with these type of conversations is that they've made an empowered decision, not that they've necessarily said yes to working with me, usually wonderfully, they're empowered decision is to say yes to working with me, but sometimes it's not. And that is so okay. So I really love sharing that process with my clients as well. So, in a nutshell, that's kind of my eight step process that I take all of my clients through to getting fully booked with, with their own clients, and the other couple of things that I like to support them to do, so that they get clients and repeat because really the best place for us to look for clients is to look at the people who are already working with us, the people who can already see our value. And so that's where we're looking at making sure that we're delivering an amazing experience. How do we do that? What does that look like? How are we going to make it really meaningful? And something I've been really loving doing lately, now that I've taken on some one on one clients, is actually being able to collaborate on that process with them and say to them, what is going to make this an amazing experience? For you? How can I be the best coach that I possibly can be? How often would you like me to check in on you? I also love to find out like, what is their love language? What is their human design? What's their astrology? What's their anagram all of that type of thing, before we work together so that I know that I can be playing to their strengths and honouring what is going to make them feel really seen and really special. And two other things that I want to mention as part of this fully booked and getting clients on repeat and staying fully booked in your business is to make sure that you're delivering an amazing experience for your clients. And this will look different depending on what your offer is and how you like to work with people. In my one on one coaching, I've really been enjoying helping like collaborating with my clients on this now that I've started taking a couple of one on one clients and seeing how nice it is to kind of get to know them and actually say to them, like how can I be of most service to you? Like what do you really need from me? How often would you like to hear from me? How can I check in I knew what's going to help keep you accountable, all of that kind of thing. And I also like to ask them like, what's your human design? What's your love language? What's your astrology? What's your anagram what's what's anything and everything that you know has you've done or completed that feels like it resonates with you. And that will tell me a little bit about them so that I can know them really well. And I can see them really clearly. And I can support them in a way that is specific to them. And it's going to have the biggest impact for them. So it's really worth making sure that you're delivering that amazing experience. And then it's also important to know how to encourage repeat clients to give them a way to continue to work with you how to encourage them to continue to work with you.

How to encourage them to refer other people to work with you and how to ask for testimonials in a way that it's going to give you great testimonials that you can then share and use as your marketing material. So I think sometimes that this whole idea of getting clients feels like it's a bit of a mysterious process and it's something that some people can just do, they're just really magnetic and they get fully booked. And you might be wondering, like why isn't that me? You know, is there something wrong with me? Is there something wrong with my offer? And 99.9% of the time? No, of course there is never Anything wrong with you. And maybe your offer needs a tiny bit of tweaking, but there's nothing wrong with your offer either. It's just that you're not following a process that is going to get you fully booked. And that's what this process is. And this is the process that I have worked for years and years with my clients to help them get fully booked. And it's also what's kept me fully booked in my business for years. So I'm really excited to have boiled it down. And to have actually put it into a programme now that I'm going to be sharing, we actually start on the 25th of July, and I'm welcoming people in now I've had a few people already lock in their spots, which is so exciting. I'm beta testing the programme this round. So it's called fully booked in inflow. And in the beta testing round, it's only half of the investment, that it will be in the future. And I'm also taking a lot fewer people, so you'll have a lot more access to me. I've designed all the content so that it is super simple. It's no fluff, there's no theory, it's really me giving you a little bit of coaching and then you applying everything straight to your business and implementing things so that you can start to see results really, really quickly start to get those inquiries coming in and start to convert clients start getting fully booked with your beautiful dream clients. So it's designed for people who are in service based online businesses. So this is anyone from coaches, consultants, creatives, I've worked with lots of health practitioners over the years, mental health practitioners, counsellors, therapists, I've worked with naturopath, physios, yoga teachers, all of that. So if you fit into that kind of service based category, then this process will really help you. And if you're someone who feels like you would like more clients and you'd like to see a steady flow of clients into your business, you'd like to stop worrying about how to get the next client and to stop feeling like you're just like throwing stuff out there randomly and not getting the conversion that you want to see and feeling like I don't know what's working. And I don't know what's not working. And I don't know how I'm gonna get this fully client load. Because I think this is such a beautiful way to grow a business is to start by growing a one on one client load to where you have enough income to start investing in a bit of support so that you can start outsourcing things free up a little bit of your time. And then you can start creating something that is more scalable, like an online course or a programme. And you can launch that and all the while we're not working longer hours, because we've gotten to a point with one on one clients where you can invest in a little bit of support while also paying yourself really well. And then we're going to use that time that's freed up by the support to create the next phase of your business, which is something scalable, which is where we can start to see those really, really big income months. And you can see that really quick growth and you can make an even bigger impact in your business. So if you're interested in this programme, I've got an application form that I'd love for you to fill out so that I can make sure that you're a really good fit and that I feel like we're totally going to be able to get you fully booked by the end of the three months that we're working together in this programme. And I'll put the application form in the show notes. So you can click the link there, fill it out, send it to me if you don't feel like doing that, or if you have questions, send me an email, jump into my Instagram, DMS. All of that info is also in the show notes. Let me know if you have any questions that I hope even if you're not feeling called to join that programme that this podcast episode has helped you and given you a little bit of insight but I would so love to welcome you into that container so that I can give you all the nitty gritty details and help you see the big impact that this process can have and help you get the clients that you are feeling so ready to get. So once again, thank you so much for joining me this week. And I look forward to seeing you next week with another episode take care beautiful bye


Ep 20. Doing this ONE thing will help your business expand with ease....


Ep 18. Finding your unique voice and being authentic in business