Ep 17. A manifesting trick to increase your income and impact without hard work
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If you've ever felt disappointed about not reaching your goals or getting the results you want in your business, this episode is for you. Using this manifesting hack, you'll get out of your own way and open yourself up to more expansive and abundant possibilities in your business...no hustling required.
You are here because you know that the 'old way' of business (hustling, sacrificing, working to burnout) is not for you. You're here because you know that there's a flow of abundance that you can tap into simply by being YOU and creating from an intuitive, authentic, and inspired place.
This episode will empower you to step into your full potential as an aligned business owner!
Xx Amelia
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Hello, welcome back. How are you? How are you really, I hope that you're well, should we take a little breath together? Use that exhalation let go of any tension, just give yourself a moment to be where you are to take in your surroundings to check in with how you're feeling in your body. Is there anything you need? Water, food, warmth. This is how I do my little mama self care check in moments. So I wanted to share that at the top of this podcast. In case you needed that, because I imagine that you're probably not just sitting down listening to this, you're probably doing something else at the same time. So I hope that helped you get a little moment with you. And I'm looking forward to sharing today, how we can kind of let go of some expectations in our business and create amazing results. And this has come from a conversation I've had with one of my beautiful one on one clients very recently about this feeling of disappointment in business when things don't work out exactly how you want them to. And the pattern that I see. And I've seen this in my own work, and in many of my clients is that sometimes we we start off from this beautiful, intuitive place, and whether that's the birth of the business, or the birth of an offering, where we are so aligned, when we're creating that and going, Oh, my God, like I love this offering, it's going to be so powerful, it's going to be so beautiful. And like I just know, this is exactly what the world needs. And I've created it in a container that allows me to show up as me and allows me to show up 100%, and the pricing feels aligned. And it all of that flows really beautifully. And then when it comes time to launch it, we leave that beautiful, intuitive place in that beautiful place of alignment. And we go up into our head, and we start going well, how many people? Do I need to sign on? How much money do I want to make? What is it? How does what's the most strategic way to do the launch? And how am I going to do you know, what kind of offer am I going to do to bring people in and it all starts to become instead of this beautiful aligned flow, where we're in that knowing of like, this is so important, and this is going to change so many people's lives. And we go into this place of like, pushing and coming from my head. And this is when the expectations start to come in. So we start to think, Okay, well, I want five clients, and I need them by this date. And it has to look like this. And what we do is we almost like suffocate this new, this new chapter or this new offering, and we suffocate a launch with expectations. I kind of think about it as like planting a tree like you've got this, you've got you're planting a seed, and you've got this beautiful seed, which is your new offering, and you're so excited to share it with the world, and you planted in a pot, and then you put that pot in the ground. And so you're really restricting the roots and the growth of this incredible new offering that you've got, because you've put it in this, this container, and that container is made of your expectations. And that's because often our expectations are more limiting version of what is actually possible. So if we're able to let go of expectations, it's not that we're saying I don't care what happens. And like, you know, even though I would love to have this many clients, I'm going to settle for less, it's really not about settling or taking less than what you actually want. Letting go of expectations is about creating more unlimited potential around whatever it is that you're sharing. So if you're sharing a new one on one offering, instead of putting it out there in that little kind of restricted container, it's opening it up to be something far more expansive, because our one human brain cannot, there is just no possible way that it can even comprehend the amount of possibilities and potential that exists for us. Our brains don't work like that our intuition, our souls work like that. And so if we can stay in that place where we're really connected intuitively, and we're connected to that knowing we have in our soul that this is what we're meant to be doing and that this is going to this is what we need to be sharing at this moment, then we are able to expand into this potential that is beyond something that we can even create expectations around. And that's why letting go of expectations is so important for having this business where there is the magic and a business where things happen in a way that feels like I don't even know how this is happening. I
don't even you know, I wasn't even trying to make that happen, but oh my goodness, look at that. That's so amazing. And it's that feeling of like things are falling into your lap. And when we're talking about ease for business, that's what we're trying to create. And it doesn't mean that we're not putting any effort in. But we're not putting effort into hustling and doing and trying and pushing, we're putting the effort into staying in a beautiful, connected place, and embodying that energy of our most expansive and abundant potential without knowing exactly what that looks like. But instead, just knowing what that energy feels like. So that's why we kind of need to let go of expectations in order to create amazing results. In order to allow the magic into our business, we have to let go of these expectations, we have to take that pot off that seed that we've planted, and allow the roots to like expand far and wide further than we ever could have imagined and amount and allow that plant to grow. And for more seeds to fall off that plant and for that plant to germinate. And like that all can happen without us having to do anything in terms of having to hustle, but that if we can stay in that alignment, we will know when we need to act. And I think that's an important part of that aligned business. It's not it's not just about sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It's about being in that flow and being able to tune into Oh, this is the action that I need to take. And that's something that what my client was sort of grappling with of like, well, how do I make things happen? If I'm coming from this intuitive place? Where do I like, you know, how do I not go into hustling and pushing. And so I was supporting her to find that groove. And to find that way of working, that does feel in this beautiful moment, and where it feels like we're, we're letting that guidance come through us. And then we're acting from that place. So what you can do to help you connect with the magic of your business and connect with this more expansive reality is really just to embody the energy that is your most abundant self. And the way when I picture this, I can picture this in myself. And I think this, there's the kind of missing piece that I'll share with you in a moment where I pictured myself on a beach where I've been in the last few months in a place where I would really like my family to call home. And I was this was a real moment in my life where I just had this moment of like total presence and peace and my kids were playing on the beach. And I just felt so me and so present. And so I go back to that moment. And I think what we often do when we're doing this type of work and we're wanting to embody an energy is we can sometimes visualise the surroundings. And I can, for example, I can visualise myself standing on the beach, or you might be able to visualise yourself on your dream trip or in your dream home or holding that beautiful baby, that you're ready to welcome into your family or whatever it is that you're wanting to welcome into your life at the moment. But what we forget to do is to take that next step and let go of that visualisation, let go of the thing that we're looking at and come into our body and actually feel the energy of it and actually feel okay, what does that most abundant version of myself, what does that version of myself with the dream home or with the book, doubt business with the baby with whatever it is? What does that feel like in my body. And so it's that dropping away of that external, and coming into that true energetic experience in your body, and allowing that to lead you and allowing that to be kind of the cornerstone that you're coming back to regularly in order to create that magic. And in order to be somebody who is in flow with your life and who is in flow with the universe and what the universe wants to give you. And you're allowing things to fall into your lap instead of going out and pushing and hustling. And something that you can look out for is when you're going into when am I going into my head when am I telling myself I have to do more in order to receive results? When am I pushing things and working hard so that I can get something instead of surrendering and being open to all of the different possibilities that I can create just by being in my energy and by being open to what comes my way and being open to taking action from that intuitive place instead of from that that hustling place. So just a short episode today but something that I felt called to share after a session with one of my clients and I hope that it helps you to get some insight into perhaps why you're not feeling that flow or perhaps where you're feeling out of alignment or your you'd really love to create that kind of hassle free business but
it's not feeling very hustle free or you feel yourself defaulting back into hard work a lot. Maybe it's because you've you've started off in this intuitive place and then you've gone up into your head and you've started creating expectations and and strict rules and that kind of thing. Around how things need to look in order for you to be able to call it a success. And if you can let go of that tune into the energy of what success feels like and allow the magic to unfold, and allow the universe to kind of serve up to you like, this is what it can look like for you, instead of having that you're just your one human brain trying to figure out what the best possible case scenario is, because it just doesn't know. It's incredibly magical, the shift that that makes, and you'll see more abundance slowly, and you'll feel like oh, my goodness, like, Finally, it's easy. And hopefully, if you are someone who has felt disappointed that things aren't happening as quickly as you want them to in your business, or things aren't happening, things aren't turning out the way that you want them to, then this will help you to embrace the magic and see it all as happening exactly how it's meant to be. And allow you to open up to the True Potential and the true possibility that is there for you. Because I really believe that we start our businesses for a reason. And it's not by accident that you end up doing this work. It's not not everybody wants to have a business and their business that you want to have. That's just for you. And that's because it's something that you're meant to do. And I really think that often we start businesses from this lovely intuitive place of like, I want to do something that is important to me, and something that is meaningful, but not. But then we can sort of go into this more mind driven place where things start to feel a bit hard, and it doesn't feel like we're in our flow anymore. And we're like, I love what I'm talking about. And I love the work that I'm doing. But business is feeling hard, then this will help you kind of step back into that beautiful aligned place. As always, if you have questions, and you want to chat about this in Instagram, DMS or if you'd like to jump into my inbox, I'm so happy to welcome you there. If you're listening to this going, Oh my God, I need help to stay in that beautiful wine place in the shownotes you'll see a few different ways that you can work with me. So you might like to click through there. And I would love to come in and support you in your business to find that alignment. And to step into that magic where things are falling into your lap and where things are feeling easeful. It is so possible, you might even be listening for this being like, I don't think that's possible. I don't think business works like that it does. This is the new way of doing business. This is how we're meant to do business, especially as women and especially as mothers This is how mothers can have the freedom to Mother how they want to mother and to be in and to create abundance for their family at the same time. So if you feel like you want to go deeper on this stuff, I'm here for it. I would love to love to chat to you so you can find out how you can work with me in the show notes. And thank you as always for being here. I'll talk to you next week.
Bye bye