Ep 06. Hustle-free business and letting go of hard work - the mindset and strategy shifts you need to make


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In this episode I share how you can stop working HARD and find more ease and flow in your business. I don't do stressful, I don't do hard work, I don't hustle, I don't sacrifice my health, family or relationships for my business AND it thrives and continues to create beautiful abundance in the form of 10k+ months. This is so possible for you too and this episode will help you unlock ease in your work and a flow of abundance in your business. 

In this episode I share:

- How to tell when you're going into hard work or hustling
- How to shift from working hard to working with ease
- Common mindset blocks around finding ease in your work
- Money mindset shifts to make so that you can let go of hustling
- How to get clear on your purpose and align your business with this
- Practices and rituals that will support you to stay in ease and flow in your businesses
+ lots more!

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Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, beautiful Welcome back. It's so lovely to have you joining me. Before we start, I just wanted to share this hilarious story. Our Lachie’s has invented a game called butthole. Which is not what it sounds like, Don't worry, no need to like call anyone and report us. But he has created this game where you use your finger and you draw a hole on like an invisible hole on the wall or on the floor or on the couch or wherever and then you put your butt in it and then you yell butthole. So that's why if my neighbours happened to be listening, that's why you can hear my toddler yelling butthole multiple times a day. So funny!

Anyway, let's get into the episode. So today, I'm so excited to talk about releasing hard work and creating a hustle free business. I think this is so central to what I do. This is really the biggest change that happened to me since I had Locky. And when I can't work hard anymore, I can't hustle anymore, I have to find a business that feels easy. So that's what I'm going to talk you through today. What that looks like what that means. And then I'm going to share some tips on how you can create less hustle in your business and find more of that flow and that ease. So to me hustling is really this pushing striving energy. It's like doing the things that you think you have to do instead of doing the things that you love to do. And of course, like there are things that we all have do in our business, we all have to pay tax and keep track of our finances and do some of those add many tasks and keep the records and have insurance and those more legal kinds of things. We will have to do those. Yes, I'm not suggesting that if that doesn't light you up that you stop doing that. But apart from that there is actually so little that we have to do. So why do we end up working in a way that burns us out, even when we start our own business. And I've seen this many, many times, I've been business coaching for five, six years now. And we come to our business feeling so excited to work for ourself and do things our way. And then very quickly start getting caught up in the things that we feel like we have to be doing. And I think this is really because hard work for many of us. It's all we know, like, it's so encouraged in our society, like calling someone a hard worker is a compliment. It's something that is rewarded. It's you know, people putting in long hours and people going above and beyond is really something that is like rewarded and put on a pedestal. But what is like the other side of that the other side of that is people who have to give 100% of their life over to their career and have nothing left for them and have nothing left for their relationships and it's this really cool

Almost like enticing trap, I think that we can fall into where it's like if I just work harder, I will be more successful and then it becomes this vicious vicious cycle of the harder you work, the more successful you become. So you'll keep working harder and you keep burning out. And we get in this habit of like, all we know is how to work hard. So we feel every gap in our day, you know, you have a second in your day where you could sit and breathe and just be in a beautiful present space. But instead you're like, oh, no, I'll grab my phone, I'll send a message, I'll pay a bill, I'll do that thing that I have to do, we start to feel like, Oh, I've got a bit more energy. And then we add more things to our plate, we never just go, Oh, that's so nice. I'm going to keep that energy in my body, we're like, I'm going to use that I'm going to do something with it. So it's this idea of like, we're filling every gap, we're trying to do everything better, we're trying to be more do more. And obviously, I'm not saying that we don't want to grow and continue to be more evolved humans. But this is not really that this is that hard work, and you'll know it you will have done it, when you are just pushing so hard. And making things happen from this place of force instead of from a place of flow. Hard work is that work that makes you feel mentally drained, it makes you feel emotionally drained, physically drained, it makes you feel like you're in competition and makes it feel like the value that you get back or the rewards that you get back or the income that you get back is dependent on how much it takes from you. So if I have to give up all of this energy, and I have to give up my well being and all of my time, then I'll be rewarded by financial success or recognition. Because I've given so much. It's this real deficit model, isn't it, it's this complete deficit way of thinking of like, I have to be in lack in order to get something. And it is not real. It's not true. It's it's a limiting belief. And it's such a pervasive limiting belief. It's everywhere. If you as I'm talking like this is totally a limiting belief for me, like I am so stuck in this hard work cycle. A couple of episodes, I talked you through my process for releasing limiting beliefs. So after you listen to this, you might like to go and visit that episode, if you haven't listened to it yet. And try working through the hard work stuff that you have with that process that I share. Because we don't have to sacrifice in order to be worthy in order to be worthy of everything that you want the income that you want. The life that you want all of your desires, you're so worthy of them just by being you. And I feel like that's almost what I'm constantly guiding my clients back to is like, you don't have to be anything you have to be more you. The more you you are, the more authentic you can be in every area of your life. But in your business especially. That is how we create this beautiful flow where business feels amazing. And you feel really nurtured by doing your work. And the Abundance flows to you the income comes. But it's without hard work. I had a really interesting experience of this like a little while ago. And I feel like I'm constantly getting these reminders from the universe that's like, you don't have to work hard, you just have to be you. And then everything will work for you. So a while ago, I was just reaching out to a lot of people who are in my orbit who've expressed interest in working with me at some point as I sometimes do. And I reached out to a whole lot of people. And at first it felt really good. And it felt really aligned what I was sharing with them. But when I was finished kind of reaching out to the people I wanted to reach out to, I felt really drained. And I was like Okay, that's interesting. And this is a perfect example of how hard work is this continuous dance and stepping out of this place of hard work and into a place of ease and just having things flow to you without you having to do to do it's a continuous dance. I was talking to my kinesiology just about it the other day. And I said to her, God, there are so many layers to this hard work stuff. And I really feel that I feel like I'm constantly shedding layers of like, okay, I made that harder than I needed to. So I was reaching out to all these people and it felt good at the time but then afterwards, I felt drained. So something I've just gotten in the habit of like okay, take note of that, that felt draining, we're not going to do that again. We're going to be more aware we're going to like why I was what what about that was me working too hard. And then a few minutes after I'd finished I got a message from someone I hadn't reached out to going hey, I'd love to join your mastermind. I'm really excited to work with you. Can you send me the payment details?

And I was like this is so the universe showing me that look how hard I tried or not. I didn't try super hard, but look at look at me trying with all of these people, and then someone I didn't even try with. It's like, yep, yep, I'm ready. So I am constantly getting lessons like this, I think if you're listening to this, you might even find that if you stop paying attention, you're getting lessons of this. It's that old, like, you go on holiday, you get inquiries, because you're in this beautiful flow instead of trying too hard to make things happen. So I feel like I'm constantly being taught and constantly being reminded, like, stop working hard, stop trying hard, be you be in your magic be in your flow, and then we can send you more and more abundance. Because hard work is on its way out with, you know, this very male dominated, masculine dominated way of doing business, not that I actually not in love with the whole feminine masculine terminology, now that I feel like we're a little bit more aware around genders, but you get what I mean, it's that real kind of competitive striving, pushing come like, Do do do work, work, work to get the results, energy, and we're so shifting away from that into this beautiful place, that is more of that feminine feel, and more of that flow, and more of that receiving and being just you in order to create what you want to create. And I love every time I see any business coaching, talking about alignment, and because it's such an important piece, it's so key for us to be able to have that and often to be in alignment is not actually working hard. So it's to be in alignment with what our soul wants to do is not pushing, it's not striving, it's not hustling, it's being in flow, it's being well rested, it's being filled up, it's being lit up by the work that you do. And then seeing the incredible abundance that flows from that. I think this hard work as well often has like money as the be all and end all. Like if I just work hard, I'll make this much per month, or I'll have this you know, six figure seven figure or whatever it is business. And you when we get really focused on that we're coming from this lack place, we go into lack, we go into scarcity, we go into fear, we go, I have to work harder in order to create that abundance. And then there we are in this hard work cycle. I think anyone with a business has probably been there at some point where it's like, Oh, my God, what, like how do I get more income into this business? And the answer is not to work harder, but our mind will tell us that and it's very convincing. And it's very enticing that we often take that and go, okay, yeah, I'm gonna post more on social media, I gotta send more emails, I got to do more, I've gotta like growing run an event that I don't really want to do. But I'm going to do it because I have to do it. And I should do it. And that's what other people seem to be doing. So we have to be able to let go of that hard work in order to have that business that is aligned. And when I became a mum, I was like, I have this beautiful little child and I don't have the energy I used to have like, I actually can't go into hard work, I don't have the time I have really, and I can't go into hard work around my business anymore, I have to go into flow. And it helped me shift so much in terms of like what I thought I could earn, based on how many hours I worked in that container thing you would have heard me talk about this before, maybe but I basically dropped down to about a quarter of the hours I previously worked and maintain my income. And the biggest part of that was the mindset work and letting go of the hard work. And it's something I'm continuously doing in my business, and being supported to do by different mentors and coaches along the way. So let's talk about how we create that hustle free business. What do we need to be doing? How do we check in on ourselves and make sure that we're not in that hard work state? Because if this idea is new to you, or if all you know is hard work, like how do you tell the difference? And so when it comes to creating that aligned business, what we have to start with is like, what is my purpose? What feels purposeful to me? And I know that's a big question.

But you don't have to download your purpose into like a neat little sentence. That's not how it has to look. Your purpose can be the things that you love to do what comes really naturally to you. What would you do anyway, without being paid for it? What are you thinking about anyway? What do you really want to do? Like, let your desires lead you to your purpose? It doesn't have to be this lightning bolt mode.

Moment of realisation of like, oh my god, I'm here to like, you know, cure something or do this huge thing. Like maybe your purpose is to do work that feels really purposeful to you and just to be you, and I think at the core of everyone's purpose, that's it is just to be yourself. So getting clear on what makes you feel like you, when do you feel most yourself? What lights you up? What do you have endless energy for? What can't you stop thinking about, and maybe we can start to weave that in your work, you don't have to weave everything that makes you feel that way into your work, either. But it's a really good place to start to go. What feels really exciting to me and allow that to guide you towards the work that you want to do, then we need to be clear on how that looks, you know, once you've figured out okay, um, you know, I feel like my purpose is helping people to become healthier versions of themselves, or I feel like my purpose is creating incredible spaces for people to live in. Whatever your purpose is, then we need to come to how do I want to work? In an ideal world? What would my work week look like? Instead of like, oh, well, you know, I used to work nine to five, I guess it would be good to work three days a week or like, so often, we kind of work backwards from what we don't want. When we're creating a vision for our life or creating a structure around our business. We're working back from like, I don't want there. So I'm going to do this. What I love to do is go in an ideal world, how would it look? And let's work from there. Let's work from this ideal world place of how do you want to work? Because I so often will have clients say to me, like I'd really love to do this. Like, I'd really love to run a group programme. But I don't want to do video content. But I know I have to because you know, that's just something you have to do. And I'm always like, no, if you don't want to do it, then don't do it. We'll do an audio, we'll do audio, or we'll do something else. We'll do like presentations, and you can do audio with that or whatever. Like there are so many options. We don't have to do the things that we don't want to do in our work. So getting clear on how do I want to work and just like the whole hard work story. This is a continuous process. It's something we need to be continually checking in with ourselves. Does this feel good? Do I love working like this? Or do I not really love working like this? Did I think that was good? You know, did that work? Well for me last month and this month. It's not. We're allowed to be flexible with this. And I think if we can think of it as like a picture that is continuously crystallising and becoming clearer and clearer as we have every experience in our work of like, wow, that felt amazing. That came so easily. That was incredible, too. That didn't feel good. I didn't like doing that. So we're we're learning every single day in our business of like, okay, so this is what I need to lean into more. And if we're not looking out for it, we'll miss it because we're so used to work having to be hard that when it is we don't bat an eyelid. You know, we're like, oh, yeah, that was hard. I feel exhausted, like, all I want to do is sit on the couch and like, you know, I delete my brain in front of some mindless TV, we need to be seeing that as a sign of like, okay, so what I did today was not completely in that alignment, because it was too hard, because I was trying too hard for that. So we're continuously doing this. But if we can start at the beginning, from this place of in an ideal world, how do I want to work? And really focusing on that? How many hours do I want to work? What feels good for me? How can I work in a way that allows me to do what I want to create what I want to create, and not have to do anything because I see other people doing it or because I worked with a coach who told me I had to do it that way. Or I've done a course that said, here's the system, do it like this, even though it doesn't feel right to you. You've got to be coming back to this like what feels good for me. I also want you to pay attention to how do you switch off from work because a lot of the time when we're in this hard work state, we our mind kind of gets us caught in this story of where you've got to be on all the time. If you're not thinking about business all the time, it's going to fall flat. It's not going to grow. You have to kind of be in business mode all the time. And that's when you're like lying down to sleep at night and you're like Bing bing, bing, bing, bing, oh, I should do this. I've got to do this. And your brain is going crazy because you haven't switched off from your business. So we need to be able to create a business structure that allows you to work the way that you want to create exactly what you want to create. Share your magic share from your heart share these things that like set your world on fire and set everyone else's world on fire.

And then switch off and close your laptop or whatever you're working on and go, I'm done now, and I'm here, I'm back in my body. And I'm not running through all of the things that I should be doing and have to be doing. Of course, there are times where our business is on our mind more than more and more. And, you know, I know there are times for me where the creative energy is just like, surging, and there's so much coming through. And that's kind of different, I think it's like the hard work. Energy is like, oh, I should do this, I have to do this, I got to do this, what's this thing, maybe I'll do this course, it's this like, not enough energy. Whereas that creative energy, when you're thinking about your business, outside of the time that you work is like, Oh, my God, this idea, I've got to do it like this, and this and this. And it's like those insights that are dropping through, they're very worth keeping track of and jotting down in a notebook or on your phone. So notice which of those you're in, you know, if you're going to sleep at night, and you've got that beautiful surge of creative energy, it's probably worth jotting down some of those things that are coming through for you in terms of ideas. But if you've got this, like, I'm not doing enough energy, here's a list of all this other stuff I could be doing, then that's a sign that there's too much hard work in your business. To create this hassle free business, something that is so important, is working with a coach who gets this who gets this way of doing business who gets this, like not hard work, and your you know, the coach, you know, you'll spot them, and they will talk about alignment. And they will talk about business in a way that you're like, Oh, my God, like, that makes me feel so happy in my heart, because it makes it sound so possible, and it makes it feel like I'm not having to sacrifice and you'll be able to spot the other coaches who are in that hard work. And they might be getting incredible results. But they're a little bit more hardcore, they're a little bit more, this is how you got to do things. Here's my system, here's my framework, whatever it is, you'll know trust your gut on those coaches that know this type of business, and those coaches that are still finding their way there. Because I do believe that

maybe maybe it will take many, many years. But in the future, this is how we know business will be done. It will be this this energetic alignment, it will be such a core part of it. But it is something that is just kind of coming into the world at this moment. So work with a coach who gets to work with a coach who will continuously be guiding you back to what do you want to do? How do you want to do this? And who will be able to say to you, you don't have to do that in your business, okay? Because if you've got someone who's like, I know, you don't want to do this, but we've got to do this, then they may not kind of fully be understanding this type of ease for business in this hustle free business. You've got to be okay with saying not for me, I think that's so important in this hard work pieces going that just doesn't feel right for me letting your intuition come in. And intuition doesn't have to be as complicated as we sometimes think. Like, do you want to do something? Does it excite you? Then do it? Do you not really want to do something does it make you feel contracted and like you can't be bothered, then don't do it. And that will genuinely take you towards this place of like hustle free, no hard work business. Go with what energises you and lights you up that goes without saying, switch off from the noise of your industry or your niche switch off from this is what everybody else is doing. So that you can start to be clear on what you want to do. And you're not getting not getting confused and not getting clouded by Oh, that person's doing amazing. And they're doing this because even if you are finding someone else in that beautiful, incredible aligned flow, the point there is to see that they are doing this beautiful ease for aligned business. The point there is not to copy their business because what feels aligned for them will not feel aligned for you.

Another really important way to journey from hard work to hassle free business is to make time in your business for meditation and for receiving guidance. Just last episode, I shared a meditation that will help you tap into guidance around what needs to happen for your your business to become more abundant, and what your most abundant and expansive life looks like. So if you haven't had a chance to do that meditation, then you might like to take a moment or two to do that later on. When you're creating business practices that are tapping you into your heart and your soul. It's so much easier to stay in that alignment. So having meditation as part of your business like you know that when you come to work, that the first thing you do is you meditate and you tap into God

guidance are you journal and you create, you create space for insight to come through. And when you finish your work you allow yourself to like, switch off from the work and be present in the rest of your life so that more insights can come through around every part of your life. We've got to have that as part of our business practices, I'm constantly checking in with my intuition with spirit guides, with universal energy with how I'm feeling as to how does this business need to look, I'm not looking at, you know, oh, I've got to create this funnel, because that person told me to, it's so much more in that feeling space of what lights me out what feels excited, and it feels exciting. And then having the meditation practice is so incredible for the guidance, because your heart and your soul know the full potential, they are so much more limitless than anything in our external world. So when you can tune into those, you'll see new ways that might not even exist in the world around you, but you'll see them for yourself. So it's such an important part of the business. And as the way in the line of business, it makes you feel amazing to makes you feel more connected to you, which is only going to make you a better mother and a better partner, and a better friend, and just feel like a more grounded, connected peaceful human, which is a really nice way to feel. And that's how our businesses can make us feel if we have this alignment piece. If we have this work around hard work and releasing the hard work, if we're doing that, then that's how our business can feel. So those some tips, I'm going to wrap it up now I really hope that this episode has helped you and given you some food for thought if you're feeling a little bit stuck in hard work or wondering how you can create a business that is actually easy for having Yeah, just releasing that hustle, because it's such a foreign thing for a lot of people. So don't worry if you're sort of like, I don't even know if this is possible. Like it sounds great. But is that even possible, then, know that you're hearing this because this is what's meant for you you're not meant to be working hard. You're not meant to be sacrificing you're meant to feel energised and present and excited by your work and your mothering and your family and your friends and your life in general. So we'd love as always to chat with you about this episode. If you have feedback for me jump into my DMs. Let's talk if you enjoyed it and want to leave a review, I would be forever grateful. It really helps me in getting more years on the podcast. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for joining me. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

Thank you so much for tuning into abundant Mama's with me, Amelia Anderson. If you've enjoyed this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review and share it around. Make sure you tag me if you share on Instagram Amelia dot Anderson dot coach. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the upcoming episodes. And I'll see you next week.


Ep 07. Define what success means to YOU & energetically align with your business goals


Ep 05. Connect with your Expanded Life and Business Vision - Meditation